Chapter 7

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Chapter - 7 Rehab Akasha Rehab lived in the northern strip of Gaza. She was a kind, loving soul. She scored the highest grade in the scientific branch. Her dreams were huge, she was ambitious and had commendable leadership skills. She adored pets. When the conflict started after 7, October 2023, Rehab was confined to her home along with 20 other people in her family. Their area was surrounded for days, no access to any food or water. Fire, airstrikes, and destruction everywhere. Rehab massaged her friends via her cell phone that she feared any day she and her family could be dead because of the most tense situation. On December 10, 2023, Rahab along with her family were martyred in an airstrike in her home. All of them were burned alive when shells were fired at their area resulting in putting many houses on fire. Among these houses, there was the house of Rehab too. 20 people from her family were erased from the civil registry of Gaza, ( Meaning no member of their family survived). Ahmed Badr Al-Sankari Ahmed was 21 years old. He was talented and loved to play football. In his studies, he was doing well. His parents, family, relatives, teachers even neighbours were quite closely attached to him because of his good nature. He was joyful and helpful. Ahmed grew up playing on the streets of Gaza but he aimed to be a world renown footballer. He was working hard for his aim. After excelling in high school, he joined the Islamic University where he studied Computer Science and Informative Technology and Systems. He was a regular Mosque goer and he memorized the Quran (Holy Book of Islam). He often gave Azan (prayer calls) in Abd Azam Mosque. Ahmed's demise was tragedy of another level. On December 14, 2023, he went out to spend some time with his neighbor's son and talk to him about his university and random topics. When he left home he told his cousin that he would come home in an hour or so. Sadly it never happened. Ahmed got hit by an artillery shell and was killed (martyered) at the spot along with his neighbor's son. He is no longer with us but his memory is going to stay alive through all those whose lives he touched while he was here and through his stories told. Journalist Abdul Karim Awda Abdul-Karim was a brave, courageous, and humble human. trusted and respected son, father, friend, and colleague. Abdul Karim worked in the Al-Mayadeen Channel. His colleagues remember him as a gentle, calm, helping, smiling brotherly figure. He was always cheerful. During hard times his courage never left him. He never uttered a bad word to any person as long as others can remember about him. He was patriotic and Gaza ran as blood in his veins. On December 13, 2023, Abdul Karim Awda was killed (martyred) in an Israeli airstrike while he was performing his professional duties in Gaza. Child Khalid Jaber Although all stories of demise are very difficult to tell but this one tore my heart into pieces. Khalid was only 7 years old. He was lively, naughty, and very sweet. His presence was enough to win anyone's heart. Like most of the children, he liked colors and cars. He was learning to read and write. He had so much to live for. Khalid's demise not only ended his life but his mother's life too. On 18 October, 2023 Khalid was at home with his family and mother. His mother went outside to buy some food items and an airstrike hit their home. Khalid was killed (martyered) in this airstrike as he was buried under tons and tons of rubble. His mother Reem when came back and saw her home reduced to rubble, sat atop the rubble helplessly. Crying and calling his son's name. Amel mother of Khalid eventually lost her voice. She lost her voice from the intense calling and shock, calling for her 7-year-old son Khalid. Journalist Nermine Nasr Haboush Narmine was a good-looking, decent, kind woman. She was known as one of the journalism's heroes in Gaza. Nermine was the program coordinator at the Bayalara Foundation. A warm smile and dependable face that's how her colleagues remember her. From an early age in Gaza like many children Nemine also had to face struggles, bad circumstances, and lack of opportunities, and had to compromise on many things in life. But she never compromised on her dignity and her work ethic. She was in love with Palestine and its people. Her dream was to see Palestine as sovereign and stable. On November 9th, 2023 Nermine wrote about love and hope in times of War. She wrote, "We are still searching for hope in the rays of the sun through windows". On another occasion, she said, " We forgot a coffee jar in our house when we were displaced but didn't bother to buy another, can't handle the bitter taste anymore. The news we fetch are sorrowful and bitter enough and the bitterness of farewells to the souls that fly, depart us every day is enough for us". On December 29, 2023, Nermine was killed (martyred) with her daughter, mother, and mother-in-law when an airstrike destroyed their home along with many others in Gaza. Yousri Ayesh Mahmoud Al-Masri Yousri was 55 years old. Yousri was a known social and organizational figure in Gaza. He lived his whole life in Gaza. His childhood was spent playing in the alleys of Bei Hanoun City. There he received his initial, primary, and secondary schooling. During his school time, he joined the student movement. Throughout his college life, he remained part of his student movement. His crisis and