Chapter 8

2200 Words
Wael Al Dahoudh a journalist of Gaza and bureau Chief of Al-Jazeera in Gaza City will be remembered as a sign of victory and strength for generations to come. Wael lost five members of his family since 7, October 2023. Hamza his elder son who was a journalist too is killed (martyred) in an airstrike on his car. He was traveling with two other Journalists to cover the news. After Wael's son's demise and his funeral prayers and burial, Wael Al Dahoud is already back on the field covering news. What a profound man, a true patriot, and a worrier. Hamza-w-Daoud after his mother's death always used to talk about her and prayed to be united with her. Wael's wife and Hamza's mother, Wael's son and Hamza's brother Mahmoud who was 15 years old, Wael's daughter and Hamza's sister Sham who was 7 years old, and Wael's nephew earlier were killed (martyred) in an airstrike. While Wael and Hamza were at work covering news earlier in December 2023. As the end narrative, the echo of anguish reverberates. A poignant reminder of the enduring suffering and unwavering spirit of the people of Gaza. The stark reality of stolen childhood lives shattered, and futures truncated unfolds against the backdrop of an ongoing conflict that has brought unimaginable catastrophe. The heart-wrenching testimonies from Gaza pierce through the silence, recounting not just the loss of homes, shelter, and basic necessities but the unbearable pain of witnessing loved ones fall victim to violence. A tragedy that transcends any hardship or struggle. As the author of this chronicle, I am at a loss for words to describe the resilient children of Gaza. Their innocence is marred by the daily horror of death and destruction. Their rightful claim to a future free from fear. Their yearning for the joys of childhood that every child deserves. Serves as a rallying cry for global empathy and collective action. The death toll, a stark reflection of the brutal impact of the Israel-Gaza conflict on human lives, begs for a permanent resolution to the root causes. In the face of a devastating humanitarian crisis, where hunger, fatigue, homelessness, grief, and wounds plague the people of Gaza, an urgent plea arises for collective global support to eliminate their suffering. Birth of this short Memorial This memorial is born out of a collective grief felt worldwide, a call for peace and justice for the Palestinian people. The headlines that emerge from Gaza, despite concerns about independent reporting, cyber security, and internet provision, underscore the vulnerability of essential services and the deprivation of basic human rights. The destruction of 92 universities and schools, the ruins of infrastructure, the disconnection of education efforts, and the reduction of medical and residential facilities to rubble paint a dark and grim picture. The UN Secretary-General writes that 144 members of our UN family have been killed in Gaza. He said it's the largest single loss of life in the history of the UN Organization. In the face of the magnitude of this disastrous catastrophe... a stark reminder, of the immediate need for empathy, solidarity, positive thoughts, and a collective commitment to peace becomes apparent. The urgency of an immediate and permanent ceasefire cannot be overstated. The humanitarian crisis, the violence endured by the Palestinian people. The sacrifices made for the hope of the sovereignty of the homeland are too great for any nation to bear. The path forward is clear - dialogue, permanent solution, giving rights and peace. In recognizing the potential failure inherent in escalating tensions, the call for wisdom and understanding echoes. The significance of an independent Palestine must not be undermined. Stability for both Israel and Palestine lies in the prevalence of peace, and the acknowledgment of long-overdue rights. The heightened tension in the Middle East alarms us all. The financial consequences on the global economy and the evolving regional dynamics compel us to seek a diplomatic resolution. The stakes are too high, with the specter of a larger conflict looming. Let us hope for the triumph of sense, humanity, and peace. The international community must investigate and address the situation to prevent regional conflict or a large-scale war. Sparing us all from further suffering and devastation. As this narrative concludes, the call for peace persists, and the collective hope for a brighter, more harmonious future endures. Profound Kudos to all those journalists who fall into all categories, who are covering news of this conflict and posting them. In print media, electronic media, and on social media. Their sacrifices and bravery are providing constant coverage of all news related to the Isreal-Hamas conflict. Journalists who emerged like phoenixes from the challenges in Gaza, etching their names in history forever. Along with many others who survived or killed (embraced martyrdom) since the Isreal-Hamas conflict started on 7 October 2023: - Wael Dahdouh - Motaz Azazia - Hindkhoundry - Nagham Mahanna - Plestia Alaqad - Bisan Wizard - Hijazi - Saleh Al- Jafarawi - Abor Jela - Youmna El-Qunsol - Yousaf Mema Times Ahead Resilient people of Palestine, your stories have touched my heart deeply. I extend my heartfelt sympathy to all who endure this struggle, acknowledging that your suffering transcends words. My sincerest apologies accompany the documentation of these few stories among the thousands lost, the nightmare too profound for comprehension. May these words serve as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and a rallying cry for a world where peace triumphs over conflict, empathy prevails, and the rights of every individual are safeguarded. Closing Remarks: Let the stories of sacrifice, pain, grief, life loss, and resilience echo through the pages of history forever. As a reminder of the unwavering courage displayed by the martyrs and those who survived in Gaza. The resilience of Palestine for its solidarity. May our collective efforts strive for a world where peace prevails and Palestine gains its sovereignty for which they are giving unimaginable sacrifices and going through constant personal losses. So many deaths, and such destruction that can't be described in words. As we honor the legacy of those who got killed (martyred) we must remember their sacrifices and that each individual, an infant, child, woman, man, or elderly had a story. They had so many dreams, had lives that they loved, had homes which they were residing in and taking care of, had occupations to serve their needs, and together they were a part of the societal fabric of Gaza, Palestine, and its