Chapter 2. Micah

1857 Words
Micah The entire pack was gathered in the massive ballroom where my Alpha ceremony was being held. Everyone had dressed up, and there was scattered small talk as they tried to enjoy themselves while we waited for the moon to rise, despite the obvious tension that gripped every pack member. I was happy to see that Allegra was looking regal in a long, silky, red dress that left most of her back on display, diamonds glinting at her throat and ears. Her golden eyes, even more wolf-life than they normally were with her raging emotions, flickered over the gathered wolves nervously. As for me, I was feeling strangely calm. Though my nerves had kept me awake the night before and had nearly given me an ulcer, as I had put on my dark blue suit, a serenity had washed over me. I knew that whatever happened tonight would be for the best. I only hoped I would be able to convince my sister of the same. At long last, the full moon slowly breached the horizon as we took our places. A spear of silvery light pierced the window and lanced across the floor to the ceremonial bowl of water sitting in front of me. The entire pack held their breaths waiting for what would come next. My heart sank as the water turned a brilliant silvery shimmer, and I heard Allegra start to blow out a sigh of relief, until the light faded back into an inky blackness. We all stared at the bowl in dumbfounded silence. Nothing happened. I was not the Alpha. I quickly retreated to my father's office, a tumble of emotions swirling through me. I was worried, of course, about what this would mean for the future of our pack. But my joy couldn't be denied and it warred with the shame I felt at being so deeply relieved at the ceremony's outcome. I really shouldn't be happy about this, I told myself. I should be devastated. That would be the normal reaction to finding out you're not going to fulfill the role that you've been raised believing you would be forced to perform. Still, I couldn't help the grin that threatened to split my face apart, however, which was the reason I'd fled the banquet hall before anyone could notice. I knew emotions would be running high among our pack, and until I got myself under control, I would only make things worse. The door to the office crashed inward with the force of a very angry Allegra. I jumped, and tried to put a little more distance between us as she stormed into the room, her eyes blazing with her temper. “What the f*ck was that?” she bellowed at me. “What did you do?” “Allegra, calm down,” I said, amazed that my voice was so steady. Given the circumstances, I should be freaking out. And no one faced Allegra in the mood she was in without a healthy amount of fear. I could tell she wanted to hit something, I just hoped it wasn't going to be my face. Still, the calmness I'd been feeling all evening couldn't be chased away by my sister's anger. “This isn't the end of the world,” I told her gently. “No, just the end of our pack!” she roared. “Our family! Everything our ancestors- our parents worked for! What have the last ten years been for?” She stalked towards me like I was her prey and I threw my hands up and took a few steps back. “Allegra, stop,” I said, hoping she'd listen to reason. “Please, just listen.” “No,” she snapped at me. “We're going back down there and you're going to do it again.” Laughter burst out of me, but I quickly tried to cover the sound by clearing my throat when she looked ready to pounce on me. “You know that's not how that works,” I said calmly, trying, and failing, to hide my amusement. “I'm not the Alpha.” It felt so good to say the words out loud, but Allie's jaw went slack as she stared at me in shock. “So, you're perfectly happy ending our pack?” she asked incredulously. “No,” I said slowly, lowering my hands but still watching her warily for any sign of attack. “We just have to wait one more year for our real Alpha to come of age.” She narrowed her eyes at me and let out a low, frustrated growl. “What are you talking about?” “I'm not the Alpha, Allegra,” I repeated. “You are.” “You're crazy!” she hissed at me, turning to close the door of the office, checking to make sure no one was in the hallway that could have overheard me. I knew how scared and worried she was about our pack's future, and I was counting on her instincts to eventually prove me right. “Have you lost your mind?” she asked as she turned back to face me. “Don't let anyone hear you talk like that! They'll send you to some asylum! Females can't be Alphas.” I shrugged, completely unbothered. On some level, I think I'd always known I would be the Alpha. Just as I was convinced that on Allegra's twenty-fifth birthday the following year, the moon's silver glow would fill her with unquestionable authority. “It's true, Allie,” I said