Chapter 3. Allegra

1189 Words
Allegra I knew what my brother was trying to do, but I didn't need to be happy about it, and I still thought he was completely insane to ever suggest I should attempt the Alpha ceremony. It was against the Council's laws for a reason! Every female in recent memory who had claimed the Alphadom had gone insane and turned rogue. Sometimes they'd even killed members of their own pack before they were chased out or put down. I didn't want to run the risk of hurting my pack. I grumbled as I went to my room to change into my patrolling outfit of leather pants, loose-fitting top, and a leather vest. They were easy to strip out of if I needed to shift quickly, but I usually preferred patrolling in human form, and the clothing gave me some degree of protection. It was almost a relief to take off the constricting dress and flashy jewelry. I'd never been an exceptionally girly type of girl, so it was rare that I put on anything that ornate. Grabbing a hair tie, I moved to pull my black curls back into a sensible ponytail, but froze in front of the mirror. I had asked one of the young Omegas, Samantha, whose family had served the Alpha family for three generations, to do my hair for the ceremony, assuming she would pull it into a simple barrette or braid it. I'd been so distracted with trying to make sure everything was perfect, and, I could admit now, stressed, that I hadn't taken notice of the girl's work before. My usually unruly mane had been tamed into a series of complicated twists and braids. Pearls and a metallic gold thread had been woven into the design, making me feel almost like royalty. It seemed like a crime to destroy it, but I couldn't go on patrol looking like a princess straight from the pages of some fairy tale. With more than a touch of regret, I pulled the loose locks into a ponytail, and made a mental note to thank the girl for her dedication and skill. And get her to do my hair more often! I headed back downstairs to join the others to run our borders, ensuring the pack was safe for the night. When I spotted Marcus waiting for me by the front door, I didn't bother to hide my irritation with him. He had challenged me in front of everyone, and although he may not be our strongest warrior, I've always valued his input and knew he had the skills I would need if I intended to keep the pack together. Not to mention he could do magical things with his tongue. I had hoped he would agree to share my bed after Micah's ceremony until everything fell apart. “Didn't I tell you to go home?” I said in a low growl as I approached the door. He had the good grace to look a little sheepish. I knew it went against his grain to submit to me, but when I was in a mood like I was in now, he did his best to not make it any worse. He took a deep breath and spoke quickly, knowing the chances of me killing him were low, but not completely out of the question. “Allie, you're in over your head,” he spat out. “The council will never accept you as Alpha.” I growled at the too familiar nickname. Speaking to me so informally was one thing when we were in bed together, but standing in the foyer where anyone could hear him was dangerous. “Marcus, how long have you known me?” I asked in a dangerous tone, glaring at him defiantly. “Long enough to know you're only cruel when you've bitten off more than you can chew,” he answered, sulking. I let out a small sigh, letting the guilt of calling him a coward wash over me, but set it aside for the time being. There were more pressing matters than his bruised ego. “Then you also know me enough to know I'm not stupid.” He let out a long breath. “Allie-legra,” he quickly tried to correct as I growled a low warning. “This is too much, even for you. If you try to take on the role of Alpha, the council will put you down. Hard.” I c*cked an eyebrow at him as my lips tilted up in a cold smile. “Trying to get back in my good graces, Marcus?” I smirked. “F*ck that, Allie,” he snapped, not able to hold back his emotions anymore. “I'm trying to tell you to watch your damned back!” “Right now, the council and my position are not my biggest concern,” I said, softening my tone at his worried expression. “The safety and integrity of our pack has to be my priority. I need to know that I can count on you.” “You insult me for the second time tonight?” his eyes narrowed at me. “How can you possibly think I would betray you? The pack? After all we're been through?” I sighed again and rubbed the back of my neck. There was too much to do to waste time with this drama. I'd never been very good at protecting his feelings and I wished Micah was there to better console him. “No, Marcus, I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt the pack. I can't deny your ambitions, though,” I added with a small grin to try to take the sting out of my words. He obviously wasn't buying it for a moment. “Just be careful,” he scowled. “The pack would be lost without you. I would be lost without you,” he added softly as he turned to open the door. I waited until he'd taken a step away from me before asking, “Where do you think you are going?” He paused with his hand on the handle, a knowing smile playing across his lips. Without turning, he answered, “You told me to go home.” “I changed my mind. Wait for me in my room,” I said, my voice husky with the lust already building inside me. “I'll only be a couple of hours and I'll need to blow off some steam after tonight's debacle.” He opened the door wider for me, leaning forward as I passed to breathe in my scent. I paused in front of him and tilted my head up to meet his soulful brown eyes. “And Marcus, I hope you're not planning on sitting very much over the next few days,” I teased darkly. After all, he had challenged me in front of the entire pack. He needed to endure at least a little punishment for his insubordination. His eyes widened and I could smell his arousal, but I was gone into the dark night before he could say a word.
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