Chapter 7

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Chapter 10-02 OK, OK, OK. I miss you and whatever happened in the elevator was a mistake just a spur of the moment." She lie. Wrong move because they knew she enjoyed it more than anything and tried lying to cover it up. As much as she denies her attraction for her bosses, they knew she yearns for them. So they vowed to break her strong hold and make her love them immensely. "Yeah right, whatever that makes you sleep at night." Damian mocks her sarcastically as Damon takes over. "OK Princess you'll handle for now and when we come back we need to talk. Have in mind you have nowhere to run, so be a good girl and wait for our arrival." "Ye..Yes Damon I'll be a good for you, both of you." She stutters assuring him which made them chuckle. They two bade her goodbye and prepared for their journey home. Daisy's POV Why do you I always feel shy around these two? Even when they're not around I can't help but feel weak hearing their beautiful voice. Not only is my mind playing tricks on me, my hormones just have to join and gang up on me. I just can't fight this alone as my body keep responding to their seductions, if that's what I'll call their successful plans. I can still feel the softness of their lips when they both kissed me. I could taste the sweetness of their lips on mine as my finger ran along my lips. Damon kissed me like a thirsty soul waiting to quench the dying thirst, tender and sweet while Damian kissed like he claimed my soul, dominating yet calm. Both were perfect and for my first kiss, I don't regret how our lips moved in sync. Their touches OMG!!! sweetest feeling ever and I let them take control over my body. I gave them my first kiss, my first touch, my first orgasm, my bosses took most of my first in a matter of few minutes and I did nothing to stop them. Maybe that's because you enjoyed it and you wanted it more than you believe. I'm such a slut. I should be ashamed of what I did but truthfully I don't and I don't know why. All this is just confusing me, lusting after my bosses and two of them at that. It's like I'm hanging on a thin thread about to fall into an abyss. Their burning inferno, knowing I will soon burn and not a tad bit scared. My soul feels at peace with them, my body reacts to their presence but yet something about them yells to me it's too real to be true. When they find out I'm still a virgin I'm so gonna be their goner. I don't want them to run away from me, maybe it's for the best since I'll die a virgin staring at them from afar for the rest of my life. Tsk tsk tsk. Someone's ship have gone deep in the Adams waters. "Oh Daisy! Daisy! Daisy! you're letting your guard down. You are meant to enjoy your job, salary, luxury and travels with a sexy man by your side. Not two who are your bosses." Groaning, I say aloud reprimanding myself. "Man! Yes man! That's it, I've gotten the solution. I need to go out and have a date. Jer knows how to help." I jump happily picking up my phone. "Hi Jer, miss me?" "OK what do you want?" he sigh. "I've finally decided to take up your brilliant advice and go out specifically to a club." "Wow didn't see that coming. I'm so happy for you Dai Bae." he squeals. "But I need wardrobe advice since I don't do clubs. I'll be going with my colleagues and I don't want to be amongst the Fashion Police gossip list." "Don't worry, you'll be the centre of attraction and luckily for you I don't need to stress much cause I have the most beautiful Bae ever." Thank you so much Jer, anyway gotta go. Kisses." I hung up laying to sleep with a smile on my face. Addy and Jakey have been trying to crack my nuts and force me out of my shell for weeks now but always fail. Now I'm ready to accept their invitation, have fun and get a man. With a smile on my face I slept off. * Happily I stood up from my office and went to say the good news to them. Stepping out of my office, I got eyes glued on me. Guys gawking at my physique, ladies admired and waved to me which I waved back while some gave me the stink eye. Not that it mattered to me, I just wasn't affected at all. "There you both are, I've been looking all over for you fishes." I say. "Well I was having difficulty in operating this photocopying machine so I called Jake to help out." Addy spoke. "Well what can I say, I gotta save the damsel in distress." Jacob said cockily touching an invincible moustache. He's such a handsome guy but nothing compared to the twins. We both laugh at his act. "So I'm ready to party hard with you guys and what better way to break the news than to say it." I said taking Queen's bow dramatically. "Really!" Addy squealed happily. "We're so gonna have fun and let loose this weekend, dibs on drinks." I groan knowing such a light head I am. "I get to go out with two pretty ladies the whole night and probably get a nice ass that night. How you've blessed me my stars." He proclaimed with both hands join in a pray sign while looking up. ?Are you for real right now? That's the stupid idea sprouting from your sick brain." Addy smacks his head and I tried to stifle my giggles. "What! Can't a guy dream again. As much as I'm not a Disney fan, now I do believe in wishes, I do I do. Dreams come true." He says dreamily. "OK Jacob the dreamer, enjoy it while you can then snap out of your illusion before it's too late." I chuckle watching the two bicker front and back in the small room. "Whatever spoilsports." He rolls his eyes at us. I left them and went back to my office anticipating a wild weekend of fun. Finally fun at last. So she thought.
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