Chapter 4: If she only knew the truth

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Myles POV I was so excited she agreed. I mean, we hang out all the time, but every time I ask her to do something in town, especially like a club, she always turns me down. Amber and I got her to get burgers a few times and a movie. But that was stretching it for Lily. She didn't like being away from the pack. My wolf, Harvey, was jumping around like a kid on christmas day."I hope she is, mate. She smells good." I knew she had a hard time getting over Ben. I'm still pissed he would hurt like that. Lily was his first girlfriend. I was hoping he just didn't know how to break up with a girl, but a year ago, i found out Ben was sleeping with Brooklyn behind Lily's back. I was just done with him after that. If he really loved Lily, he would have waited until she was ready, not trying to find s*x elsewhere and not with his best friends kid sister. Especially if they weren't fated mates. I doubt Landyn knew. Brooke wasn't exactly advertising it. Brooke only slipped up when Amber got in her face after attacking Lily, but im sure her friends know. She wouldn't miss an opportunity to gloat. We figured out then why Brooke was such a b***h to Lily, Ben was willing to be in a public relationship with her, but kept Brooke, a ranked member a secret. Amber, and i never told Lily about Brooke. Amber didn't think it was a good idea to tell Lily thay her first love was basically a sham. She didn't think Lily would handle it well. She's always been so sensitive, and none of us wanted to see her hurt. She was already close to the deep end when Ben first ghosted her, but now she was doing a lot better, and we didn't want her to go backward. I guess there is never really a good time, and after so much time has passed. We decided maybe she wouldn't find out. Nobody knows, but I'm so deeply in love with Lily. she's perfect. Sweet, kind, and gorgeous, any man would be lucky to have her as a mate. It's why I didn't understand why Ben did what he did. When I first realized I was in love with Lily, I was so ashamed of myself. Ben had only been gone a few weeks. I couldn't believe I had fallen for one of my best friends' girls. It was against any bro code I've ever known. But when I found out what he did to Lily with Brooke, I didn't feel as guilty. If Ben didn't care about breaking whatever unspoken bro code we had, why should I? I hadn't spoken to him much since he left. I really didn't make much of an effort, and honestly, either did he. But if he called or texted, I always replied. He was the future alpha. I couldn't be disrespectful. Even if I wanted nothing more than to punch him straight in the nose. To this day, I still think about the moment when I first knew I loved her, and since then, the feelings have gotten stronger.I know she won't see me more than just a friend, but I can only hope. Flashback "Come on, Lil all of us are going to the waterfall to jump the cliff. Come with us.? It might just be the distraction you need from Ben." "Myles, you know my mom won't let me shift in front of anyone.You promised you wouldn't tell anyone or put me in a position where I have to shift so they wouldn't get suspsious."I can't go if that's the only way there." "I know, lil that's why we're going on bikes. I convinced everyone it would be fun to do something different and take the dirt trails." Her face was so pale."Myles, you know I dont have a bike." "That's why you're going to ride on my handle bars." She perked up slightly but still seemed a little unsure. "Okay.., that actually sounds like fun." Lily went inside to change her clothes. When she came back out, she was in jean shorts and a zip-up hoodie. Even with that on, she looked gorgeous. Ben and Lily had been together since she was fourteen, and he was sixteen. Most girls bullied and teased Lily just out of jealousy. Lily never saw it that way. She never realized how truly beautiful she was. Everyone met up on the edge of the woods to head out. She climbed up on my bikes handle bars, and I took off fast. At first, she hung on tightly, but when she got used to the speed, she smiled and tipped her head back up, looking towards the moon and her eyes closed. she smiled so big. She never seemed so free. The wind pushed her hair back. She never looked more beautiful than she did right now to me. It was then I realized that I loved her. Before I could think anymore into it. We've become even closer since the incident in the woods, and I'm guessing It's because i started to stop pushing my feelings aside. Knowing what Ben did. We never spoke of it again, but I understood her a lot more. Brody and Conner yelled, "Race, you guys the rest of the way." Amber screamed. She was on Brodys handle bars. We all laughed, and the race was on. We made it to the waterfall in no time. I could tell Lily was nervous when she saw how big the waterfall was. I whispered, "I'll jump with you if that helps." She smiled. " You better. This was your idea.If I die, I'm taking you with me." My wolf growled. "I'f she dies you will be without a wolf." I sighed. My wolf has always been overly protective of Lily. He gave me hope that we may be mates. We all took off our clothes we had on besides the swimsuits we wore underneath. When I finished putting my clothes in a pile and I looked up and saw Lily in a bright neon pink two-piece bikini. I lost all words and any sense of logic. Lily never showed much skin. In fact, most of the clothes she wore covered her from head to toe for the most part. Okay, im being dramatic, but she was definitely the most modest dressed at school. That's why I was so shocked she came out in jean shorts. I never would have thought she would have even owned a bikini. We walked up the side to take the trail up to the top of the waterfall. She took my hand into hers the whole way up. I could feel her hand shaking. I didn't think she would be so scared of a waterfall. Most wolves dealt with even scarier cliffs and jumps. She looked down nervously when we made it to the top. I squeezed her hand gently and assured her she would be fine. We counted to three, and both jumped together hand in hand. When we came back up, she smiled and said, "We are so doing that again." She jumped on my back and hung onto me until everyone else jumped down. And even then, she didn't let go of me till it was time to head back to the pack house. She was quiet most of the night. I couldn't help but wonder if I had done something to upset her or make her uncomfortable. I knew my mom was going to pissed. I told her I wouldn't stay out past midnight, and it was nearly two in the morning. I just lost track of time when I was with her. Flashback ends I was ready for tomorrow. Even if she never knows how much I love her. I can only hope one day she will see me like she saw Ben. I couldn't help but wonder if Ben found his mate at Alpha School. That was the only logical thing that came to mind of why he would stop talking to Lily like that. Even while having s*x with Brooke, Ben still kept Lily as his girlfriend. So it couldn't be just some random girl. My wolf growled again. I feel like he's been growling more here lately than anything. Or paces until i get a headache. We dont know who our mates are until we turn nineteen. I've hoped every day that somehow she could be mine. I've hoped that since she came to our pack as just a kid. Lily turns nineteen in October. I hope if she finds I'm her mate, I hope she won't wait to tell me till I'm nineteen. I wouldn't want to waste a minute that I could be with her. She's got it stuck in her head that the moon goddess wouldn't make any ranked members fated to an omega. She just doesn't see herself like everyone else does. She's more beautiful than most rank members. Anyone would be lucky to have her as a fated mate. I just want it to be me.
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