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Cindy's POV I walked dejectedly into the hospital. Nothing had gone my way today. Not only had I lost my job but all the companies had refused to hire me. Was I cursed? Now I really regretted slapping my boss. Why did I become so hot tempered? I should have politely refused his advances. That was a job so many people were vying for and I just threw it away. Being impulsive was my biggest flaw. Now I didn't know what else to do. I tried to cheer up because I didn't want little Tim to know what I was going through. I took the snacks I had bought into his room and when he saw me, he opened his arms and invited me for a hug. I was surprised but I happily hugged him. He looked at me sadly and said, "don't pretend to be happy before me, I know you must be going through a lot, that's why I gave you a hug to encourage you. Don't worry, once I get well, I will get a job and I will have so much money. I will take you round the world and buy you anything you want." I became so touched that tears seeped out of the corners of my eyes. I hugged little Tim again and said, "I believe in you. I know you will do all that for me and many more so hurry up and get well okay." He nodded happily and we ate the snacks together. "How is your new boss treating you?" he asked when I was about to leave. I smiled and said, "well, he is strict but he is okay." Tim nodded, apparently satisfied with the answer I gave him. I left the hospital, feeling a lot happier after spending some time with Tim. However, the moment I entered my house, I was once again reminded of the fact that I was jobless and I couldn't help but blame myself for not being shrewd enough to handle a jerk like Jack. I stuffed my face with food in hopes that I will feel better but that didn't help. I decided to check online for job advertisements. I saw one that needed a sales girl and I said to myself, it's better to do something and earn peanuts than to do nothing and earn nothing. I called the line and a very rude lady picked up the call. When I told her about my intention to work as a sales girl, she told me to put on something sexy and arrive early to start working the next day. She didn't say anything about signing a contract or how much I would be paid. I felt it was suspicious and decided to look up past workers' reviews online. To my dismay, what I saw were mostly complaints about not being paid for months but being overused and even sexually harassed. I cringed in disgust as I imagine myself breaking a customer's wrist because he tried to touch my big boobs. I felt so frustrated and in the end closed my eyes and tried to sleep, unfortunately for me, I seemed to have become insomniac. This is going to be a really long night, I told myself. I woke up the following morning feeling useless. Should I call Rick and ask him to help me with a job? I seriously thought about it but I feared that he will interprete it as Cindy's greenlight. In the end, I just laid back on my bed turning and tousling while trying to figure out what to do with my life. Jack's POV I woke up with a smile on my face. I had come up with the perfect plan for Cindy and I looked forward to implementing it. I deliberately went to work late because I wanted to keep her on her toes while leaving her feeling anxious. To my dismay however, I didn't find her when I got to the agency. She didn't even turn up for work on her second day. Usually, I would have fired her without second thoughts but I had a plan and I was intent to see it through. So I had my manager call her and ask her to come to work immediately. Cindy's POV My phone rang and I lazily picked it up. It was an unfamiliar number so I genuinely hoped it wasn't Rick. "Who is this?" I asked. "Good morning Miss Banks," the voice replied. "This is the manager of Star Entertainment Agency. I want to find out why you stayed away from work on your second day. There's so much work to be done yet you're nowhere to be found. If you are no longer interested in working here, I would suggest you turn in your resignation letter so that someone more willing to work can be hired." I immediately sat upright and quickly replied, "I'm so sorry sir, but I was under the impression that I'd been fired." He sighed, "believe me Miss, if the company wanted to fire you, a formal notice would have been sent to you. I suggest you get down here immediately. You're lucky the CEO is in a good mood today, otherwise, you would have been fired." "Thank you very much sir," I managed to say before jumping out of bed. I really couldn't believe it. According to the CEO's personality, I was supposed to be fired. What could have made him change his mind? Was he hatching up a plan against me? Well, it really didn't matter to me. For now I was just happy to be well employed. I would just apologize for slapping him when I get to the office and try my best to avoid being in close proximity with him when we are alone. When I got to the office, I realized I was getting weird looks from my colleagues. They probably looked down on me for being late on my second day but it wasn't really my fault so I didn't care. The moment I entered my office, Jack's personal assistant came in and informed me that the CEO wanted to see me. "Well, I guess this is it," I told myself before making my way to jack's office.
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