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Two days came in a flash, preparations had been made for the ceremony, but the prime had not been seen all morning. He remained in his chambers, no one dared to go close to his chambers or call his attention either. "Has he forgotten today is the marriage ceremony?" Lohana asked, she was looking beautiful in a sky blue dress and her hair styled up with a tiara. "I don't think so, he will be out when he's ready." Lohan said, admiring himself in a mirror. "All this is for sheila, isn't it." Lohana smiled at her twin's boyish behavior, he had been in love with sheila for seven years, but unable to be with her. Lohith's hatred for witches made them sacrificed their witch powers just to prove they wanted to be a part of his life. And now her brother couldn't be with his mate for that same purpose. She had been scared of finding her mate as well, so she doesn't end up sacrificing him too if he turned out to be a witch. Every member of the family who had witches as their mate were given a choice to stay or move away from the family circle. Only Lohan and William stayed, three sibling decided to move out of the family. "I'll go check on Reagan." she said and walked away before her brother sees her tears. She could only hope that this union brings change for them all in kaneria. "By the heavens, you look like an angel." Lohana said when she walked into reagan's room, the beauty in a white royal dress smiled at her. "Thank you princess, although, i don't feel so good." Reagan said, holding her tummy. "She threw up twice already." Layla said, as she combed reagan's short bob. "You're nervous, when this is all over, you'll feel better." Lohana said. Few minutes later, the wizard arrived and so did sheila, the ceremony was supposed to have started, but the prime hadn't arrived yet. Lohan went to his chambers, he knocked but no response. He knocked few more times and when he didn't get any answers, he opened the door and walked in, but there were no signs of the prime. They waited for another thirty minutes, before the doors to the throne room opened, and the prime walked in. "Where were you brother, you had us shaken." Lohan whispered as he helped fix his royal robe. "I went for a ride." Lohith replied The ceremony started, the doors opened again and his bride, his mate, his future queen walked in elegantly in her beautiful white royal dress. No much make up, yet she was the most beautiful woman in the room and lohith couldn't take his eyes off her. When she stood in front of him, his heart skipped a bit, something shimmered in his eyes. When he held her hand, there was a calmness in his soul, he hadn't felt such calmness for five hundred and forty eight years. The wizard began the marriage rituals, their hands were tied together with a black, white and a red cloth that sheila held. The wizard said; "Now say these words: We're bound by fate and destiny." Lohith and Reagan: "We're bound by fate and destiny." The wizard: Together in love and peace. Reagan frowned, lohith gave her a warning look before she said the words with him. "Together in love and peace." they said as the wizard untied the white cloth. The wizard: Together in war and blood. Lohith and Reagan: "Together in war and blood." the red cloth was untied. The wizard: Together in sickness and darkness. Lohith and Reagan: "Together in sickness and darkness." finally the black cloth was untied. Sheila took out a dagger and slit both their palms, they poured their blood into an ancient cup. She made some consultations, then gave reagan to drink, after which she passed the cup to lohith and he did same. There was a thundering sound that startled everyone, then something flashed in their eyes so quickly no one saw it, except the couple. The wizard joined them and the ritual was over, Lohith went to sit on his throne, while she remained standing. A crown was brought to the wizard, he placed the crown on her head and announced her Queen of Ravaryn. There was a loud applause in the room as she was led to her sit beside Lohith, he looked at her briefly before turning towards the crowd again. Reagan knew something was wrong with him, she could suddenly feel his emotions and thoughts, he hated her. And if she could feel it, that means he could feel hers too, she decided she had to be careful with her thoughts from now on. Her emotions were locked out, so didn't care about that, he mustn't sniff her out else she'll be dead meat. They proceeded to the dining hall where the celebration continued, Lohith sat at the head of the table, while Reagan sat at his right hand side. That position had been vacant for hundreds of years, now a woman, his mate occupied it. 'Of all the women, i had to be mated with you.' Lohith thought 'Mate? what are you talking about?' Reagan frowned 'Hasn't it dawned on you yet? I thought you were a smart one?' 'I don't believe in mates.' 'Best believe it wife, we're mates and you're stuck with me forever. If i were you, i'll bury whatever you're planning, mate or not, i don't spare traitors.' Lohith warned and blocked his thoughts afterwards. "Congratulations brother." Lohan said "Congratulations brother, Queen Reagan." Lohana said as she raised her glass. "Are you okay Rea?" Layla asked "You will address her as Queen in my presence." Lohith said softly, Reagan gave him an annoying look, she excused herself and stood up to walk away. "You don't walk out on your guests my Queen." Lohith said loudly, everyone turned to look at her. "Apologies my lord."
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