Chapter 5

1065 Words
Chapter 5 Falling Carrington I got ready and headed to class. I planned on stopping by the coffee shop after class to visit Gloria. After class was over, I trekked to the coffeehouse, whistling. I was in a good mood, but that’s nothing new there. After entering and approaching the counter, I saw Gloria. “I’ll be right with you.” I waited there, smiling. “What can I get you?” She turned to face me. That’s when I saw the bruise on her cheek. My brows furrowed. “Hi, Carri.” She beamed. “Hi, Gloria.” I studied the bruise but said nothing. I didn’t need to draw attention to it, but I’ll ask her about it later. “A coffee, please.” “One coffee coming up.” She grabbed my coffee. I wondered about that bruise. It wasn’t there yesterday. Gloria returned with the coffee. I paid for it and offered a genuine smile, which she returned. She needed that smile today. I left the coffee shop, and when I was out of view, I dumped my coffee. Later, I’ll return and speak to her. I had two more classes. Afterward, I returned to the coffee shop to discover Gloria tidying up, and I tapped on the window. She walked over and let me in, then bolted the door. “Did you need something?” “I don’t want to sound intrusive, but I couldn’t help but notice the bruise on your cheek.” I pointed to her cheek. She put her hand on her cheek. “Oh, it’s nothing. I’m such a klutz, running into a door in the middle of the night.” It was a lie. But I didn’t press Gloria about it. “So, are you closing up?” “Yep, then I can go home. My feet are killing me, but the bills won’t pay themselves.” Gloria smiled. “Would you mind if I kept you company?” She tilted her head. “Sometimes, it’s nice to talk to someone when you’re alone.” She showed me a slight smile. “Okay, you can talk while I finish my work.” I sat at a table as Gloria worked while I chatted about things that caused her to laugh. Gloria had a splendid laugh. Every time she grinned, her dimples showed. I spent most of the time speaking while she worked. Gloria answered briefly, but I didn’t mind. She was busy and wanted to go home. Gloria finished up, and I walked her to her car. I waited until she drove away as an ache entered my chest. I met Gloria yesterday, but her personality captivated me. I didn’t care if I dumped out my coffee. If it meant I continued to see her, I would continue to dump it. ***** Over the next few months, I would visit the coffeehouse, order a coffee, and ditch it. I would return later and kill time with Gloria while she worked. She told me about herself, and I spoke about myself. We would joke and laugh, which was terrific. I didn’t care if Gloria worked in a coffeehouse because I loved spending time with her. The conversations were natural and genuine. I didn’t have to pretend to be someone I’m not, and I didn’t judge her. We hadn’t had a date yet. But I was falling in love with her. How can you fall for someone you have known for a brief time? I didn’t know. But Gloria made me happy. I loved spending time with her at her work and helping her clean. One night, I took a chance and showed her how I felt. Hopefully, it didn’t blow up in my face. Gloria was sweeping the floor. I played music from the jukebox in the coffeehouse’s corner. I chose a song she would like, then strode over to her. I held my hand out to her. She stopped sweeping. “What are you doing?” “I’d like to dance with you if you don’t mind.” “I need to finish….” “One dance is all I want. Dance with me.” Gloria nodded, then leaned the broom against the counter, walked over to me, and placed her hand in mine. I pulled Gloria to me and held her in my arms as we danced. I never felt this way about anyone, how I felt about Gloria. I held her close to me as we floated around the floor. She laid her head on my shoulder as I rested my palm on her lower back. Something told me that no one held Gloria this way, as I did now. As we swayed back and forth, my emerald-green eyes met her chocolate brown eyes. I seized a chance, leaned down, and pressed my lips to hers. The kiss started softly. Then I deepened it. I released Gloria’s hand and wrapped my arms around her waist. I pressed her body to mine as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I poured everything into that kiss as she kissed me back. Gloria broke from the kiss and me. I remained there, confused as she twisted her back at me. “Gloria.” She spun to face me. “I can’t do this, Carri.” “What?” “I’m married.” I stared at her, speechless. “I assumed nothing would happen between us until you kissed me.” “But you kissed me back.” Gloria furrowed her eyebrows. I crept towards her. “Does your husband make you happy?” “It doesn’t matter. I can be your friend, but nothing more. I’m sorry.” I nodded in agreement. “If you don’t wish to be friends, I understand.” Her eyes held hope. “Okay, we’ll be friends.” I gave her a reassuring smile. “We’ll forget about the kiss.” I nodded. Gloria waltzed over to the counter and grabbed the broom, and I stayed as she finished her work. After she concluded, I escorted her to her car. She got inside and sped off into the distance. I laid my fingertips on my lips and smiled. I didn’t care about Gloria being married because I craved to be a part of her existence and to remain in her world. Something told me there would be interference from others.
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