Chapter 10. Conall

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Conall Allegra was silent the entire ride from Silver Birch to the Black River pack house. I didn’t mind, however. I was enjoying looking out the window as the scenery passed us by as Micah expertly negotiated the twisting roads leading through the mountains, down into the Black River Valley. We drove by quaint farms with livestock and crops in fields, giving way to denser populations until we reached the heart of the village where most of the pack lived and worked. It was a pretty village, and the pack obviously took a lot of pride in their home. The streets were clean, the buildings small, but in good repair, and everywhere I looked, there were people milling around chatting and laughing with one another. I noticed a few of the younger wolves, both male and female, glance at the car as we drove past, but their looks were of quiet curiosity rather than the fear that some packs felt for their leadership. On the other side of the village, we started up a slow, short incline to impressive looking gates and a formidable wall. The gates were wide open, allowing anyone to access the pack house, but I could see how, if they were closed, the pack house could act as a fortress of sorts. Being up on a rise meant that we could see for several miles around in any direction, increasing the feeling of being a fort. As we approached the house itself, my mouth dropped open in awe. It was a huge, sprawling mansion in white stone. Gone was the feeling of this place being merely for safety, the house seemed more like a castle than a pack house. There were large patios that overlooked the massive gardens in the front. Huge windows that looked to be in every room made me think inside would feel light and airy. Large double wooden front doors were propped open and there were Omegas and warriors bustling around, doing whatever they needed to. They looked up when we got out of the car, smiling at Allegra and Micah, and sending curious looks my way. I followed Allegra into the house, marveling at the décor that was tasteful yet modest. Before she could get more than two steps inside, a warrior, who had to be close to her age if not slightly older, approached her, bowing his head respectfully, even though his eyes darted in my direction. “Everyone is gathered in the front room, Alph… umm… Alleg… umm… ma’am,” he said. Interesting, I thought to myself, making a mental note of how he spoke to her. His first instinct was to call her Alpha, then by name, then finally he settled on ma’am. Very interesting indeed. Allegra nodded, thanking him, then motioned for me to follow her. I could tell she was tense by how rigidly she held her back and shoulders, but she still moved in that graceful way I’d already come to admire. I couldn’t wait to see her in the sparring ring. I imagined she moved lightly on her feet, more like a dancer than a fighter. We entered a large room that was filled with warriors who all greeted Allegra with smiles and polite nods. There were more than a few jabs and chuckles when they saw me in my wheelchair, however. I refused to let it get to me, reminding myself that I’d dealt with far worse in the past and I was still ranked a Gamma. “Silver Birch pack has leant us their Gamma to assist with coordinating our security,” Allegra began, her golden eyes scanning the group with an intensity that had most of them quickly hiding their grins at my expense. Her voice was full of authority, and it was clear that only a fool would try to go against her. There was a scoff from the back of the group, and I immediately understood that we had found our fool. A young wolf who must have been freshly out of training stepped forward, but I watched, intrigued, as the other wolves around him slowly moved away, averting their eyes from Allegra. “And what is a cr*pple supposed to know about security?” he asked derisively. Allegra moved so fast, no one had time to react. Her foot swept out, catching the young warrior just below his knees, sending him crashing to the floor in a heap. She was on top of him in the blink of an eye, the sound of popping bones echoing in the suddenly silent room as the hand that was squeezing the young wolf’s throat lengthened into claws that dug into his tender flesh and her canines lengthened into sharp, deadly points. Droplets of fresh blood plopped quietly on the wooden floor as the young man whimpered and tried his best not to move. “Let that word pass your lips again, and you will find yourself without a tongue,” she growled menacingly low. I wanted to point out that she had used the exact same word when we met, but decided now was probably not the best time to bring it up. Standing slowly, she glared at the gathered men and women. “That goes for everyone. Gamma Conall is to be treated with the utmost respect. He outranks everyone here, and you would all do well to remember that.” There was a general murmur of acceptance, and I was surprised to find that every single wolf standing in front of her was baring their necks to her in submission. Allegra motioned for the young warrior to get up and he scrambled to his feet quickly, lowering his gaze so he wasn’t looking her in the eye. Her gaze was still intense when she turned towards me, but I met her look calmly with a hint of amusement. I’d been looking forward to seeing her in the ring before, but now I was wondering if I could convince her to demonstrate sooner. “I will show you to your quarters personally,” she said in a formal tone. “Marcus, Anthony,” she barked, “I expect a full report in my office in fifteen!” Without waiting for a response, she turned on her heel and stalked out of the room. I tipped my head