A Family Affair

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Nicky's POV After everyone left, I ask, "Ma, are you alright?" She smiles and pats my hand. "It’s fine. I have avoided today for quite some time, I guess it's true, it's time to stop running." I ponder my next question very carefully as I know that this has been extremely difficult for her, "What happens to us once Tempy is delivered to Crowned Paw? What happens to our family?" Mama sighs and takes a deep breath and says, "I truly don't know, Nicky. I thought about it quite a bit when you two were younger." She says getting up and putting the dishes from the counter in the sink. "But I never could imagine life without the two of you." She pauses again and I can tell that though the weight had shifted, she still had a great portion sitting on her shoulders. "After your father died, I was distraught. The night of the attack, I was bundling you up, Nicky, to go down to the safe house with the others. Your father was a guard; not high ranking by blood standards, but in terms of skill and heart, he was one of the best. I was heading out when I felt it. It was the worst pain of my life. I literally felt my heart combust inside of me as a numbness overtook every fiber of my being, and that's when I knew. Seconds later, you were almost inconsolable, you cried and shook so bad. I knew that the links that we had with him were gone. Hazel was beside herself with grief for her mate, but her maternal instincts wouldn't abandon our duty to keep you safe. Armed with your safety and well-being as our top priority, I left in search of the safe house. It was shortly after that my fated audience with the queen would give us an additional purpose." Looking at Tempy who was just silently taking everything in, she says, "I have thought of a million times and words and ways to tell you. And every time, I would chicken out." She started. "I don't know exactly what I was truly afraid of, but the terror of losing you, of you hating me, of our little family no longer being whole, I... oh, Tempy." Mama cries. Then looking at me she says, "And how could I explain how or why your life would never be the same after that night. I know that you didn't know, but once it all came out, I feared that you would also hate and resent me for not being just your mother and putting your little innocent life in so much danger." "I could never hate you. Everything you did, you did for us. Both of us. Yes, there were times of lean, but there was no lack. We have a great life and a wonderful family. The three of us. So, what if she's a princess, she's still my little sister and your still our mother. That's got to count for something." I say. "Nicky, sometimes things aren't so simple. We must understand that for the wereworld, things aren't always black and white. It's the mark of any good leader to find and understand the grey area. It’s the mark of every great leader to proactively be prepared for it. Even if it only adds seconds, life and death are decided in a matter of milliseconds, so every additional second counts." Mama explains. "But she is my sister. I don't need blood or DNA or even the wereworld to tell me that. They don't know that when she gets nervous, she fidgets and hops from one foot to the other. Nor do they know that when she's stressed, she prefers chamomile and lavender tea, when any other time she won't touch the stuff. They don't know Tempy like we do, so how are they supposed to help her?" I asked frustrated. Up until this time, the conversation had been monopolized by me and Mama, and as if completely on the outside of us, in her own little world, Tempy clears her throat to chime in and speak. Temperance's POV I sat and listened to Nicky who seemed to have a bee in his bonnet over something. Though his high-strung behavior usually drew my complete attention, after today's events, I was only catching bits and pieces. A princess, the leaders of the wereworld are not only expecting me to be a princess, they expect to crown me Queen. Me... a seventeen-year-old, unknowledgeable, un-shifted, technically orphaned, newly informed werewolf. I was still having trouble navigating high school after 4 years and now I am being expected to navigate the treacherous waters of royalty and politics. How much of my life would be my own? How much would I be required to sacrifice for the sake of my people? For that matter, how much am I truly willing to sacrifice? I am brought out of my thoughts when I begin to hear Mama explain, "Nicky, sometimes things aren't so simple. We must understand that for the wereworld, things aren't always black and white. It's the mark of any good leader to find and understand the grey area. It’s the mark of every great leader to proactively be prepared for it. Even if it only adds seconds, life and death are decided in a matter of milliseconds, so every additional second counts." I finally realize the nature of the conversation that I checked out of when Nicky counters, "But she is my sister. I don't need blood or DNA or even the wereworld to tell me that. They don't know that when she gets nervous, she fidgets and hops from one foot to the other. Nor do they know that when she's stressed, she prefers chamomile and lavender tea, when any other time she won't touch the stuff. They don't know Tempy like we do, so how are they supposed to help her?" I clear my throat and prepare to settle this once and for all for each of us. "If I am to be crowned anything, I will not do so without my family by my side. I don't know nor do I fully understand or trust the people outside of this room. Mama, everything that you have ever done, it has been to protect me and Nicky and keep us safe. Your every decision, right, wrong, or grey, has been with the intention of that goal; to see your children healthy, happy, and safe, and I would be a fool to walk away now knowing