as I approached her cautiously. It wouldn't be the first time she'd hit me, and probably not the last, but she was a lot stronger than she looked and I wanted to avoid her fist whenever possible. I gripped her upper arms to give myself some level of control. “You've been acting as Alpha for the last ten years and you know it. On your next birthday, all that has to happen is to make it official. The entire pack already looks to you as our leader, it won't take much to convince them you deserve the title.” My eye lit up with a sudden idea and I dragged her towards the door. “And right now is the perfect opportunity to start!” She dug her heels in as I pulled on her. “Micah, knock it off!” she admonished me, trying to twist out of my grip. “Perfect opportunity for what? Do you have any idea what's going on down there right now?” I could easily guess at the chaos, and the unmistakable sounds of a massive brawl drifting up the stairs confirmed my suspicions. I tugged her harder, jerking her forward so suddenly it made her take a surprised step. Once I had her moving, I kept the momentum going and dragged her downstairs into the banquet hall, knowing her instincts would take over as soon as she saw the fighting. I shoved her into the room and watched as her eyes swept over the rioting wolves. The room was in shambles. Someone had torn the heavy drapes off the windows and they lay discarded on the floor like forgotten victims of an attack. Raised voices competed with each other as the pack members fronted off against one another, yelling insults and challenges as loud as they could to try to be heard over the cacophony. In the corner, two of our top warriors were fighting it out with their fists, pummeling each other until blood flowed freely from both of them. “Enough!” Allegra's voice easily carried through the room and silence fell heavy and instantly at the unmistakable command. It wasn't quite an Alpha command, but it had more than enough force behind it to make every wolf stop immediately and turn to look at her with wide eyes. I stood smirking behind her as she seethed at our pack mates. “Who are you to give orders, girl?” a warrior sneered at her, making me concerned for his safety. She fixed him with a fierce gaze. “You know perfectly well who I am, Marcus,” she growled. “I am my father's daughter,” she added louder, addressing the entire room. “And now is not the time to panic.” “We're a pack without an Alpha,” a voice piped up from the back of the room. “If there was ever a time to panic, now would be that time.” “What? Are you going to be our Alpha?” Marcus scoffed. I could see the way his lips twitched, knowing he was toying with her, but I shook my head, silently urging him not to push her too hard. “Should we challenge you for the position?' “Try it,” she growled menacingly at him. “I've beaten you every time, you sniveling coward.” I winced, but her hard stare made him shift uncomfortably, dropping his gaze with a small whimper as he bared his neck, submitting to her. “That was a bit harsh,” he mumbled, but thankfully, let the matter drop quickly. “The fact remains that we do not have an Alpha,” another warrior, Anthony, who was close to Allegra spoke up. “Unless you find an Alpha mate, this pack is doomed. Allegra turned her glare on him. She'd often said she had no intentions of seeking her mate, Alpha or otherwise. She and our father had been exceptionally close, and seeing the pain he had felt with the loss of our mother had taken its toll on Allegra. While most wolves eagerly anticipated the day they found their fated mate, Allegra lived dreading that occasion. “We have lasted ten years without an Alpha,” she reminded the crowd. “My brother and I have always put the needs of the pack before our own and we will continue to do so until our true Alpha can be located.” I snorted behind her, confident I was right, but she chose to ignore me. “Go home. All of you,” she continued. There will be challengers when word of tonight's... proceedings get out. Anyone who refuses to fight to protect our lands and our pack will be treated as a traitor,” she aimed a pointed look at Marcus, but he refused to meet her eyes. “Patrols will double. Anthony, William, Oliver, and Trisha, you're with me on first watch. The rest of you, go home. Rest and prepare. Our pack has survived worse than this. We are stronger than any other pack because we fight together! Anyone who tries to challenge us won't live to regret it!” she finished in a yell to be heard over the cheering of the wolves in front of her. She turned and narrowed her eyes at me as I smirked at her. “This doesn't prove anything,” she growled. “Sure, sis,” I laughed, throwing my arm over her shoulders affectionately. “Whatever you say.”
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