Chapter 5

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Howie walks on the porch and past Matthew and Ruth, mumbling, “who in the hell do they think they are? Those bastards don’t tell him what to do.” “Let’s hope he keeps their attention off of us,” Matthew whispers and looks at Richard. “I sure as hell hope you don’t remember me.” But Ruth's eyes are on Qaletaqa and Treasure, wishing she could take Treasure’s place. Howie walks into the kitchen where Kitty is making lunch and frowns. “Ms. Kitty. Can you explain to me how in the hell Indians and a half-breed woman has the same privileges as we do?” She's stirring her beef stew. "Sit down, child. You have a lot to learn. Here in Willow Creek Falls, there isn’t any color. We all are the same, thanks to Richard Abbott. That woman you call a half-breed is his daughter. Richard was married to her mother. This town wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for that family. Richard and Salome bought all of this land and created this beautiful town. “ Kitty sits down. “Don’t cross the Abbotts and get any ideas about Audrey Abbott out of that handsome head of yours. Son, you don’t stand a chance with her. She and her beau Little Horn have been together since Audrey was twelve, and the way they look at each other, not you and anyone else, will break them up. Howard is your father and isn’t helping you at all. That man was among the most hated people ever ridden into Willow Creek Falls. I hate to tell you this, but it’s no telling how many siblings you have running around here. That man had a serious problem with sleeping with young girls. Once they were in the family way, he left them alone. Don’t turn out like him. Leave the Abbotts alone. Now I have said my say about the matter. What you do is entirely up to you.” Kitty points at him with a wooden spoon before she walks over to the stove. Howie looks at her, thinking, “Why should that Indian live a good life like that? No, I’m not leaving her alone. I’ll make her fall for me. Her damn parents won’t have any choice but to accept me.” Matthew is now standing by the kitchen door listening to them. “Young man, you’ll help me more than you know.” He thinks as he slowly walks down the hall. ***** Richard is walking over to the jail. He has decided that it’s time for the town to have a meeting. So he can inform them about the trouble that is coming their way. Christopher stops Richard. “f**k” Richard mumbles and roughly rubs his hair back after Christopher tells him about Cort coming there. “Be at the town hall in two hours. Make sure your wife is there. Everyone needs to hear this.” Richard knew about Cort from hearing Annette telling Treasure about him. Christopher nods and walks across the street on his way to the diner. Annette is working there today. He’s looking at Kanen, Dog Star, Running Water, and some ranch hands going door to door announcing the meeting. "This isn't a good sign. "He thinks when he walks into the diner. Annette, the customers, and the worker discuss why they are being told to be at the town hall. Ned and his wife, Mary Catherine, are there with their two daughters. Mary Catherine is Ned’s second wife. Ned's first wife, Eleanor, died three years ago. Jamie found her body in the river. This was strange since Eleanor had a fear of water. The sheriff and deputy never found any evidence of who was behind her death. Lyman and Richard have their suspicions but can’t prove them. Ned knows something is wrong, but he thinks it has to do with Howard's son riding into town yesterday. Christopher motions for Annette to step outside the diner. As soon as she walks outside, he pulls her to the side of the building. "Something is wrong. I have an idea that it isn't about Cort." She’s looking down the street. “Honey, maybe we should send a telegram and tell my parents not to come.” “No, let them come. We might need their help more than you know.” He pulls her into him. **** After being run out of Dodge City, Calhoun, and his men camped outside the town. They're drinking the last little bit of whiskey that they have. Benji is playing the harmonica. His mind is on the beautiful young lady with whom he had the pleasure of spending one night with in Tombstone. Damn, if only her ass weren’t married to that bastard. He's not good for her. She deserved better. I don’t have much, but I had enough to buy a piece of small land for her and me to settle down,” He thinks as he lays back on his blanket. Ralph and Calhoun are talking about stopping in Hot Springs on their way to Willow Creek Falls. There was talk in Dodge City about Doc Tillingham staying at a boarding house there. They are sure that means gambling. But first, they must come up with the money to have a stake before sitting at the table with Doc. Bronco looks at Calhoun. “Are you sure you’re ready to face Doc and Marie? She left your ass for him in Mississippi. We all know that Doc is fast as hell with that gun of his. Killing him isn't going to be easy." “f**k you. I never said anything about killing him. Besides, I'm sure that Doc has probably grown tired of her ass and moved on. Marie wasn’t anything to me. Nothing but a woman to keep me warm.” Calhoun walks off to himself, thinking, “That b***h made me look like a damn fool.” "Stagecoach sounds good" Benji closes his eyes, still thinking about the young lady in Tombstone. “Man, forget about her. Just think, when we arrive in Willow Creek Falls, plenty of young fillies will satisfy your needs. Hell, all of our needs” Bronco laughs loudly and pats Calhoun’s shoulder. Calhoun chuckles, "the prettiest woman in that town is mine. The