Unexpected Visitor

1083 Words
Several months have passed. They are in the hospital, waiting for the delivery... And Sunghoon was late because he had to go to work, but he only arrived when the twins were born and were kept in separate rooms. Those two angels who were soundly sleeping had already won everyone over. Niki joked, "OMG, they are cuter than our children. Could we Adopt them as our child?" "Niki, you truly have a way of making me even more irate than before," He hisses at him, giving the impression that he is furious, but that was untrue. "How come? True, we are the ones who took care of Sunno's needs while you were at work and returned home late." She replied. "Certainly, indeed. Apart from jokes, why do not you go meet him? I am sure he is eager to see you after working so hard to bring your child into the world; at the very least, he should be able to catch up with you now that he is twin-free." Jungwon explained. "Are you certain that you will not be a blockhead going forward?" He glanced at him to make sure he accepted him as his brother-in-law in a genuine way. "Do you actually intend to have more children similar to Niki? How much shot are you going to keep? Jay closed his mouth to continue discussing his brother-in-law in an impolite way. Jungwon chose to retreat rather than continue forward. "I apologize for not being able to teach him manners," Jay says, "but why do not you go inside like he said?" Sunghoon felt sorry for him, and Jay would certainly chew him out for being impolite to me. I went inside and saw him as beautiful as the last time we met. "Hey, you did an excellent job, and I apologize for not being there for you again. However, I am going to leave this job and carry on with the business I started, which I gave to my younger sister so I could follow my dream. I have already achieved my goal and will soon be able to join my company." He smiled and expressed his joy. Sunno did not respond and simply stared at him with no emotion. "Is everything alright? What is the reason for your silence?" Sunno is looking down at his hand. "The fact that I am still alive after what I did to your father makes me feel bad for you and your younger sister." He felt ashamed. "Sunno looks me in the eye and say the same thing. Why can't you just forget it. I told you, did I not? He got what he deserved for causing harm to your family. And you were only protecting them in the same way that you had kept me from being kidnapped when we first met." He holds his face, looking through his eyes. "I am confident that you will never harm innocent people because you, too, are one of us. Therefore, please do not let your suffering continue, even though our late mother intended to forgive you." Sunno retorted, saying, "Sunghoon, you talk too much, even though all I said was this little thing. You are feeding me nonsense." Rolling his eye, he tried to calm down. "Sunno, you truly are something. Your mood swings are so extreme that I am at a loss for words. I really have no idea what you are thinking about when you open your mouth." In an attempt to breathe, he unties his tie. "Stop doing that; I can not handle your beauty; you are too hot." Again, Sunghoon was unable to speak. "Please sleep and get some rest; you worked very hard today." He desired for him to quit babbling. "I gave them names. Park Seo-Joon, Park Min-Ho." He watched his partner's response. "Those names are lovely, I was going to name them," he began, but Sunno interrupted. "Yeah right, when they grew up with the names you gave them, they would have hated it." Speaking with a pout, Sunghoon said, "Oh come on, they were easy to remember but yours is fine." "Of course, I am the father of the twins I gave birth to, so why would we use our friend's name that is easy to remember?" He put his hand on his chest as he explained. While those two were still fighting, another minor incident occurred. Sunghoon's younger sister shows up at the hospital gate with blood-red roses in her hands and a black dress that makes her look like she is going to a cemetery. As she dressed that way, the people in the back were whispering to each other, wondering who had died. The girl smiled with evil intentions and went inside without asking anyone, walking around until she found him—the one she could not forget is now lying on the bed, talking to her older brother. "It seems like the twins were born with the intention of ruining my big brother's future, and that man deserves to suffer." She was filled with both rage and joy at the prospect of destroying their happy family. "I am always thinking about the next steps to take once he takes over the company." She man le to herself walked in hiding her ture feeling toward him. "Hello, everyone. I apologize for disturbing you, but I am Sunghoon's younger sister, and I have come to see my brother-in-law. Here, I felt that roses go well with you." She explained. She was about to hand him over when Sunghoon stepped in and took it from her. "Well, brother, you are protecting him too much,aren't you." Sunghoon approached her and leaned in to whisper in her ear. "I informed you in advance that the past is behind us. Do you understand me when I say that you should not dare to do anything funny? Furthermore, why are you dressed this way?" She relied on "Big Brother. The party has yet to begin and compared to what we endured, this dress is nothing." After she finished speaking, she said her goodbyes and left everyone perplexed as to what had just happened. "Hey, is everything okay between you and your sister..." Jungwon approached to hear his response. He signed and told everyone that everything is fine, but to be careful not to fall into her traps. After that, he kissed Sunno's forehead and said goodbye to everyone. Everyone exchanged glances, unsure of what would happen next. To be continued
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