Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Issues that aren’t mine Gloria Maurice and I exited Charles’s house, and I drove us home since Maurice was drunk again. It was a bone of contention between us. I pulled into the driveway of the tiny house, got out, and helped Maurice inside as he stumbled. “Baby, we will be on easy street,” Maurice slurred. I shook my head. “Come on. You need to sleep it off.” I helped Maurice into the house and upstairs. When he was half in the bag, I learned not to fight with him. It never ended well. Once we got upstairs, I put him to bed, then left the bedroom. I came downstairs to see the empty beer cans and sighed. I disagreed with Maurice’s drunken stupor when I married him. He couldn’t hold a job, and I had to work several hours to support us, putting a strain on our marriage. The front door opened, and Maurice’s brother strolled into the house. “Where’s my brother?” “He’s upstairs sleeping off his booze-induced night.” I didn’t like Maurice’s family. “Tell him that when he sobers up tomorrow, we got a job for him.” Maurice’s brother tossed cash onto the coffee table. “That is the advancement for the job. If he f***s this up, he can deal with Marty.” With that said, he left. I learned not to touch the money even though the bills were late. I finished tidying up and retired to bed. When a spouse doesn’t help, and the other spouse lacks attention, you seek attention elsewhere. ***** The next day, Maurice woke up, groaning. He came downstairs, found the cash on the table, and came into the kitchen as I made a cup of coffee. “Did Mateo come by?” “Yes.” I drank my coffee. “What did he say?” “They have a job for you. That is the advancement.” “Gloria, about last night….” “It’s fine. I have to leave for work.” I placed my cup in the sink. “I’m working a double.” I stepped past Maurice, grabbed my purse, and left. Our marriage was rocky, and Maurice’s drinking didn’t help the situation. ***** Carrington Joseph and I came out of class and headed to a coffee shop. He wanted coffee, but I didn’t enjoy the taste or smell. We entered, and the place bustled with customers. Both of us stood in line and waited for Joseph to receive his coffee, and I swear my brother was a caffeine addict. We reached the counter as a woman waited on us. Joseph placed his order as I gazed at the woman, finding her breathtaking. “Did you want to order something?” The woman asked me. I read Gloria on her name badge. “Yes, Gloria, I would. I’ll have a black coffee.” She beamed. “Two coffees are coming up.” I spotted her dimples. Joseph gave me a weird look as Gloria got our coffees. “Carri?” Joseph asked, breaking me from my infatuation. “What?” “Coffee?” “Well, we’re in a coffee shop.” I shrugged. “You don’t consume coffee.” “There’s always a first time for everything.” Gloria returned with our coffees. Joseph was going to pay her, but I paid her instead, handing her a twenty. She gave my change to me. “Keep it,” I responded. Gloria’s brows lifted. “That is over seventeen dollars.” “You offered excellent service.” I nodded. We turned and walked away. Gloria didn’t know what to think, but I appreciated her dimples. We exited the coffee shop. I sipped my coffee and spat it out, then dumped the rest of the container. “You bought coffee, then discard it. Carri, you’re a confusing man.” “I prefer dimples.” I strode away. That alerted Joseph to one thing. The woman in the coffee shop attracted me to her. I knew nothing about Gloria but became smitten with her. With all the girls on campus, there was something about her. My mission was to learn more about her, even if I had to buy a coffee and dispose of it. Later, I took a stroll by myself and arrived at the coffee shop. It was empty except for Gloria. I opened the door and strode into the place as she was tidying up. “Oh, I’m sorry. We’re closed.” “Oh.” “I should have bolted the door.” She hurried to the door and locked it. “You shouldn’t be here alone. It’s unsafe.” “It happens when you work a double. I’m usually alone at closing time, so no one bothers me, and that makes me thankful.” “I can stick around until you leave. Then, no one will bother you.” She knitted her eyebrows. “I’m Carri.” “Oh, I don’t know.” “I won’t hurt you. I’ll keep you company until you leave.” Gloria relaxed. “Okay.” I smiled and watched her go about her business. “Are you a student?” “Yeah, I started my second year. My sister graduated, so that leaves my brother and my other sister here until our baby brother arrives.” “Wow, you have a big family.” “You don’t know the half of it,” I muttered. “What was that?” “Nothing.” I beamed. “So, do you care if I stay?” “No, I don’t mind. It’s nice to speak to someone.” Gloria gave me a slight smile. Something told me that Gloria had few friends or not many people to talk to in her life. She seemed lonely. “So, how did you end up working in this place?” She cleaned up. “I didn’t have many options. The owner was hiring, and I accepted the job since bills don’t pay themselves. It’s a decent job.” “What about school?” “School wasn’t for me. It never held my interest.” “I hear you. My family insists I attend so I can join the family business, but I prefer fun.” Gloria had a gorgeous smile that lit up her face. “We all make choices in our lives. Some good, some bad, but they’re ours to make.” She finished cleaning. I walked her out. Gloria locked up, and I escorted her to her automobile. When she was safely inside, I lingered until she sped away. I found her intriguing and friendly. She wasn’t like the other girls that attended here. I craved to learn more about her, then ask her out. I wandered home and entered the house. Joseph greeted me. “Where were you?” “I took a stroll.” I nodded my head, then walked past Joseph and upstairs. I didn’t want to discuss Gloria with anyone. It was bad enough that my family knew every aspect of my life, and it was one part that I demanded to keep private. ***** Gloria I arrived home and met a drunk, Maurice. “Where were you?” “I was working until closing.” “I better not catch you with any guy, or you’ll pay.” “How about you lay off the booze?” I felt a palm connect across my face. I seized my cheek. Maurice furrowed his brows. “Gloria….” I spoke nothing except ran upstairs. It was the first time Maurice had hit me, but it wouldn’t be the last time. I would find this out soon enough. ***** Carrington My life was simple until I met Gloria. I didn’t realize who she was or what would happen. I enjoyed life, not grasping the idea that meeting her would change events and my perception of life. The problem was I didn’t plan on falling in love with someone who’s forbidden, culminating in deceit. The truth would smack me in the face later. As for now, it made me happy to keep my blissful ignorance, and it would prove a wrong move on my part.
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