Chapter 6

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Chapter 9-01 They twins left shortly with their beta as they cancelled their meetings for the day heading home to discuss more pressing matters. They stopped at their building waiting for their beta who drove behind them, owning the last floor to one of their buildings which is a pent house. The three men majestically waltz into the building having the aura of gods with the s*x ooze. People gave way for them, whispering started, everyone just couldn't get their eyes off these fine specimen. Women lusting over their body, men feeling intimidated by these powerful men. The twins were used to this feeble human lust and cravings so why not give them a show every time as they went towards the private elevator. Ding* "Now cut the crap and tell us what's the matter." Damon's booming echoed as he opened a bottle of expensive wine. "I haven't even settled and you're throwing questions my way, is that how your momma taught you to treat your guests?" Nate teased his friend faking a British accent. "Forget the shenanigans, we know you Nate. You only come to the human world for adventures or bring us home, and I'm positive it's the latter." Damian chirped in flopping on the couch in his sweatpants. "While you two are trying to drill me, I'll be in the kitchen drilling food in my stomach because I'm hungry." Not sparing them a glance, he stood up and left to rummage the fridge at a quest to defeat the dark lord Hunger. "So have you both gotten a solution to being Mateless because I'm sure Aunt's gonna drill you both again." Nate spoke as they lounge in the parlour. "Well it's not as if you ain't mateless also but to answer your question, Yes. We've actually found the best solution to stop mum's whining about grandkids." Damon retorts with a huge grin while sipping his alcoholic beverage. "Holy cow! Really! Because if you're joking well I leave that to an angry vampire to get my revenge." He laughs cringing at the thought of the twins mother. "Will you shut it man, unlucky for your evil mind. We found our mate." Damian smiling. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1 "s**t! s**t! s**t! I'm so happy for you both." A happy Nate said. But with an angry look he stood and smack both twins at the back of their heads. "Oww! What was that for?" Both twins grumble. "And that's for keeping it from me, your best friend, brother and beta. Guess I'm no longer worth it." He gave a pout. "Awww, is the big bad wolf sad?" Damian coos as Nate slaps his hand away that tried reaching for his cheeks. "Now tell me is she a vampire or werewolf, if not which of the mystic world is she from? Is she tall or short, beautiful with curves at the right places. How did you meet her? Don't leave any details out, so start talking both of you." The twins laugh at their beta's serious but curious face. Nate has always been around for them, sharing both in happiness and pains. They were so lucky to have a brother in him, from when all three where toddlers playing in the sand, to teens charming the girls and now as adults. They kinda felt bad since they've found their mate but he hasn't. As much as Nate's a charmer, he has the sweetest heart and was loved by all. "Well, we didn't get to her first, she came to us. Technically." Damian say. "We had an opening for the position of our PA since we fired the last one due to her misconduct in seducing us her bosses." He continued. "Gosh I hate that b***h with fake boob's and fake ass, painted face. In fact everything about her disgust me and I'm glad we did it." Damon chirped in. "Man none of your PA ever lasted more than three months and I thought I was the only one who saw her fake self, jeez she even tried to seduce me." Nate shivers thoughtfully. 'Yikes that was a demon in human form, so continue your story." "We smelt her and guess what? She's human." Damian said. "What!!! A human mate. How will she manage? Hold on, have you told her what you are?" Nate voice booms across the pent house, worried about their so-called human mate forgetting his drink splashed on his slacks in shock of the news. "Calm down bro, we're not trying to scare her away. Let her just get comfortable with us plus we ain't in a rush, only then would we tell her and bring her home but for now, we keep the pace slow." Damon spoke softly. "Yeah right, like how you where slow in the elevator this morning and not rushing." Darius mocked Damon. "Shut it, I thought I blocked you out. Your say in this is null besides you enjoyed whatever happened." Damon fired back. "Can you two shut it and stop bickering at each other." Damian linked them. Specks about the twins is not only that one can the sense each other's feelings as a special bond. They can hear when the other communicates with their hybrids. Sucks right. "When you two are done, have in mind your attention is needed at the palace and I was told to bring you home." Nate casually said as if used to them zoning out most times while cleaning his mess. "Do you have any idea why we are called?" Damon groans hiding his face in the throw pillow. 'We've been having series of missing clan members from wolf packs for some time now from rogues attack and your father is worried. We don't know who they are but I know they are very sharp and fast." Nate spoke sadly. "Don't worry we'll take the jet back first thing tomorrow. Try and get some rest and if you need us, find us in the office." Damon said. Moving to their office to call Daisy and inform her to take care of their schedules till they are back in town. "Hello Princess, how are you doing?" "I'm fine Damon, why did you call my private line?" She replied. "Well I missed you and I want to hear your voice or is it such a bad thing." He smiles knowing Daisy is all red in blush. "Uh uh, it's fine. Where is Damian?" "Here baby girl, did you miss me because I swear on my breathe I miss your beautiful face." "Stop Damian, you just saw me few hours ago." 'A few hours too long. Best hours of my life though, I still get a hard on thinking of it. Are you telling me you don't miss me especially our morning session." "Damiannnnnnnnn." He laughs hearing her whine his name.
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