culture. The martyr's enduring spirit shall forever inspire us to champion the cause of humanity, the cause of Palestine, fostering a future where hope transcends the shadows of conflict. They say life only chooses the best and most beautiful...the stories I have chosen to bring to you through this short memoir give a glimpse of the suffering, life loss, pain, and grief of all these 23,000 plus who were demised. More than 50,000 are injured. It cannot be said enough about what Palestinian people are going through and enduring. Every loss is profound and tragic. It's a faint effort, my writing, through which I tried to convey the feelings of us all around the world. After seeing, hearing, and reading about what's happening in Gaza and what Palestinian people are going through. Narrating a few stories of those who were killed (martyred) in Gaza, allows a more in-depth exploration of individual experiences. Providing a nuanced perspective that may be lost or overshadowed in the broader narrative. My approach is to help humanize the victims and convey the depth of the impact on their lives and communities. Most people say in Gaza that their pain is not because they lost their homes, have no shelter, no food, cold is catching on. They say for their motherland they can do anything. They say they can bear hardships and they struggle daily but what is most painful and unbearable for them is seeing their loved ones being killed (martyred) in front of them. Innocent people who are enduring none less than g******e. The devastating loss of lives and unimaginable catastrophe is still going on in Gaza. Gaza's stolen childhood is a stark reality. The impact of it on innocent, minor minds and lives is gruesome. The children of Gaza are living the horror of death and destruction daily. They deserve safety, and a future free from any form of fear. Children of Palestine deserve the joys of childhood which is the right of every child in the world. The death toll reflects the harsh and brutal impact on human lives amid the Isreal-Gaza conflict. The need is to bring about a permanent resolve to the root cause. All those who are facing this terrifying situation, my heart goes out to them. Over 10,000 children have lost their lives in this conflict, many are badly injured. Countless faced amputation of a limb or more. The scars of injuries and burns are enormous. The heartbreaking tears of Gaza's children demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire. Hungry, tired, homeless, grieving, and wounded people of Gaza, demand the urgent need for collective global support and fuel the efforts to do all we can through our platforms to eliminate their suffering. The collective grief of all the people in the world for Gaza, the world's voices for peace and justice for Palestinian people is what persuaded me to write this short memorial. Heartbreaking news from Gaza comes out every moment and becomes headlines in the digital, electronic, and print media. Although the constant airstrikes and worsening situation raise concerns for independent reporting, and about cyber security and internet provision. The situation also highlights the vulnerability of essential services. lack of aid and lack of all kinds of facilities which are basic human rights. Almost 92 universities and schools in Gaza are now partially or completely damaged amid the ongoing conflict. Infrastructure is ruined, education efforts are disconnected, and medical and residential facilities are mostly nothing but reduced to rubble. Let's uphold peace and dialogue for a stable, better future. Seeing all as a dark reminder of the immediate need for empathy, solidarity, conveying positive thoughts and a collective commitment to peace is what pushed me to bring this all through my writings to you. I wanted to document the suffering, pain, grief, and loss and want the magnitude to be heard and seen. People of Palestine what you are going through breaks my heart a million times. Rest assured you are not alone. I really hope one day you can live in a safe, free homeland of yours and that day is about to arrive soon when you will never have to feel this pain, grief, and unbearable loss again. Why I believe this because the night is at its darkest before dawn. Although it's a temporary world living to the fullest in this one life we have given is our right. Right of every human, to live in peace, with dignity, and respect intact. I'm touched by your stories, my heart goes out to you all. Your struggle and suffering can't be defined in words. You all deserve all the happiness and rights as all others in the world. I am deeply sorry and heartbroken while documenting all these stories which are very few. Almost 23,000 people have now lost their lives (these figures vary though) but no matter what the figure is the nightmare is beyond thought and can't be captured, the heart and soul can feel, and no words can express it. Still, the situation is alarming and one can't emphasize enough the need for an immediate yet permanent ceasefire. The humanitarian crises in Gaza and the violence Palestinian people are enduring as the cost of hope for their sovereignty is too much for any nation to bear. Peace dialogue is the way ahead. Escalating tensions will bring nothing for the opponent too, except for failure in the long run may they realise this can hope and pray. New dimensions are added day by day to escalate regional polls and tension among them. Many more proxy wars and shadow wars will emerge if this conflict spreads. The need is to establish a desire for wisdom and understanding. The significance of independent Palestine must not be undermined. The stability of both Israel and Palestine is in the prevalence of peace and giving long-due full rights to Palestine. The volatile situation demands a diplomatic resolution to prevent any further escalation. The heightened tension in the whole region of the Middle East is alarming. Financial consequences of this tension will hit the global economy to a new low. Regional dynamics are continuing to evolve. If more players enter this war theater, seems like Godorbid nothing will be able to prevent World War III. Let's hope for the sake of us all, humanity and peace that sense prevail. The international community must investigate and address the situation to prevent any regional conflict or a large-scale war that could be the source of more suffering and devastation. Work Cited: - Word of Mouth by People's Families and Friends - Print Media - Social Media - Electronic Media - Friends of Friends Short Memoir Researched and Written by: Pen Name: QuillHeart.

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