Chapter 4

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~CALLIE'S P.O.V~ I am the first to finish. I stood up and walked over to the professor's desk, laying the test down. I quickly went to retrieve my bag and walked out of the class. Pulling my phone out to see the time. It was only 08:45 am, I went ahead and sent a text to Jade informing her that I was finished and would wait for her in the car since the 1st hour doesn't end for another 30 minutes and she couldn't just walk out of class all because I finished early. As I walk to the car, I can feel eyes watching me. It makes me uncomfortable. I shake off the feeling and continue to the car. As I open the car door, a hand goes past my face, shutting it closed. My heart starts to pound in my chest as flashbacks of 2 and a half years ago cross my mind. "CALLIE, RUN!"... I quickly turned around, only to see those Carmel eyes I saw in the hallway just 45 minutes ago looking into my own. 'mine' a faint echo sounded in my head, so low I almost missed it. Was I thinking that? "Hello, love." His sexy husky voice almost entrances me. He had a deep husky yet sexy voice, but his face was even more captivating. He had brown hair that was a bit shaggy, his skin was tan as if the sun kissed him. He was around 6'2, and was towering over me, seeming like I, myself was 5'6 but he was standing over me and his penetrating gaze sent goose bumps all across my body. I remained silent for a moment, thinking about what I should say. "You stink of a she-wolf." I spit out with jealousy laced in my tone. Why was that the first thing to say to him? Not hello? Which in turn only caused him to laugh like it was a joke. "Happens when you are f*****g a whore." He replied, making my heart feel pain radiating down my chest once more. I can only describe it as if his words had literally shattered my heart. I place my hand over my chest, rubbing it slightly. When I don't reply, he begins to speak again. "Mate huh. Honestly, I never expected to see the day. I always thought the Moon Goddess would have punished me for all I have done." "What do you mean?" I asked, with the feeling that our conversation was leading somewhere else. Did he say, mate? I mean, don't get me wrong, I suspected, but how would he already know if I still hadn't received my wolf and why was I already experiencing these weird feelings? "You know, sleeping around, breaking hearts, not caring, I've mated a few but most died because two cannot bear my mark at the same time, at least unless it was meant to happen, that is," he states while laughing. I always thought that a bond would break if the other mate marked another. Is our history missing information that would be valuable to know? This man mated and marked multiple different females within the same time frame. I have never heard of someone being able to mark and mate multiple mates before, that is besides identical twins, triplets, quads, etc. due to them sharing the exact replica of the same DNA. But two completely different women who do not share DNA at the same exact time. I have never heard of such things. I will have to dig deeper into our historical archives to seek the answers to these newfound questions I now have. "So, if I am your true mate, then that mea.." I was trying to say before he interrupted me. "Don't get the wrong idea, honey, what is your name?" I flinched at his tone, what is it he meant? "Callie" I responded with a low voice. "No sweetheart, what is your full name?" My full name, what does he want my full name for already... unless... "Any day now...!" He demanded harshly. "Callie Lane Richards." I quickly replied, with my heart picking up a few paces. "Well, Ms. Richards, as I was saying. I need no mate. I marked those women out of hatred for them for trying to be equal to me. I am strong, and without a mate, I would only be stronger. True mates only weaken you. I don't need anyone holding me back. Plus, you can only offer me what these other whores already beg for. A good fuck." He spat out those harsh words laced with venom. Shattering what little remains of my heart. The pain is unreal. Was this what rejection felt like? Was this what it felt like for your heart to be torn apart? That is what I was thinking until I heard the words, I never thought I would hear come from any mate's lips. "I, Jax Liam Lee, Reject you, Callie Lane Richards, as my mate and future Beta female to Riverbound Pack. I sever all ties and will no longer have a bond with my fated mate." With those words my world came crashing down before my eyes, I fell to the ground still clenching my chest as tears poured from my eyes. How could someone be so selfish, so hateful as to put another person through this kind of pain? Especially their mate, the one they were supposed to love unconditionally. "Now, now, old mate, pain is weakness. If you want to warm my bed, then I wouldn't mind giving you a good time. I can rock your world leaving you begging for more while screaming my name. And since technically you are my true mate, I'll be nice in bed, and I won't mark you." He says with a smirk plastered on his face. Seeing my confused look, he continued on speaking. "I plan on marking any w***e who thinks she can win my heart by taking me to bed for my position. It hurts like a b***h. Most get hospitalized for the infection. That's what happens when you mark more than one within a month of bearing a mark from a wolf, leaving an ugly scar from the venom. The doctors have to pump the venom out to save the she-wolf. Too bad really. I think they deserve death for trying to steal what's not theirs. Not that I want a mate anyway, it's just the principal." He states while smiling wickedly. I can't even wrap my head around his words. Does he harm females? But if he does that, how does he have so many? "I only mark the ones begging to be my mate, not the ones I f**k for fun." He says as if he could hear my thoughts. When I didn't respond to him again, I only sat on my knees, continuing to allow tears to fall from my face. He laughs again, turns around, and walks away as if what just happened didn't mean a