that I will need you now more than ever." Mama smiles as I continue, "And you are absolutely correct, Nicky, I don't care what has to be done, you are as much my legitimate brother as air is needed to truly breathe. We don't need nor will I allow anyone to question or challenge it. I have been a Hale all my life, I became a Prince about thirty minutes ago, and that counts for everything." I am beaming when my mother and brother come over to me and we embrace. We may not know what awaits us in the future, but as far as we are concerned, we will unequivocally, undeniably face it together, come what may! As we pull away, I face Mama and ask, “Now that that’s settled, what are we supposed to be packing? Will we be returning back here?” Mama sighs again. Something she’s been doing more frequently lately and then answers. “No, baby, I don’t believe we will. When your uncle makes it here, I assume that he will spare no expense for your return back to Crowned Paw with him.” I hadn’t thought about that. What would happen when my long, lost family makes their timely appearance? “What is he like, do you know?” I asked Mama. “From what I remember, from his visits to the palace, he was funny, kind, but clearly the more level than your mother.” She paused and laughed, “Oh, don’t get me wrong, your mother wasn’t rash or hot-headed by most standards, but when she made her mind up, not even the goddess herself could budge her. And she usually dug her heels in hard for things like equality, justice, and family.” Mama looks off as if reminiscing and continues, “I remember one time, just before the unfortunate happenings at Mystic Moonlight, one of the minor alphas had it in mind to mate his daughter to the son of a major alpha for political gain, thinking that it would sway the distribution of resources being allocated for the packs. See in some areas, they still fight for prestige and position and will do anything to acquire it. When your mother heard about it, she was enraged. She summoned the entire kingdom, every single alpha, major and minor, and their wives. She had us prepare a wonderful banquet, delectable foods, exotic wines, and the most beautiful gowns I had ever seen. Oh, it was such a to do. She had the alphas and their wives, the ones proposing to run amuck over the mate bond in particular, to part ways and be seated with masks on next to other men and women. Oh, the ruckus that erupted in that room, when even seemingly innocent conversations were misinterpreted and confused, and at the crescendo of it all, your sweet, loving mother, silences the room with the question that rocked the room. She asked how it felt to know that your heart belongs to another and be forced to see them engaged, even minutely, with some one other than you? Are you pleased with what you’ve gained in recompense for your sacrifice? She asked.” Mama laughs but tries to cover it and says, “I have never seen so many ashamed, bashful, mighty men. They understood her point quite clearly and decided right then and there to leave the matchmaking to the goddess.” Mama giggled. Then thinking about it said, “I believe that was the catalyst for the baby boom we experienced after. Once they realized how fragile and fleeting the gift of being mated was, they decided to cherish each other a little more. I know that was what helped us slow down and appreciate the wonderful gifts we had been given in each other.” She looks longingly for a time and then stands up, fresh tears in her eyes, “Nicky,” she says, “you do so much look like your father. He was so handsome and brave. Oh, and he could make my worse days seem like passing annoyances with just the light in his eyes. He was a wonderful warrior, one of the best. He served the king proudly for years before I had even met him. I was originally from a small pack of the Southern Wilds Pack, and we had heard that they needed omegas to work in the palace. It was a rarity and an honor to be chosen. So, when the minor Luna of my pact recommended me and sent me with her blessings, I was ecstatic. Nothing could have prepared me for that first day. The palace conducted interviews with each of us to get to know more about us personally, as they had already spoken with our alphas regarding our service. No sooner had I stepped into the throne room, did the wonderful smell of cedar and crisp apples surrounded me. Before I knew what happened, strong arms engulfed me and a throaty growl shook the entire room. I was so flustered, I remember mumbling quite incoherently, your majesty I seem to have committed some crime unawares, much to the chuckle and delight of the King and Queen. To which it was responded that I seemed to have absconded with the heart of one of the king’s guards and there was no chance of my refusal or denial of charge. I, trying to wrap my mind around what I was being accused of, was quite thankful when the Queen took mercy on me and asked Nicholi, Sr. to at least let me breathe. When he stepped back, I was greeted by the most beautiful grey eyes I have ever seen. Hazel was howling ‘Mate' so loudly in my head I would have thought that it might give me a headache. But it didn’t, and we were inseparable since. It must have come as a given that I was supposed to be a part of the palace staff, because my interview concluded with, he and I walking out hand and hand.” She proceeded to smile and sigh and her eyes looked forlornly. I knew that Hazel, Mama’s wolf was missing her mate. She shook it off and glanced at us both saying, “Enough of this daydreaming, it’s time to get packing. I don’t know which of the two packs have the privilege of escorting us to Mystic Moonlight, but after seventeen years, I highly doubt that they will be tardy or long coming to collect us on the morrow. So, up stairs and let’s put our home to rights before our departure.”
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