[The Trybid Chronicles 1] Fated at First Sight

[The Trybid Chronicles 1] Fated at First Sight

magical world
coming of age
first love


An ancient prophecy

Three kids

Two sides

One goal

What more could you ask for?

All Niky, Justin, and Dylan wanted was to be normal, but no. Instead they get thrust into a war between the supernatural heaven and hell. What happens when the good guys aren’t necessarily the good guys? Will they learn to navigate their new found powers and destiny or will their world crumble at their feet?

Follow our heroes in the First installment of The Trybrid Chronicles: Fated at First Sight as they take on the forces of good and evil.

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“They will return, And when they do they will bring with them The power to make or break the world.” Lorelie of the High Council It was two in the morning on June 10, 1999. Anna Omsford lay in bed staring at the ceiling. Her husband Tanner lay silently beside her. Her stomach had hurt all day, but she had chalked it up to Braxton hix. She wasn’t due for another month. After another ten minutes of lying there, Anna felt warm liquid running down her leg. Thinking that she had accidentally wet the bed, she shook her husband awake. “W-what?” He asked, half asleep. “Honey, I think I wet the bed.” She whispered embarrassedly. “Will you change the sheets while I clean up in the bathroom?” “Of course, love.” He mumbled and moved to get out of bed. Anna slowly pulled herself off the bed. Her baby bump made it hard to move. Waddling into the bathroom, she turned on the shower. She was about to peel off her nightgown when she realized she was covered in blood. Before she could call out, Tanner burst into the bathroom. “Blood!” That was the last thing she heard before her entire world went black. Anna woke to the sound of beeping monitors. Tanner was holding her hand tightly, his face was tear-streaked, and his eyes were red and swollen. “Tanner?” She croaked out. “What is the matter?” “They had to do an emergency c-section, my love. We lost one of the twins, and the other is in critical condition.” He replied quietly. Anne felt like her body had turned to stone. She felt completely numb. “Which one did we lose?” knowing he would understand her question. “Jaden. Justin is in the NICU, but they say it’s not looking too good. Tanner whispered, tears streaming down his face once more. No more was said. There was no need. The Omsfords grieved for the son they had lost and the one they might lose. Claire Stars was sitting in the foyer when her water broke. She stood up and calmly walked to her husband’s office without panicking. “Daniel, it’s time,” Claire told her husband. “My water just broke.” Daniel Stars dropped his pen in shock. Jumping out of his chair, he used his vampire speed to pick her up and rush her to the car. Once she was buckled up, he ran back inside, grabbed the hospital bag, locked the door, and was back in the car in seconds. Trying to go the speed limit but slightly panicked, Daniel drove the twenty minutes to the hospital in under ten minutes. He had to remind himself that this was a human hospital, so he needed to play it cool. As calmly as possible, he walked inside. “Excuse me, but I need a wheelchair; my wife’s water broke.” “Yes, of course.” The guy behind the counter said, standing up. “There is no need to get me a wheelchair, Daniel.” Her British accent came out thicker as she panted. “Please, dear, do not be stubborn now, and let us wheel you to labor and delivery.” He sighed. “Very well.” She responded. “Well, hurry up, don’t just stand there.” Daniel gave the nurse an apologetic look. A few minutes later, Claire was being helped onto a bed, nurses hooked her up, Kendall Brooks, Claire’s OB, was called, and soon everything was rolling. “Hello, your majesty,” Kendall said with a big smile. “Are you ready to get these babies out?” “Yes, please!” Claire cried out. “Alright, here we go then,” Kendall told the Queen. “When I tell you to push, start pushing.” Claire nodded, too winded from the contractions to actually respond. “Okay, your majesty, push!” Kendall commanded. Nine hours later, on June 25, 1999, two Identical baby girls were born. Their names were Princess Amber Marie and Princess Niky Rose. They were absolutely perfect to Queen Claire, but for Daniel, he knew those two little girls would be his entire world. Daniel wheeled Claire down to the nursery the next day to see their baby girls. Another couple was standing there looking in through the window. The woman was small, with long blonde hair. The man beside her was much taller, with dark hair and a short beard. “Which one is yours?” The woman asked quietly, barely turning to look at them. “The two little girls over there by the wall,” Claire responded. “And you?” “The little boy, next to one of your girls.” She responded. Her voice was soft but sad. “My name is Anne, by the way.” “Nice to meet you. I am Claire, and this is my husband, Daniel.” The Queen replied. “This is my husband, Tanner.” Anne told them. “Pleasure to meet you both.” Tanner nodded to them. “So twins, huh?” “Yes.” Claire responded cautiously. “Justin was a twin, but there were some complications,” Anne whispered. “I am very sorry for your loss,” Claire said, grabbing Anne’s hand without thinking. For some reason, Claire felt a strong connection to this woman. She had never felt an instantaneous bond with anyone but her husband before. They sat there for a while, watching the