Chapter 20

1031 Words

Chapter 24-03 "Will you stop giving them go ahead signs when you're with us. I won't think twice to remove their lustful look on what's ours." Of course it's Damon. Who else? Rolling my eyes. "Can you both stop with these your possessive claims, I don't fancy it anymore and I'm single so let them have their lustful looks I'm not complaining." Slamming his cutlery on the table. "You will say no more if you don't want to get me more angry than I already am. Nothing can separate us." Damian look calm but really furious but I'm done caring, I've heard enough from them. "Yeah right. When you both are done with your alpha male caveman attitude meet me later but for now stay away from me." Slapping the napkin down annoyance, I stood up and left. The nerve of them sticking claim on me. Do I l

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