problem-solving skills were great which is why he was prominent in all the committees he participated. He had many achievements and obtained many certificates too. He was a diploma holder from the Red Crescent Society. He achieved another diploma from the Palestinian Red Crescent Society. Then he achieved a Train-the-Trainer diploma. Several other courses which he did for the welfare of his people and to help others also are at his credit. He went for an occupation to serve as an Ambulance Officer. At the charitable institute, he served as an ambulance officer since 1990. He witnessed the first intifada and all other hardships. He also saw the formation of the Palestinian National Authority. He also worked as an ambulance driver in the Ministry of Health in Gaza and served in the Palestinian Red Crescent Society as well. Throughout his life, he kept on training himself and updating himself regarding his work. He attended several courses. Yousri not only looked after all the needs of his family but he looked after the people of Gaza. Wherever his services were needed, he was the first one to go serve. He served the Palestinian people day in and day out. Throughout the Corona Pandemic there was not one day when he did not fulfill his duties to the best of his abilities. His commitment to his work and devotion towards his homeland and its people was unmatched. On October 11, 2023, Yousri was killed (martyred) in an airstrike while he was on duty and was transporting dead and wounded to the hospital. He is survived by his family. Engineer Rola Fadl Abdul Jwad Rola was a beautiful woman with a beautiful heart. Rola was working as a university lecturer. Rola was full of life and her smile used to bring sparkle in her eyes. As a lecturer, Rola worked as a freelancer, and guest lecturer at several universities. She was into multimedia lecturing and courses. Rola was always thankful for whatever life gave her. She was passionate and loved her work. Rola always told her students "If you stay consistent one day you will achieve what you want to achieve". She was successful and ambitious. She was into beauty and nail products. Her taste in clothes and her fashion sense was elegant. She wanted to travel and see the world. Then 7th October 2023 happened and all her plans like many others turned into staying alive and surviving. Rola had her share of fear, anger, grief, pain, and sadness since this conflict started. Tragically she also became the victim of this conflict. On November 25, 2023, Rola along with her sister was killed (martyred) when a barrage of missiles hit the occupied area where she was living. Lauren Mahmmad Al Koumi Lauren was only two and a half years old. A child so bright. Her family adored her. Children suffered the most since this conflict started on 7, October 2023. Lauren became another victim of this tragedy which is still going on. Remember her name as a symbol of all the lives of children lost in Gaza. On 19, December 2023 Lauren was killed (martyred) when her parents were travelling towards a safe zone to protect their family. A tank shell hit the vehicle they were traveling on and mercilessly took away the lives of all who were trying to get to the safe heaven moving from Jabilia. Islam Al-Jazzar What a beautiful, pure, and full-of-life child he was....beloved and pampered by all in the family. Since he was born his family was overjoyed. he was just one and a half years old. On 24 October 2023, Islam along with his mother was killed (martyred) in an airstrike that hit their home and neighborhood. Islam's body was trapped under rubble for three days until his remains were rescued by the rescue workers. Qusay and Hamza Mohammed Hamza Two beautiful children. Qusay was just two years old and his brother Hamza was a newborn baby. Their mother says that just before her sons were killed (martyered), Qusay asked his mother, "If I die where will I go"? Qusay's mother answered, "You will become a bird of paradise". Qusay then asked", "If Hamza dies where will he go?" Qusay's mother replied, "he will become a bird of paradise too" Though in her heart she died a million times just thinking about what the innocent mind of her child was going through. So much fear and thoughts of death? Imagine for a second that Qusa is your child, if your child asks you such a question when just two years old....what would you think? What will happen to your heart and soul? And then imagine the pain and grief of Qusay's and Hamza's mother and family. Both of these children were killed (martyred) when on 2 November, 2023 an airstrike hit their home and several others in Gaza. Child Abdul Rahim Luay Al-Khashan A child like all others full of hopes and dreams. A bright child who wants to touch the sky with his achievements. Made his parents proud, always expressed his love for his motherland, and always loved and respected everyone in his life. He had so much to live for. He had many hobbies, and painting was one of these hobbies. He was good in academics and extracurricular activities. Suddenly his childhood and all he ever lived and cared for was taken away from him, and then his life of him was taken away too. Conflicts and wars bring the destruction of such a scale that those who live in peace perhaps only imagine a bit. On January 1, 2024, Abdul Rahim was martyred when his home along with several others was bombarded in the City of Khan Younis.
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