Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 A new love Gloria I had no clue about the baby’s paternity and acted like Maurice was the father. I knew Carri waited for me, but I didn’t meet him to save the baby. I accepted my fate with Maurice, knowing I’d have someone who would love me. I ran my hands over my growing belly as the baby kicked. Maurice left for extended periods, leaving me alone to fend for myself. I assembled the crib and set up the nursery, and I was having a boy, which excited me. “Okay, little one, we’ll work together to discover our happiness.” I used my paycheck to buy the baby items since Maurice didn’t bother, and his family didn’t throw me a baby shower as I purchased items for the baby. “So, when you arrive, it’ll be us against the world. I hope you’ll love me, and I won’t disappoint you.” I struggled not to cry, but the baby kicked, reassuring me. That was my boy. “Yep, it’s you and me against the world.” I finished, then ate. Maurice thinks I’m naming the baby after him, but I chose the baby’s name, calling the baby Dylan Michael Frazier. The only name Dylan would get from Maurice was Frazier, and he didn’t deserve to have a baby named after him. ***** Carrington I tapped on the door and waited as the door opened, revealing Nikita. She grinned as I beamed. She came out of her apartment as we left for dinner. We found a quaint place, had dinner, and chatted about everything. I joked, making Nikita laugh. She told me some corny jokes, and I chuckled. I didn’t expect someone like Nikita to have a sense of humor, but she surprised me. Nikita’s personality endured me to her. I enjoyed spending time with Nikita. We went to dinner, the theater, museums and spent time together. It helps that she didn’t have a man in her life, which was an issue when the woman wasn’t single. I even visited Nikita at the hospital. I showed up with a bouquet, and she smiled when she saw me. She strolled over to me, kissed me, and took the flowers from me. She inhaled the flower’s scent. “Lovely bouquet, thank you.” “Lovely flowers for a lovely woman.” Nikita smiled. “Carrington, you charm me.” “Is that a good thing?” “Yes.” Nikita grinned. “I report to work, but we meet later.” “We will.” Nikita walked away from me. I was falling deeper for Nikita. So considerable that I craved to marry her, but I would have to confess my past to her. I hope she understands. Later, I headed to Nikita’s apartment. She let me in, and I removed my coat. I kissed her as we waited for the food to arrive. “I need to speak with you.” We sat down on the couch. “Okay.” I pondered what I needed to say. I wasn’t sure how Nikita would react. “Carrington, you worry me.” I turned to face her. “I wish to be straightforward with you.” She furrowed her brows. “Before you, I met a woman. We became involved, but she had a spouse.” Nikita’s eyes expanded. “I didn’t realize that she had a spouse. But when I found out, I continued the affair. I’m not proud of my actions, and I understand if you prefer to stop seeing me. I wish to be virtuous with you if I want a future with you.” Nikita said nothing, which worried me. “Are you speaking with the woman now?” “No, it ended months ago. I don’t have any idea where Gloria is.” “So, we have no issues?” “You’re not upset about this revelation?” “It’s past, and I’m future.” A smile curled on her lips. Relief washed over me. “But if I’m future, no cheating or lies. I inform my family, and they chop you into pieces.” That shocked me. Someone tapped on the door. “Food is here. We eat, now you understand.” Nikita answered the door. Well, I chose an exciting woman to fall in love with now. I’m sure if I f**k up, Nikita will follow through with her warning. We ate. I stuck around and watched comedies with Nikita, then left. We haven’t had s*x yet. Nikita informed she was waiting for marriage to have s*x. It wasn’t a casual thing for her, and she refused to engage in it until marriage. I respect her decision since I planned on marrying her. I didn’t inform my family about my plans with Nikita. I didn’t even tell them that I had met someone. ***** Gloria I progressed with my pregnancy. When Maurice came home, I didn’t have a say with s*x. He expected s*x, and I gave it to him. He arrived home long enough to fulfill his needs, then left. I dealt with pregnancy alone. When we were around Maurice’s family, he put on a show for everyone, acting like the dutiful husband and father. It’s complete bullshit because Maurice wanted bragging rights. One day, I was getting baby items together, and Maurice came home announcing we were moving. He wanted the baby to grow up with his family, and I didn’t. I preferred to raise Dylan right and knew that wouldn’t happen if we stayed around Maurice’s family, but I didn’t have a say. We moved, and it wasn't easy. I spotted twice but made sure I didn’t lose the baby. Life was difficult, but I managed. Mateo would have found the baby and me if I had left with Carri and killed us both, and I refuse to let that happen. They say a mother’s greatest gift is sacrificing her needs for the baby’s needs, but I beg to differ. The greatest gift you can give is to safeguard the baby from harm, and I protected my child even if it cost me my happiness. I vowed to raise Dylan with love and kindness and didn’t want him to turn out like Maurice’s family. The kids were terrible, unruly, mean, and nasty. Max even kicked me while Mario slapped me. The brothers did nothing. Maurice told me I couldn’t touch the kids since they weren’t ours. That angered me. More kids arrived, and they were the same way. I shook my head, knowing the kids would be worse when they grow up. One night, I rubbed my belly, talking to Dylan. “I promise to love you if you promise never to turn out like Maurice’s family.” Kick! “I will protect you, no matter what. I wish I could identify your father.” Kick! “I pray it’s not Maurice. I met a man, and he was incredible. He was kind, thoughtful, caring, and funny. He made me laugh a lot.” I snickered, remembering Carri. Kick! “He had the prettiest emerald-green eyes.” I sighed. Kick! “My luck, Maurice, will be your dad.” I didn’t feel a kick. “Maybe you’ll be Carri’s son.” Kick! Something told me after Dylan arrived, I would discover who his dad was. When I mentioned Maurice’s name, Dylan didn’t kick. When I said Carri, the baby kicked up a storm. The truth would unleash a rage from Maurice and cause me to shield Dylan, and it will cause someone to appear when Dylan and I need help. All I could do was accept the brunt and defend my son.
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