Chapter 21

1430 Words

Chapter 25-01 I woke up with a sound and painful headache the next morning due to the amount of tears I cried myself to sleep. Just thinking about it, their face, the hurt and damage I did brought fresh tears to my eyes. Judging by the silent atmosphere, they left me and never came back. I wish I could turn back the hands of time, I hate this trip, I even hate myself more for my stupid ego. I sat up checking the time on my phone 10:15am, it's so going to be a long day. I just didn't picture my first trip with them will be my worst in life but here I am crying my eyes out for my stubborn and stupid attitude. I stood up walking like a deranged zombie towards the room, hair sticking out in various places, eye bags as puffy as a f*****g meatball and then I heard the doorbell. Maybe it's them,

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