

office/work place
office lady


Jack Grant is a self-absorbed billionaire CEO who can't keep it in his pants. He believes he can buy any woman with just the right amount and treats them like trash.

Cindy Banks is a sexy and beautiful young lady with a strong dislike for arrogant and unfaithful men. She has just one goal: to give her little brother a better chance at life.

Cindy crosses paths with Jack Grant in her quest for a good job and suddenly he wants her beneath him, begging for more. However, she puts him in his place and shoves his job in his face.

Jack Grant is upset by Cindy's rejection but she also successfully piques his interest. He sees her as a challenge and goes all out to conquer her with the intention of humiliating her when he finally gets in-between her legs.

What Jack did not count on though, was falling head over heels in love with his secretary but, is it too late for him?

How far would he go in order to prove to Cindy that what he feels for her is true?

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Jack's POV I woke up to a sexy blonde beside me, as I stared at her voluptuous figure, I recalled that she didn't please me well enough last night. I woke her up immediately, threw some dollar bundles on her face and told her, "get the hell out of my house." She stared at me in surprise. "what are you doing Jack? I'm not a hooker and I'm certainly not short of money." "Then what the f**k are you doing in my bed?" I asked disdainfully. She stared at me angrily and yelled, "bastard" before taking her things and walking out. I stared at her back as she left and screamed, "be sure to close the door behind you and good riddance." I quickly took my bath and got ready for work. I had a very important deal I needed to close today. When I got to the office, I called for my secretary but my personal assistant informed me that she had run into a mishap so she would arrive later. I called the human resource department and asked them to fire her immediately and hire a new secretary for me. She probably thought she could slack off because I gave her the privilege of sharing my bed once. Well, she could kiss her job goodbye. Cindy's POV After a long day of queuing up for an interview, I was completely exhausted. I knew my chances of being selected for the position were slim but I still decided to give it my best. Working in star entertainment agency was a huge deal for me. I had a lot of bills to pay with the most being the expenses for my little brother's surgery. He was the only family I had left and I was not going to lose him to Lupus. His chances of survival were really slim though but I was willing to do whatever it took to save him. The sound of my stomach grumbling reminded me that I hadn't eaten anything the whole day. This had become a bad habit lately and I feared that it was going to tell on me eventually. I forced myself up from my bed and decided to make dinner. I was going to visit little Tim in the hospital so it was necessary for me to look refreshing. Just then my phone rang, it was an unfamiliar number but I answered it anyway. "Hi baby," came Ricks annoying voice. I immediately wanted to hang up but he said, "please baby, hear me out. What happened was a foolish mistake on my part, that girl means nothing to me. What happened between us was just physical. You are the one I love and I miss you. And don't forget that I still need to cover little Tim's medical expenses like I promised." I sighed in frustration before replying calmly. "Rick, for the umpteenth time, we are over. You and I are never getting back together. I don't need you and neither does Tim. Stop using different numbers to call me because I will keep blocking them. Goodbye." Rick was really trying my patience. I had caught him in bed, having s*x with another girl and called off our relationship. I absolutely detest cheats and I made that very clear from the start of our relationship. I had blacklisted his number and blocked him on all social media platforms but he kept on using different numbers to call me. I knew he had promised to take care of Tim's hospital bills but I wasn't going to sell my principles for money. I would rather take on multiple jobs to enable me provide for my brother's treatment. Shifting my focus back to what I was doing, I quickly whipped the eggs in my bowl since I was craving omelette and cheese while I made sandwich for Tim because it was his favorite. My phone rang again and I thought, this Rick will drive me crazy. I ignored the phone but it rang again. Annoyed, I picked up the call without looking at the number and yelled, "what the hell is wrong with you? Are you crazy?" The voice on the other end of the phone replied, "am I speaking to Miss Banks?" Realizing it wasn't Rick, I looked at the caller ID and was shocked to see Star Agency. I immediately apologized, "please forgive me sir, I am immensely sorry for the outburst and yes I am Miss Cindy Banks." "It's okay," he replied. "This is to inform you that you aced your interview today. You have been selected as the CEO's secretary. You will receive an email shortly that carries your Job description. You are expected to resume early tomorrow. This is a personal advice, ensure you arrive very early tomorrow as the CEO doesn't condone late coming. Good luck." "Thank you very much sir," I said while trying not to appear too excited. When the call ended, I jumped for joy. My happiness knew no bounds. I couldn't believe I was chosen out of all the numerous applicants. I decided that I will be so good at my job that the company would be tempted to double my salary. When I looked through my emails, I saw the one sent by Star Entertainment Agency. I was expected to resume before eight in the morning. I thought back to how I had yelled when I first picked up the call. I almost lost such a golden opportunity because of that stupid Rick. I was fortunate that the caller was a nice person. He could have hung up on me but he didn't. I made a mental note to seek him out the following day to properly apologize and thank him. The dress code really suited my fashion style and I was grateful for it. Something bothered me though. I had heard that the CEO was a rude jerk who couldn't keep it in his pants. I really needed this job and I was going to give it my best. However, I would never allow anyone to take advantage of me. If it got to that point, I would just resign but I would never compromise my principles.

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