A Family Reunion

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Valencia's POV "Mama, do you think that this dress will be okay to take with us? I know that it's not all fancy, but it's my favorite." Tempy asks. "Of course. If not for the ball, there should be some casual occasion for it." I tell her. "Ugh, this is taking forever!" Nicky whines as he prepares to haul his third box downstairs. "Actually, it's going rather quickly." I point out and chuckle as he sets the box down to turn and look at me. "That’s easy for you to say, Mama, my poor, young back is being brutalized by the two of you shoving knickknacks into compartmentalized boxes. All of my stuff, outside of my bedroom furniture, fit inside of two duffel bags." He huffs. "That’s because we've yet to make it to the bathroom, Don Juan. All of your face and hair crap is going to take up two boxes by themselves, minimum!" Tempy challenges jokingly. "Hey, looks this ruggedly handsome must be preserved." He replies. Laughing at their antics, I get an idea and run downstairs to the surround system and place my phone on the docking station. 'Spring Clean Fun Mix' I select and let the sounds of Justin Timberlake's Can't Stop the Feeling waft through the air as I rush back upstairs. "There." I say, "Problem solved. No one can complain and dance about. So, we'll treat it as spring cleaning week and we should be fine." Already shaking and grooving, heading down the stairs, Nicky just laughs, grabs the box, and dances away. As I look as Tempy beaming, I ask, "Well, shall we?" "Nothing I can see but you when we dance, dance, dance girl!" She answers laughing and swaying to the beat, returning to her closet to complete her room. We sing and pack and dance well into the evening. We were having such a good time; we had completely forgotten about dinner. As our stomachs made their loud protests, I looked around at our once loving home. How I would miss this place, but tomorrow's arrival shall bring new and unknown events. We'll need to be at our full strength and rested when it comes knocking. "I got it. Paninis. Quick, light, and just what the night calls for. Turkey and cranberry club Paninis coming up." I say as I dash down the stairs and into the kitchen. Since everything was labeled, it was easy to find and pull out the griddle. Thirty minutes later, three paper plates sat filled and ready for consumption. "I wonder what our home will be like at Crowned Paw? I hope that it's like this, cozy and warm and filled to the brim with knickknacks." Nicky says looking sheepishly under his eyes. Chuckling I say, "I don't know but I agree. After being out here with only the two of you, I don't know how Hazel and I will handle the adjustment of life in a pack again, and I'm not getting any younger, all the romp and high jinx of young, growing wolves, is more than an old soul can bear." "Mama," Tempy says, "You're 38, there is nothing old about you. You've just begun living your life and with me and Nicky getting older, I know that sitting alone in the woods isn't your idea of living." "Honestly, after Nicholi died, the two of you were all I had to live for and now, I don't know what I'm supposed to do with the rest of life as you put it. I know that Hazel and I never fully got the chance to grieve for him that night." I stop and look at the kids and sigh. "That’s not your concern. I will be fine and I wasn't suggesting becoming an old spinster lady, alone in the woods with a bunch of cats, just not sure that I still have the tolerance for pack house living after all of this peace and quiet." "Mama?" Nicky asks solemnly. "Yes, my sweet." I answer him. "Do you believe in second chance mates? Do you think that maybe one day you might have the chance to love again?" He asks shockingly. "I mean, I never knew dad, and I know that you must have loved him a great deal, what with you being mates and all, but I would think that he would want you happy. I don't think that he would want you sad or hurting or alone." I laugh a little at the notion of Nicholi Hale, Sr. bidding me to go on and live life without him. It's been almost eighteen years and I still miss him as if it has been mere minutes ago. But having never really gotten the chance to process or deal with his passing, I just don't know if I am or even can move on to entertain that notion right now. But as I look at the wide-eyed stares of my loving children, all I can do is reassure them, "I never really thought about it but I suppose I do. Though it has been known to happen, it is still quite a rarity for people to find second chance mates. Most people settle for chosen mates, people that they find they have similarities with, and live perfectly happy lives, I think. So, when the time comes for me to cross that bridge, I know now that I have more than one option and judging by the conversation and interest in my love life, it sounds like I also have both of your blessings." I say standing to start clearing the small mess we've made and repack the griddle. "Now, we still have to ensure that we are rested and ready to leave out in the morning should either Mystic Moonlight or Crowned Paw come to retrieve us. We should get some rest." I say as I usher them upstairs. Miguel's POV I have been sitting at my desk for the last 5 hours trying to finish up paperwork and preparing for this blasted Supernatural Summit. I know that it's necessary. Hell, everyone is now beginning to understand that necessity. There has been an increase in areas of submersion in all four corners of the kingdom. And considering that our entire kingdom is an island surrounding an inland island, if nothing is done, none of us will survive without abandoning our native home. I sigh and lean my head back remembering my sister and brother-in-law. At the head of all the heartache and loss, was the discovery that the fabled Crowned Emerald Star was missing. Through whatever magical or mysterious means, it was that particular artifact that was keeping our island afloat. Here we are, on the cutting edge of technological marvels with electric cars and solar-powered homes, and a single gem has the ability to balance and gravitate an island. Because the island hasn't fully gone under seems some days to be our only clue that the stone is still on the island. