Chapter 2

2020 Words
“What's wrong?” Bailey’s voice snaps me back to the screen. “Uhm nothing.” I smile assuring but her brows quirk up holding a skeptical look. Quickly she changed the topic which I’m grateful for because I can't seem to know the answer to that question. “What's he doing now?” I’ve seen enough feeling bad I disturbed his privacy. “I’m not looking again.” I say meaning it. “Oh come on! Don't you want to see him take off his …?” I cut her short before she could finish. “Don't you dare finish that sentence? You know what? Bye, goodnight, love you.” I say quickly hanging up. I fell back on my bed breathing a much needed air I didn't know I held back. Looking at the ceiling, I groan loudly, I could hear Bailey's taunting voice telling me how sexy he’ll look in his Calvin or in a towel. “Ugh! I can't believe I’m about to do this.” Groaning, I muse. Well if I’m going to do this, I better not get caught at least. I slide to the edge of my bed, my fuzzy socks land on the soft carpet, I quickly tiptoe to my window hiding behind the curtain. Five seconds in, five seconds out, I count chanting three times trying to calm my hyper nerves. “You can do this Mary-Vienne. Just one look. A quick glance to show you’re not a wimp.” I say in whispers with my back to the wall. Slowly and cautiously, I held the curtain in place moving my head just a little bit to see him and I tell you, this view is better than the last. Bailey was right, he had on a white towel wrapped loosely round his lean waist, and his body glistened with water telling me he just came out of the shower. I bit my lower lip in hope to keep any stupid sound that will definitely blow my cover. He types furiously on his phone with his right hand as the other held his towel in place. His wet hair cling to his face dripping down his body, to his abs. My god, he's beautiful. “f**k!” He mutters as he got closer to his window, his left hand releases his towel now typing with both hands. Suddenly his towel fell loose right before my eyes, a loud gasp escaping me which I quickly covered my mouth losing a footing in the process, falling and not before his eyes meets mine. “Oh s**t!” Chapter 3 Today in school I’m acting like the American ninja. If you have watch the movie then you will understand what I mean. Let's just put it mildly that my version is the worst scratch that, horrible version of the movie. I’m basically putting on black on black, a black high waist trouser and crop black hoodie that covers my blonde hair with a pair of my favorite Nikes and shades. Thick black shades which I’ve never worn in my life before. Everyone gave me strange looks as I walk pass them, if only they know why I search the hallway twice or tiptoe around the cafeteria. It's hot and I’m sweating still yet I have to avoid Him at all cost after last night episode. I’m so embarrassed. I wonder what he’ll think of me now. The weird school girl is a pervert that goes snooping on naked guys or the innocent ones are always the biggest sluts. I finally got to be popular IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE. Just thinking of his face, that look of disgust when he sees me that make me want to bawl my eyes out, hence, my ninja mode today. Ugh, why did I have to listen to Bailey? Oh my! What if he told his teammates and his teammates makes fun of me and tell the whole school and then my senior year is going to be so horrible I'll have to transfer schools. Oh please, please God. I fan myself with my hands hyperventilating. “Miss Whyte? Are you okay?” The English teacher and my favorite teacher ask. “Yes ma’am.” I sunk lower in my seat hoping to disappear when my eyes met Austin's blank stare a seat away from me. I did a whiplash turn which almost took my head off my neck. Ugh, that’s going to hurt later. Before the class was over, I ran out bumping into the head cheerleader Kim and her band of misfits who scowled at me. This is not happening to me. I screamed internally muttering a sorry just as I bolted to the female restroom. I rub my temple feeling a huge migraine building up. “Please, please, not now.” Feeling my head ache more. I kept rubbing my temples with both hands until the ringing stopped. “Okay just go to him and apologize. It was a mistake, I’m sure he’ll be logical and matured enough to understand that. Right?” Looking at my face in the mirror, I groan not liking the flushed color. Turning on the tap, bending low I use my hands to splash water on my face hoping to calm my flushed face. “Oh no! P.E! I’m so going to be late.” I stuck my head out of the female door looking to my left and my right. “Phew, coast clear.” Quickly I ran to the girls’ locker room ignoring the stares I got on my way. *** “Hey!” Bailey scream running to me, I pause hopping on each foot while trying to fix my hair in a high knot Her navy blue short and yellow crested vest matches mine. “Been looking all over for you. And what's with the black today? Someone died?” She raise her index signaling me to give her a minute. Yeah, my pride. I