Chapter 16: Little Wolf

1682 Words

Dylan Justin let me ride with him home. I have to admit it's a nice car, but it's not my ideal car. Mine is a 1969 Chevy Camaro. I'm happy for Jay though. Niky also got a nice car. I'm happy for both of them. I can't wait until I can drive. I've started driver's Ed, but it'll be a while before I can start driving on my own. Meg was looking for an old beetle but didn't find one that she liked, so Meg didn't get her car, but Dad said there is another show next weekend and maybe there will be one there. Meg's party was in a few hours and the girls would be getting ready. We are having the party at Macy's house. All of the girls would head there to get ready. All of us boys will probably play video games and get ready at the last minute. Meg wanted it to be semi-formal so I'll be wearing a

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