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the telephone ringing and impassively answer it. "Hello." "Good afternoon, Miguel, did I catch you at a bad time?" "No, Latham, I was actually just wrapping up some last-minute details in preparation for my departure. What can I do for you?" "Well, I actually believe that I may be able to do something for not just you, but all of us." Partially intrigued by this unexpected conversation, I bite, "Do tell, and what might that be?" "Well, I went to the high school today to inform them of the upcoming events and my expectations for their behavior and in a sea of fresh, eager faces, I see one so familiar, I almost faint." He starts saying. Though I hear his excitement, I don't currently share his enthusiasm and have no clue as to why he would call to supply me with the mundane workings of his high schools’ population. When he says, "She’s the spitting image of her mother. I thought that I had traveled back in time. I have requested an audience with her and her family through Queen Anastasia of the Red Moon Coven and I leave to go and confirm my suspicious momentarily, but I knew that you would want to know and if substantiated, I know that you would like to be here when and if she arrives." "What do you mean if she arrives? Guise, just what in the hell is going on here? Are you trying to tell me that you have found my sister's child?" I'm standing at this point and screaming into the phone, but I can’t help it. I was too late to save my sister and brother-in-law and by the time we made it, the baby was long gone. I had managed to locate the doctor and he confirmed that Ame had in fact given birth to a healthy baby girl, but outside of a small few, no one else knew, not even Latham. "I believe I have. It appears that they have been here the whole time, living amongst the witches in Red Moon." He says. "And why are we just now hearing about this? What's the witch's reason for withholding her whereabouts for the last eighteen years or have you known this whole time?" I know that I am being unreasonable but I feel so helpless knowing that I wasn't there for her, for her growing up with witches and not with her remaining family. "I didn't know and as for Ana, she’s set up this meeting to try to clear the air and answer some of the questions we all have. For now, all I can say is, that I believe that I have found her and that I am going to do my best to persuade them to come back to the pack house with me." He states and sighs. "Persuasion my a$$, my niece had better be going with you whether she wants to or not. I will be there before dawn; I request that you prepare accommodations for myself and my wife and my niece." I growl. "Miguel, she has a family here." He reiterates. "And the situation seems a bit more delicate than just throwing my weight around demanding what I or even you may have right to." He says. "What do you mean?" I question. "Well, according to Liam, she doesn't even know that she is a wolf, let alone have any family outside of the mother who raised her and the brother she was raised with." He replies. "My sister is her mother!" I shout. "Yes, we both know that, but she doesn't. For that little girl, the life that she's lived for eighteen years, is the only truth she knows. And shattering that truth could have catastrophic ramifications if hap hazardously handled." He retorts. "Latham, there is too much at stake..." but I am cut off. "I of all people know very well what is at stake, Miguel." He starts heatedly then pauses and I can hear him sigh. "All I'm asking is for time to try and assess this situation tactfully so that we can finally find some hope in all of this mess." I am silent as I contemplate our conversation and sigh as I realize the soundness of his words. "I apologize, Alpha Latham for allowing my emotions to get the better of me. It has just been..." I am cut off again as he says, "There is no need to apologize Alpha Miguel, if the shoe were on the other foot, I probably would have responded the same way, if not worse. I have already spoken with the staff, your rooms will be ready upon your arrival and hopefully, I won't be the only one here greeting you." "Thank you, Latham. I truly look forward to seeing you." I say. He jokes, "You say that like you weren't already!" And laughs. "Godspeed and safe journeys." He says. "Peace and security, my friend." I say as we end the call. My mind is still reeling as I mind link my command and father and Angelique, my Luna. I look at the clock on the wall, it's just 3:30. We'll need to leave within the hour if we are to make any time. I mind link the head of the house staff and give them instructions to also come to my office. Everyone, including the head of house arrives at the same time, I address the head of house first and instruct her to have my and my mate's bags packed immediately for our departure in an hour with everything except our ball attire. She nods and gets to work mind linking the omegas assigned to our floor to begin preparations. "Mickey, what's wrong, I thought that we were leaving later in the week." Angie asks. "There's be a development, please come in and close the door." I say. As everyone piles into my office finding seats, Angie comes and sits on my lap. I take a minute to breathe in her scent to help me and Titus, my wolf, calm down. Dad is the first to speak, "Son, what kind of development has you so moved. You seldom invite me to meet unless it's serious. Is it rogues? War? Whatever it is, you know that we’re behind you one hundred percent." I sigh and begin to try and explain what I have just