Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 Starting over Carrington After that night, I came back to Mason’s house. I said nothing after arriving and expected a lecture from Mason. I entered the house as Mason met me at the door. I glanced at him as he studied me. No lecture came as I hiked upstairs to my bedroom. Over the summer, I stayed to myself. I vowed not to fall in love again. Elliot was right that love was nothing but trouble. I wouldn’t report to Saintwood College in the fall since I took correspondence courses to finish my degree during the summer. It’s better this way. Gloria made her decision, leaving me upset and angry. As I focused on moving on, Cole toddled into my room and touched my leg. I peeked at Cole as he held onto my leg and steadied himself. He stared at me with his blue eyes as I smiled at him. I spoke nothing as Luci walked in and picked him up. “Cole, you shouldn’t bother Carri. He’s busy moping.” I peeked at her unamused. “I’m not moping but focusing on school and preparing to work with Mason.” That was a lie, and I was moping. “That is bull. You can fool everyone else, but you can’t fool me.” I offered her a knowing look. “Before I met Mason, I assumed I loved a man. I planned to run away with the man, thinking it would make me happy. The man left me standing at the train station, waiting, and never appeared. I cried, thinking love won’t happen, then I met this man who taught me why it was better that it didn’t work out with the other man.” “You met Mason.” “Heck, no! I met a man named Antoine Pizzo.” What was the point of this conversation? “We dated, then Antoine took me to a dinner party where I met Mason.” I still didn’t understand the point of this conversation. “Mason stole me from Antoine, and I disliked your brother for dragging me away from someone I love. That was until Mason showed me why he’s the better man.” Luci smirked. I groaned. I didn’t want to hear about my brother’s s*x life or anyone’s s*x life. “One day, mark my words. You will meet a woman for you.” Luci left the bedroom with Cole. I had my doubts and wasn’t looking, not caring to meet anyone. My family’s right that I should have ended things with Gloria, but I didn’t listen because I didn’t care what my family said. ***** I concluded my schooling, earned my degree and started working with Mason and Joseph. I parked in an office, crunching numbers when Mason walked in and sat down in a chair. I continued working, saying nothing. “I’m sending you to Russia.” My head snapped up. “Why?” “I need you to take care of a deal for me.” I scratched my eyebrows. “When you get home, pack a suitcase. You’ll have a ticket and passport waiting for you, along with money.” “Do I have a vote?” “No, you don’t.” “I didn’t think so.” That was Mason’s punishment for not listening to him about Gloria. My brother has a way of punishing us when we disobey him. I hated traveling, and he knew it, so he dispatched me to other countries. Mason punished Charles for his activities and froze his money. Joseph had to endure Mason when Mason destroyed nature for Joseph’s cyber crimes. Mason made Christine’s life difficult for her snitching. My brother could be a real prick. Theresa and Kate stayed out of the line of fire with Mason. They were brilliant, but not the rest of us. When I got home, I packed. Then one of Mason’s men drove me to the airport, and I boarded a jet and flew to Russia. When I arrived, I exited the plane and sighed. I studied my itinerary, left the airport, and checked into a hotel. After settling in, I met with the people who Mason sent me to meet. The business meeting was going well until a schmuck pulled a gun on me. He fired and shot me, and I got the hell out of there. I’ll kill Mason when I see him. I held my arm and stumbled to a hospital. The worst part was I learned little Russian and was losing blood. I passed out on the floor with blood pooling around me. Well, I’ll kill Mason if I survive. ***** My eyes fluttered open, and I scanned the room to find myself in a hospital bed. I shifted and winced. My shoulder hurt like a b***h. “I see you’re waking up,” someone spoke with a thick accent. I blinked, trying to focus. Whatever the hospital gave me was one hell of a drug. I laid there in a daze as someone checked the machines and my shoulder. “Everything looks good. I’ll be back later.” The person left the room. My eyelids closed as I drifted off to sleep. Okay, so I’m not dead. That’s a good sign, but it’s not great when I see Mason. Asshole. ***** After three days, I remained awake. What the hell did they give me? I spent more time sleeping than anything. Someone brought me food, and I ate it. It was nasty but would do until I got the hell out of here. I rested there as a woman entered the room in a white lab coat. Great, they’re locking me up in the looney bin. The woman checked my chart. “You’re awake.” I didn’t reply but lay there. The woman shuffled over, lifted my bandage, and examined my wound. “It’s good. No infection.” “Who are you?” “Your doctor, Dr. Nikita Petrova.” The woman smiled. I gawked at her with a blank expression. “I check you later. Rest now.” The doctor left the room as I remained there in bed. I didn’t come to Russia to land in the hospital. I heard from Mason. I returned his concern with a few choice words. I instructed him to suck a d**k. Asshole. I swear to God, I’ll kill him when I return. After a week, the hospital released me. I had gotten dressed when the doctor came into the hospital room. “You up.” “Yeah, they’re springing me from this joint.” I struggled to pull on my coat. “Let me help.” The doctor helped me with my coat. I glanced at her, and she offered a smile. I had to admit that the physician was attractive. “There, you can leave now.” She beamed. It was something about the doctor’s smile that drew me to her. It seemed kind. I shook the thought from my mind since I didn’t need any issues, namely women issues. I fled the hospital room and returned to my hotel. I remained there until I was well enough to travel home. I called Joseph and informed him. I wasn’t speaking to Mason since it was his fault for sending me here. Something nagged at me that this trip would change my life. ***** I remained in Russia, learning the language and conducting business. Mason and I patched up our issues. He sent some men to deal with the asshole who double-crossed us, and I didn’t ask. I stopped in a cafe to get hot cocoa and ran into someone I wasn’t expecting. “I see you better,” the physician said. “My shoulder is a little stiff, but I’ll survive.” The doctor chuckled. “No coffee?” She pointed to my hot cocoa. “I’m not a fan, but I enjoy a warm beverage.” “Hot cocoa is delicious. Coffee, not so much, and it’s bitter.” She formed a face and stuck out her tongue. I chuckled. “I don’t see a doctor's coat on you.” I checked out her attire. “I go later.” “Do you work a lot?” “Yes, less time for personal life. I love caring for people.” That statement affected me, not understanding why. “Yeah, I work a lot.” “I have time. Will you have hot cocoa with me?” “Lead the way.” She ordered hot cocoa. Then we parked at a table and talked. Nikita told me about herself, and I mentioned myself, leaving out Gloria. I didn’t need to ruin our conversation, recanting my affair. I didn’t know what would happen with Nikita. But I didn’t want to think about Gloria. Gloria made her choice, and I moved on from her. But something would bring me face to face with Gloria, and it would involve someone significant.
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