to the warriors who were all looking at me with curious expressions. Gone were the smirks and laughter. It seemed it wouldn’t take much for them to show me respect out of the deference they held for Allegra, but I knew I could show them I was worthy of it on my own, too. “Gentleman, ladies,” I said before following Allegra out into the hall. For such a tiny wolf, she could move fast when she wanted to and I had to hurry to catch up with her, appreciating the hypnotic sway of her ass as she led me down the long hallway, out the back door, and across a pretty patio to the pool house. “I apologize for the accommodations,” she began as she opened the door and ushered me inside. “All the guest suites are upstairs and we don’t have an elevator.” “I’m sure I’ll manage,” I assured her, holding back the laughter I felt at her apology as I took in the spacious room. Large windows let in plenty of light and air, the sound of a waterfall splashing into the pool outside providing soothing white noise. A large desk sat in a brightly lit corner facing the pool. A couch and several comfortable looking armchairs faced a large flat screen tv. A kitchenette with a bar fridge and sink completed the room. Allegra was fidgeting as she checked to make sure the fridge was stocked and everything was clean. “There’s a bathroom with a shower down there,” She told me, motioning to a door that led to a small hallway, “and a bedroom. It’s not much, but there’s a wardrobe and extra pillows and blankets, towels and whatever in the hall cupboard. There should be toothpaste and soap and shampoo and conditioner and… whatever you need in the bathroom. If there’s something not there, just let me know and I’ll make sure you get it. There’s a tv if you get bored, and the Playwolf should be hooked up if you want to unwind. If not, I’ll get Link to set it up. He’s good at all those cords and whatnot.” I felt my brows shoot up at her casual mention of the p**n channel. “Playwolf?” I asked in disbelief. She frowned at me, looking unsure of herself. “Yeah,” she nodded. “Video games? If you’re into that sort of thing anyway.” I couldn’t stop the laughter that rumbled deep in my chest at how adorable she was when she was flustered. “Playdepot,” I corrected her. She blushed, the color staining her cheeks a pretty pink, and looked away from me. “Sorry, yes. The Playdepot is there. Although, Playwolf is probably also on there,” she added with a shrug. “The single guys tend to use this place as a sort of bachelor pad sometimes. Anyway, I’ll make sure a warrior is assigned to you to show you around and get you whatever you need.” “Allie?” I called her gently, c*cking my head as she visibly jumped despite my soft tone. “Do I make you nervous?” Her eyes darted away from me, her anxiety filling the space between us. “Why would you think that?” she asked in a small voice. I smiled at her, wondering if she actually thought she was fooling me. “My younger brother loves to chase rabbits,” I began somewhat cryptically. “He's never caught one, and I don't think he's really trying to, he just likes the chase. The rabbits don't know that, though. You have the same look as those rabbits right now.” One eyebrow arched as she looked at me coolly. “That doesn't really sound like a compliment,” she said slowly. With a small sigh, she turned towards the door. “I'm going to be late for my meeting.” “Allegra,” there was enough urgency in my voice to make her stop and turn around to face me again. I focused on my breathing as I studied her, trying to decide how to say what was on my mind. “You just took out a man twice your size,” I said finally. “For me.” “No one gets to disrespect you here,” she shrugged. “If anyone tries to, Hot Wheels, let me know and it will be handled immediately.” My eyes widened at the new nickname, but it was infinity better than cr*pple. “Besides,” she continued with a dangerous grin, “he should know better by now. I broke his arm in three places last month. Fair warning, don't sneak up on me.” “Duly noted,” I said with a grin. I bit my lip, wondering if I should really ask my second question, but I guess she could tell I had more on my mind because she stood patiently waiting for me to make up my mind. “Are you... are you really not going to stay here with me?” I blurted out, hating how vulnerable I sounded. “Oh, I...” obviously, I'd taken her off guard. “Well, I mean, my room is upstairs and... I guess we'll have to install an elevator at some point, but...” she sighed heavily and ran a hand through her hair before taking a few steps towards me. “Conall, you must know I won't be able to stay away from you,” she whispered. “Even if I wanted to. But I... I just need some time to come to terms with everything. I'd never really planned to look for my mate.” I nodded, understanding exactly how she felt. I'd always imagined my mate would reject me as soon as she saw me and I was grateful to have this time with Allegra. Normally, when wolves find their mates, things move pretty quickly. Allegra and I were fighting every one of our instincts to mark each other. Nomi was right, this would be harder than I thought when I'd suggested it. “I've got to go,” she said with a touch of regret that made me ridiculously happy. “I'll see you later, ok?” She turned to leave again, but glanced back when she reached the door with a dark smile. “You may want to lock this when you're in the shower or sleeping. My nympho baby sister has no self-control when it comes to gorgeous men.” My grin faltered slightly at her words, not really sure what to say in response. I watched the door close behind her and started laughing. What had I gotten myself into?
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