learned as best I can. "I received a call today from Alpha Latham of the Mystic Moonlight Pack, and it seems as if he believes he may have found the heir to the throne." My Beta John scoffs and says, "Not this again. How many times have we gone on some random goose chase through some small pack claiming to have found the long-lost heir of the kingdom? What is it this time Maximilian's chin or Asmerelda's eyes, what feature are they sure about this time?" He asks. "I understand your frustration old friend, and normally I would join you in your skepticism, however, very few know the true gender of the heir to the throne." I state, "Most of which are in this room. And as for the feature, well, when Latham expressed seeing Asmerelda's face staring back at him in a borage of high school kids, it took everything in me not to shift and run to Mystic Moonlight." "Well, that's it then, isn't it?" Angie asks, "Now that she's been found, we go and get her and bring her home until she's ready to assume the throne!" "Unfortunately, no, it's not quite so simple." I say looking around the room. Dad asks, "What the hell do you mean 'not quite so simple'? You go get my granddaughter and you bring her home." I see that he's also struggling with his wolf, Axe, much like I was. "It appears that it's a bit complicated as she's spent the last eighteen years believing that the woman who has raised her and her son are her only family." I state hoping that it's obvious to everyone that this truly is a delicate situation. "So, let me get this straight. The reason that we haven't been able to find her is because she was what, being raised by rogues?" Dad asks fumingly. "No, Dad, from what I gather, she was being raised by witches." I say and am almost deafened by a chorus of "Witches!" "Yes, it seems that she has been living a safe, peaceful life as a witch in the Red Moon Coven in the Mystic Moonlight Territory." I inform them. "And Guise has just decided to share that with us now?" John asks. "He says that he didn't know because the mother was under the protection of the Queen Mother Anastasia and she must have been hiding them." "Witches!" My dad gruffs. "Well, it doesn't matter, she should be here with her family. Her actual family." He grumbles as Angie finally understands and tells him and the rest of them, "Emile, for her, they are her actual family, and if we pull her away from them abruptly, we may lose her." And then I see them, the tears that I must have missed in all of his ranting. They aren't just for the granddaughter that he never knew, they are also for the daughter that he’s lost and I rise to embrace and console my father and assure him, "I will do everything that I possibly can to try and bring her home, Dad, I promise you." His response is just silent weeping as I hold him and dismiss the others and ask Angie to finish seeing to the preparations. Dad cries for another few minutes or so before he composes himself and tells me that he's not worried, he knows that I will do all that I can. We're leaving the study as I run into Angie who tells me that the bags are packed and being loaded into the SUV as our son Dominique and the other young wolves come in from school. "Hey Pop, what's going on?" He asks as he kisses his mother’s cheek. "Dom, I need you and Sier to accompany John and your mother and I to the airport." I say and turn to my dad as I prepare to leave. "I will let you know as soon as I know more concretely what is going on and where we're going from there." I tell him. At almost 60, Emile Baptiste is still as formidable as he ever was, but right now, holding his breath awaiting word of a hope we've long held, he looks vulnerable and worn. I look him in his eyes and assure him, "I won't rest until I make this right!" "I know, son." He composes himself once again and says, "Me and the boys will hold down the fort until your return. Godspeed and safe journeys." He offers. "Peace and security, Dad." I respond as we turn to get into the vehicle. Once inside, I explain to Dom and Sier what's happened and make arrangements for John to join us on schedule for the summit with our formal wear. It's a fourteen-hour trip across island to reach Mystic Moonlight and another two hours before we reach the packs border. And if memory serves me correctly, Red Moon is another hour by foot, twenty by paw, nestled just off center of the whole territory, so if I was going to be of any good, I am going to need some rest. We get on the plane and give the itinerary to the pilot and I prepare to try and quiet my mind but it's hopeless. "A penny for your thoughts?" Angie asks. I sigh, "I just don't know what to expect, Ang. I am basically flying blind, no pun intended. If the search is finally over and we've truly found her, how do I make amends for eighteen years of loss and abandonment?" I ask genuinely. "Babe," She asks, "who says that you have to? Did Latham indicate that she was being mistreated?" "Well, no." I say "Then for all we know, my love, she could have had a really good life, even if it wasn't the one we would have picked out for her." She says. "I guess I never fully considered that maybe her family was truly a loving family to her." I reason. "Well, there now, you see. Stop feeling guilty over what has clearly been beyond your control. If there had been any way of finding her sooner and bringing her back to us, not even the goddess herself would have been able to stand in your way. No one blames you. She won't blame you. It's time for you to stop blaming yourself." She says as she kisses my forehead and takes a seat on my lap. I grunt frustrated, "I know and as usual, you're right." I sigh thinking about our trip again and concede to the fact that we need to rest. She chuckles and straddles me and purrs, "Let me see if I can help you further put your mind at ease!" With a grateful smirk on my face I simply say, "Yes, ma'am!"
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