The Curse Wonders Around

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"Hey... Hey, Sunghoonie, are you really not going to tell me what happened between you and your sister last week?" It was morning and he was shaking him to get up, but he was pulled under his embrace. "I am not sure what happened to her, but I believe she is trying to hurt us... I told her not to do anything funny but if she does... Than I have to take a action and forget she was ever relate to me." Sunno remained in his arms, listening to what happened at the hospital, and he can clearly remember her eyes were not pleased to see her brother choose him because she saw him as a murderer, and he knew such happiness he did not deserve and why she wanted to harm his family, including Sunghoon. "Wah!!!!" Now that mealtime had arrived, both were wailing for their attention. "You can get some rest while I will bring them here." He released his hold on him and brought their twins into bed, giving them a mlik of bottle. "Look at this child, his smile is exactly like yours, aren't you two one of our cutey little baby boys?" He touched his nose to their and they both chuckled. As Sunno left his room to get some water, Sunno smile dropped as he saw the delivery box inside the door gate, his name was written in blood, and he smelled something familiar-it was none other than Jungwon's shirt, which was stained red and fake finger with his blood. Sunno had been watching his soulmate connect with his children, thinking how this would continue as he can't let anyone hurt his family. Because she went too far and chose the wrong person to mess with... Hurting his one and only family's Jungwon. "Sunno? What are you doing standing by door gate... And what is that you are holding... Oh my god... Don't tell me that's?" he gasps while holding his babies tightly on his chest. "Sung honey, don't you think your little sister prank went too F̶U̶C̶K̶I̶N̶G̶ far by sending this to me." Sunghoon was unable to respond, but Sunno persisted in speaking deservespite changing into a full-fledged vampire, with fangs growing out and hand nails growing in addition to his blood-filled red eye. "This finger may be a fake, but where did she get the blood from? It smells like jungwon blood, and they smell fresh to me. If I ever discovered my brother was in grave danger, Wh̶a̶t̶Do̶Yo̶uTh̶i̶n̶k̶Sh̶o̶u̶l̶d̶I̶Do̶Wi̶t̶h̶Yo̶u̶r̶Yo̶u̶n̶g̶Si̶s̶t̶e̶r̶? My Dear!" He smile while the twins started to cry non-stop because they felt too intense pressure from their papa. Sunghoon took a small step backward, but Sunno recovered faster after hearing their cries. He then came close and picked one baby up and said, "I am sorry, my little one. I lost control for a split second there." He kissed them and they fell asleep, saying, "I promise never to do that again." And they put them back on their bed. Then, he heard Jay calling, so he answered right away, asking, "What happened? Is everything okay?" He was interrupted by Jungwon, who said, "Hyung, I am really upset about the theft of our box and my cuts. Wah!" "Yah! Would you kindly return my phone? Jay stated that jungwon was holding while he was unable to get through to his phone. "Do not mind him, it is just a minor thing-" he was cut off by Sunno's shout. " Jay, it is not a minor issue! I just got the box with Jungwon's bloody shirt and fake finger." Jay was taken aback by Sunno's apparent danger after hearing what he had to say. "What do you mean by that? What makes someone want to hurt you or him?" Sunno chuckled and said, "Obviously, my dear sister-in-law sent me such a nasty thing in my house. Now that I am concerned about her, what should I do? I can not take this as a joke." "Please keep your temper under control or they will reawaken. Why don't we leave Jay and Jungwon to look after them?" Sunghoon advised his mate to calm down. "No! Whatever happens, the babies are staying with us. Furthermore, she has no idea who she is playing tricks on! I have been around longer than your grandfather. I apologize for letting you know this, but I am not your typical vampire." JAY'S POV After hearing that he cut the phone. "Jungwon!? You never told me he was that old; perhaps you were lying when you said you grew up with him? I always thought of him as my younger brother." Although Jungwon's moon had shaken him for the answer, the theft had cut him so deeply that the drug had seeped into his system and prevented him from speaking normally, as if intoxicated. "We really need to see the doctor or Sunno will definitely get piss off. Jungwon! Hang in there, I will call the doctor." But he heard the ring and was not sure who was at the doorbell, which kept ringing. He needs to decide now, and he needs to do it carefully, because you never know who might be standing outside the door. He tosses the ball he found nearby and hears a gunshot, which would have nearly killed him if he had been there instead of the ball. "Huh? I don't hear anything... Did they find out I was coming and NOW THEY HIDING FROM ME HOW CUTE OF YOU, I MADE SURE TO DRUG YOU DEEP AND NICE BUT YOU ARE STRONG,AREN'T YOU." When he heard her scream and laugh, he knew it could not be Sunghoon younger sister because of the cracking sound he was able to hear. With the phone in his hand, he led Jungwon into their shared room, locked all the doors and windows, started a group chat, and warned them that they were in danger. And send the photo... Was horrible looking. Everyone in the group was surprised, with the exception, Sunno who was aware that this is known as a curse and is a powerful one. But how did she got herself into like this. She looked fine last week when they met, or was she someone else? Sunghoon gasped and mumbled to himself, half-covering his face. "That looks similar to my mother... How is that even possible?" Following that, he passed out. What was going on was unknown to Sunno. First the box, second his brother has been drugged, and third a familiar cursed is wandering around his brother's area. "There is no way this is coincidence. We reunite after a very long time." He stated. He phones someone to take care of his partner and child, but he makes sure to leave something behind to keep them safe before he leaves. To be continued

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