rest are up for the pickings." **** Lyman is on his way into town after picking Jane up, and she stopped working at the General Store a few years ago. He wanted her to be home with the children and take some time to rest and appreciate the peace and quiet. Something she never had with John. Harriett and Roy are in school. He is also telling her about Howard Jr. She wasn’t surprised about Howard having kids. Not after everything that she had learned about him. She still doesn’t know how Betty fell for his bullshit. Jane's mouth falls open. “You don’t think he’s here to revenge that nasty man’s death, do you? “Nope, that’s not the reason for him coming. But it might have changed since he discovered that Howard was dead.” Lyman is looking at people walking toward Town Hall. Jane smiles, looking at Rose and Zack on the sidewalk and talking. She can’t believe how much her daughter has changed into a respectable young lady. No one talks about Rose’s past because Treasure took it upon herself to have a meeting and told them that everyone has a past and needs a second chance. After that meeting, Rose hasn't had any problems with anyone gossiping about her again. Maybe it was the gun that Treasure laid on the table and patted every once in a while as she talked. Inside the hall, Flossie is talking to her sister Corine. She was expecting Donald Corine’s husband to be there, but he is passed out drunk at home from the whiskey he made. Lois walks over to the two women asking Flossie what this meeting is about, but Flossie tells her that her husband will tell everyone at the same time. Lois shook her head and walked to sit beside Duke. She and Duke have been married for a year now. Everyone expected them to do that since they lost their spouses a few years back. Emmanuel and Maree walk into the hall and sit beside Yellowbird and Tasunka. Evan wanted to come, but Celina still hasn’t had the baby yet, and he’s not leaving her side until she does. Richard takes a deep breath and looks around the crowd to see if everyone is there. “I’m not going to beat around the bush. Willow Creek Falls has trouble coming. Mutherfuckers wants to turn our peaceful town into a gambling and w***e town. My family and I can’t allow that to happen. We’re hoping that you all feel the same way. If you don't, I suggest you pack your belongings and get the hell out of Willow Creek Falls by daylight." People agree with him. Some are talking about killing all newcomers when they first arrive. Richard is trying to tell them they can't kill a stranger when he or she arrives. They have to find out the person's attention first. But he wants them to do whatever they must to protect their family and property. Peter stood up, “what about Howard’s son? Why is he here?” He looks at a pregnant Caroline Richard looks at Qaletaqa. Qaletaqa looks at Peter. “He is one man that needs to be watched. He has already manhandled one of our women today.” He looks over at Maryann and Joseph. “That is something that we can’t tolerate. The fool will always have eyes on him.” Peter sits down, thinking, “if he’s like his father, he is already a dead man. I don’t want him to discover that Callahan has Howard’s blood in him. That is one secret, I will kill anyone before that s**t gets around town.” The Sheriff stands up and informs them that they are deputizing some men and warriors so that someone will be patrolling the streets at all times. Qaletaqa looks at Chief Tasunka. Tasunka nods his head to let him know that there are warriors already on the building's rooftop. Isabell is surprised that her mother didn’t say anything. She’s wondering if she is feeling well. Treasure turns to look at her. "On the stagecoach, did you even see that man open his bible to read?' "Come to think of it. No, he didn't. What are you thinking?" Isabell whispers. Treasure shook her head. "I don't know yet. But I will know soon. Soon," She looks at her husband and then back at Isabell, "I want to visit Evan and Celina before we go home." Qaletaqa narrows his eyes, looking at his wife. "You were quiet. Are you okay?' He looked her body over to see if she was hurt. He touches her forehead ."You do not have a fever. Are you not feeling well?" "I'm fine. Just have something on my mind. Tell me what you think about Reverend Matthew and his wife, Ruth." Treasure rubs his arm. "My wife, I do not see him as a holy man. There is something about him that I do not like." Qaletaqa takes her hand, looks at the few people that are left in the room and starts walking toward the door. “My husband, I get the same feeling. He is a good actor but not good enough.” She chuckles, “look who finally made it. I had hoped they would have met a bear or something." Treasure points at the man and woman that Qaletaqe had put off the stagecoach. They are riding on a cow. Isabell looks at the couple. “Do you think they stole that cow?” “Probably so. I don’t want to deal with them today.” Treasure frowned and shook her head. Qaletaqa hasn't said anything. He just nods as he stares at the man thinking, “I’m glad you made it. Your days are numbered.” The couple stops in front of Kitty’s. “Look like you have two more guests," Flossie looks at the woman falling to the ground. “More crooks is more like it. I'll be glad when we get another boarding house. Treasure and Qaletaqa, all I ask is to try not to break my windows." Kitty starts walking to her house. The man steps off the cow and over his woman, still on the ground. He smiles and turns around, and his smile fades. "s**t," he mumbles, looking at Qaletaqa staring at him.
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