screamed in my head but on the outside I have a sickly sweet smile on my face as I look around praying he doesn't see me or I'll be screwed. “You good?” She says breathless resting her hands on her knee to catch her breathe but still looking at me with a worried expression. I contemplated if to tell her or not. f**k it. She needs to know since it's all her fault. I stop hopping on my foot, my hands on my waist. “Austin caught me snooping at him last night hence the black mood.” I spill the beans. “Oh s**t!” She covers her mouth with her hands, eyes wide and I would have laugh if not that this is serious. “Yeah, now I’m trying to avoid him at all cost while still trying to figure out how to explain myself and apologize to him that I’m not a creep or something of sort. This is all your fault you know.” I glare at her amused face. “Eh, a little bit.” She wiggled her fingers finding the situation funny. “Miss Whyte! Miss Morgan! This is not time for your girly chitchat. Move!!!” Our head turns to the teacher having an aggravated look. Sheepishly we said a sorry and join the rest of the class running lapse. “I'll need the whole juicy details later.” She whispers as we ran to meet up. I shake my head smiling. Bailey will always be Bailey. “I can't believe Mr. Sawyer made us run all those lapses. Literally my whole body hurts.” She groans loudly standing in front of our lockers in the girls’ locker room. “I need a full body massage right now.” Closing my locker, I look at her 5’8 physique holding my books in my hand and my backpack hanging loosely on my left arm. “I’m sure you’ll survive.” I say as a matter of fact which she glares making me laugh. “I also can't believe you caught Austin towel down just as I predicted.” She smiles smugly. Now it's my turn to groan. “This apology seems harder than I thought but I got to do it.” I whine hanging my head low in defeat. “Come with me please.” I plea giving my best puppy dog eyes. “Things aren't done that way my cute puppy.” She coo's and I slap her hand trying to squeeze my cheeks. She laughs. “Well good luck with that. You are going to make me late for my favorite class now.” She winks. I sigh watching at her retreating form saunter back to the entrance leading to the boys' locker room and the main hallway. “Let's just get this over with.” I squeeze my books with a sigh. *** “God dammit! Are you trying to ruin your chances of a scholarship?” I heard voices and sneaky I went to check it out hiding behind the dark corners of the room. “Get your s**t together Mahone or I have no choice but to take you off my team, star or not.” I hear coach scold Austin, my eyes widen. “But coach …” I see coach raise his hand to silence him. Frustrating, coach ran his hand over his face groaning loud while Austin sat dejectedly on the bench head hanging low pulling on his hair. “I don't know what to do again son. My hands are tied here and the school board is threating to take you off the team and cancel your scholarship if you don't get your grades back up.” He pauses and I could hear just silence. Softly coach says, “Is it because of the incident two years ago?” “That's not about it coach.” Austin quickly counters. “Then what is it son? Ever since that incident, your grades have been dropping, your teachers are worried, the school is worried, I’m worried and you know who else is worried? Your mom!” coach voice raise again. “I’m trying here coach. I really am but …” He looks at him with pleading eyes, coach sighs. “You need a tutor, someone that can help you with your studies, help you get your grades back up. Prove to me you deserve to be in my team and work for it.” Austin nods at coach commands. “Go home. No training for you today.” “But coach I’m …” “Go home. Mahone.” Coach deep voice says sternly. “Yes coach.” Coach leaves walking towards me, I shrink further in hoping he doesn't see me as he walks by. My head turns to Austin who sat with a pained look, a towel hanging on his neck. I never knew Austin our star quarterback is failing his classes and will be kicked off his team and his scholarship withdrawn. Years ago I admired him for not only his handsome bad boy looks but also his brains and now all will be gone if he doesn't get his grades back up. Coach is right, he needs a tutor and a good one at that. Feeling determined, I look at the entry of the boys' locker room then back at him still in that position. I won't allow him to let himself down or lose his scholarship. I walk out making myself known till I reach him at arm length. Slowly his eyes went from my Nikes trailing up to my body till our eyes met, my electric blue looks into his green hazels and I tried not to squirm at his smoldering gaze. Boldly, I said the words that will forever change my life after this. “I'll help you get your grades back up Austin, but, it comes with a price.” Chapter 4 The saying goes as thus, never mix business with pleasure. It always gets messy in the end. Well in my case it's tutoring and feelings.
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