thing. He doesn't deserve to see me weak and vulnerable, but I somehow can't stop the tears or the pain I feel. Why wasn't he hurting like I am? I don't even have my wolf yet. How is this possible? I remained on my knees looking ahead for the next 20 minutes until the 1st hour was let out. By then, all my tears had been shed and I was left looking as if I was in a daze. As the bell rang for class to be dismissed, I saw Jade making her way out of school. She noticed me on the ground and took off in a sprint to get to me. As she makes it to me, she falls to her knees, now face-to-face with me. She begins quickly accessing my body to see if I had been harmed physically. Jade wanted to be a pack doctor, so she is always assessing all of us for her homework assignments. Little did she know this wasn't something that could be "fixed". I was matless. I would never know the love of a mate bond. The joy of having a husband to father my children. They say you can take a chosen mate, but even then, your chances of having strong offspring are very low, if any pups at all. They also say that having a chosen mate, the love you feel is different. Yes, once you mark and mate after the full moon there is a bond formed. It's beyond what a normal human would feel for their soulmate, but now I am questioning it all. Jax just told me he has marked and mated many she-wolves. Wouldn't he have a bond with them? Wouldn't he feel their pain? Who could be so heartless that they could do such a thing? I wanted what my parents shared, a real mate bond, one that was made of pure love. But Jax took that away from me before he even gave it a shot. Not that I wanted a shot with someone like him. It's just, he was my fated mate. I could hear a whimper of sorrow in my head just thinking about not having my fated mate. "Cal talk to me, what happened? Are you okay?" I hear Jade questioning me, pulling me back to reality. "Rejected." Was all I could muster from my dry throat, as the words came out crackled. "What? Rejected. What do you mean? Callie, did you find your mate!?" "He... He... He Rejected Me J." My eyes begin to water again. Ugh! I thought this part was over! "WHO! I'll kill him! I'll rip his heart right out! You tell me now!" She screamed. Jade has always been very protective over me, even before my parents were killed. She would beat up any person that said a mean thing about me. "J, I'm not ready to talk about it... Please... can we go?" Her face showed sorrow, knowing there was nothing she could do to mend the pain that lingered inside. She nodded her head. She got up first, taking my hands into hers, and helping me off the ground. We got in the car and left the school to head to the mall. The entire ride, Jade talked about the party and getting drunk, and forgetting about it all. I was trying to listen, but my mind would only drift off, thinking about his eyes and how much hate shined through them as he spoke. How could someone so handsome have such a cold heart? What he was doing couldn't be legal. Why is he a higher-ranked member if he degrades, she-wolves like that? Does his entire pack do this? Surely, the Elders would have stepped in by now to fix this if so? This action should be frowned upon and punishable by death. I mean it is one of the reasons the Moon Goddess took away our second-chance mates, to begin with. The Elders werewolves who had been around for ages. They were to be the all-knowing and also part of the supernatural council that keeps the supernatural beings in check so that we remain unknown and can live peacefully, not that it has been peaceful lately. 'Hello' I heard a voice very loud and clear this time snapping me out of my thoughts once again. I looked up at Jade, knowing that wasn't her voice, but there was nobody else in the car, so who else could it be? I quickly looked up at the clock, yup. I am literally going crazy. 'No silly, I am Emery, your wolf. It's nice to meet you, Callie.' I quickly looked at the watch on my wrist again to see if the car time was wrong. Maybe time changed and Jade didn't change the time to match. Nope, it is only 9:30 am. 'I'm not trying to be rude or ungrateful because, believe me, I am so thankful to finally meet you. But how am I speaking to you right now? I thought the wolf came at the time you were born?' 'How strange. Well, sorry it took me a really long time to talk, it has been rough getting through, but I did manage to scan your memories again in my downtime, so I know our life, and then when I smelt mate, it helped break through the barrier. But the rejection pushed me back a little again. No worries though, WE are okay, and I am here, and you will never be alone again.' 'When did you become present? You were there for the rejection?' I asked, confused. 'Yes, I was there... I'm sorry it took me so long to come forth.' I could hear the pain in her words. Our pain. I noticed that she didn't answer my question about when she became present, but I didn't push. I knew something felt off about today. It honestly makes no sense. My parents told me I was born at 10:45 am and it was only 9:30 am now. Oh well, who cares, I HAVE MY WOLF! "We are here." I heard Jade say. I looked up and, sure enough, we were parked at the mall. We got out of the car, then headed towards the entrance. I decided not to tell Jade about my wolf coming early. I did not want to become her new science project, nor did I want to be her theory or even her subject for her next essay. I am actually surprised she hadn't put 2 and 2 together after I said I was rejected since you can't be rejected without having a wolf, but I won’t mention it. Emery did not agree with this decision. She wanted to meet Jade right now, as well as Jade's wolf, Molly, but I closed the line blocking her out so she couldn't talk. I needed to focus. I probably shouldn't do that since I just received her. But I figured I could make it up to her if she got upset. However, the 21 questions to come if I accidentally let it slip that I got my wolf early. That part, however, I couldn't handle, not right now.
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