babies. Talking Mom to Mom. Claire learned that baby Justin had been in the NICU for over two weeks without improvement. The doctors had warned the Omsfords to be prepared for anything. When the nurse came in for rotations, the parents noticed that as soon as baby Justin was moved away from baby Niky, his stats dropped, and the little Princess started wailing. One of the nurses calmly picked up Niky and moved her to be with the little boy as if she had done this before. Both couples shared a confused look as both babies calmed. Kendall walked out of a nearby door and spoke to the nurses. “Is everything alright?” Kendall asked. “Yes, it just seems that these two are inseparable.” One of the nurses told her. “Whenever we move one from the other, they start crying.” “Intriguing,” Kendall said as she turned around. That’s when she saw the parents of both babies. She walked out of the nursery and made her way to both sets of parents. “The girls are doing wonderful, Mrs. Stars,” Kendall told Claire. She made sure not to say your majesty, even though it felt wrong. Then turning to the Omsfords, she said, “Justin is also doing very well, but with that in mind, I think Niky and Justin have great things in store for them.” She bid them farewell and went down the hall to get some food. With those words fresh in their minds, the Omsfords and the Stars started a beautiful friendship and a lifelong adventure. ***** On May 20, 2000, Anna sat at the Star residence. She was pregnant again; this time, she had made it nine months. She had taken extra precautions this time around. Claire had sent a handmaid to get Anna a glass of water. Their friendship had deepened this last year. The Omsfords had been able to take baby Justin home a week after the little Princesses had been born. It was a miracle. Looking at him now, you would have no idea that Justin had been born early. As both Moms watched, Justin was playing with the twins in the living room. The Stars and the Omsfords learned many things about each other during this time. Claire and Daniel had learned that Tanner was a werewolf and that Anna was human, and in turn, Anna and Tanner had learned that Daniel was a vampire and Claire was a Queen and an Angel. It strengthened their relationship. “Are you excited about the baby?” Claire asked. “Yes, I am so ready for him to arrive.” Anna laughed. “Did you decide on a name?” Claire asked, smiling warmly at her friend. “Yes, we have decided on the name Dylan,” Anna said. “Claire dear, can you help me up? I need to use the bathroom.” “Of course.” Claire said as she stood up. Claire was surprised that she had maintained her friendship with Anna. She had never had a friend before. Being Queen meant she had to keep to herself, or so she thought. “Oh darn,” Anna muttered as warm liquid spilled down her leg. “My water broke.” Claire called for the handmaid, Kira. “Call Daniel and Tanner, please, and ask Nanny Monique to watch the girls and Justin tonight.” “Of course, your majesty.” Kira bowed and ran off. Moments later, Daniel and Tanner arrived, and all four rushed to the car. They didn’t notice the figure outside on the nursery balcony as they left. The figure waited until they were gone, then he turned to the glass doors and slipped inside. Monique had put the children to bed as requested. She was on her way back down the hall when she heard a blood-curdling wail from the nursery. Gavin, the guard on duty, rushed past her to the nursery. When Monique arrived, a man lay dead on the bright blue and white carpet. Gavin had ripped his throat out. She ran towards the cribs and gagged at the sight. Princess Niky’s throat had been cut. There was so much blood. Monique screamed and began to sob. The little Princess had been her favorite. Gavin’s eyes clouded over as he informed Daniel what had happened. The other two babies were unharmed, thank goodness. Gavin called Chloe the castle physician. When she arrived, she looked over the three babies and called the time of death. “23:14” The Queen and her husband ran in moments later. Claire screamed when she saw her baby girl’s body. The wails filled the halls, and everyone in the castle knew she was mourning her daughter’s death. At 1:30 in the morning, they received the call that Dylan had been born. Claire only nodded as she rocked the little Princess. Daniel had tried to take her, but Claire wouldn’t let anyone touch her. As he hung up the phone and looked at his grieving wife, he saw movement coming from the bundle in her arms. “Claire!” Daniel yelped. “Daniel, leave me, please.” Claire choked out. “I am not ready to part with her yet.” Daniel saw the movement again. “Claire, she’s moving!” “Do not play games with me, Daniel!” Claire screamed at him. Just then, the bundle screamed loudly, and Claire jumped. If not for his quick reflexes, Niky would have hit the floor. Her big golden brown eyes twinkled at him, and she giggled. “H-How?” He stuttered. He was answered by the glint of fangs as she turned and bit down on the hand holding her face. All Daniel could do was laugh with joy. “She’s a vampire?” Claire asked. “Yes, my love,” Daniel answered. “I guess I passed it on after all.” From that day on, Princess Niky was known as the little Princess who lived. The Hybrid Princess. Niky, Justin, and Dylan became best friends, inseparable, or at least that’s what people thought. In July of 2010, the Omsfords moved to California, with them, the end of an era.

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