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Lohana feared for reagan after Layla told her where she was, she knew her brother's temper well enough. After she gave Layla a healing portion, she set out to go get Reagan, but she couldn't face Lohith alone, so she decided to pull lohan along. Lohan was having a conversation with someone when she entered his chambers, his mansion was a little too quiet. "Are you saying she might be his mate?" a woman asked "I'm hoping that's the case, the prophecy has been long overdue." Lohan answered, he sighed. "I miss you sheila, why do you keep your distance." "Shhh, someone is here." Lohana barged into the room, but sheila already vanished. "Are you stupid or just willing to die, didn't we give up our witch powers?" "We didn't lose are skills, did we?" Lohan replied, he poured himself a glass of whiskey and gulp the liquor. "You summoned her in here, he could sense her and you know what that means." "I'm not stupid hana, i concealed the room. Now why are you here?" "Just don't summon her here again han, please." "Got it, now what?" "It's reagan, she went to the main castle and she's been in there for so long, i'm worried." "Ease up sister, i saw her, she's fine." "How would you know?" "They're having a conversation, i think the prophecy is about to be fulfilled." "What do you mean?" "Everything going on seems to be in relation with the prophecy. I think our brother has found his mate." Lohana frowned and thought hard about it, it made sense but still, she feared for Reagan. The girl had a sharp tongue and their brother had a bad temper, she wondered how the union would be successful. ●●● "You haven't said a word, miss hansen. Lost your tongue?" Lohith asked "I...i'm sorry but i can't." Reagan said standing up. "Why? You said anything, this is how i want you to pay your debt." "And if i refuse?" "Your sister will be sending flowers to your grave every year, that's if she can." "What do you mean?" Lohith showed an evil smirk, it disappeared immediately. "She would be whatever i want her to be, a maid, s*x slave or mistress." he said, he enjoyed messing with her. Even if she declines his offer now, she would still be his Queen one way or another, she was his mate after all. Reagan was overwhelmed by all he was saying, she needed to think straight, she walked towards the window and stared into space. Marrying the prime would be beneficial to her ultimate goal, she would be close to him, she could learn about his strength and weaknesses while she find a perfect way to kill him. But how would she do all this without him touching her at all, she couldn't afford to bed another Olson again; "I don't have all day miss hansen, send word when you have an answer for me." Lohith said and stood up to leave. Scared that he might change his mind, she called out; "Wait!" Lohith halted, but he didn't turn back. "I...i'll marry you prime." Lohith remained still, "Good Choice, go get your things and move in immediately." he said and walked away. "I hope this is the right choice." Reagan muttered to herself as she slumped on the sofa. This wasn't as easy as she expected, she needed to let her sister know as soon as possible, so she hurried out of the room. Lohith called the commander and the head maid to give orders on the preparations for the ceremony in two days. Then he summoned Lohan and placed the responsibility of announcing to the leaders of all the clans about their new queen. Finally, he summoned the wizard and sheila; "You called prime, are you drunk?" sheila asked, she saw he was poorly ill. "I need a potion for my mate, she's with child and it's not mine." Lohith said with so much anger. "You can't harm the child prime." the wizard said "And why not? That is the only way i can marry her. She's with another man's child!" Lohith yelled and smashed the glass on the floor. "You can't harm the child prime, it will kill her." the wizard said "And you need your mate alive to break the curse." sheila added. Lohith growled loudly, "Why would i get a w***e as a mate, huh?" "She doesn't believe in mates, you need to be calm prime." "Shut it griffin!" "Please prime, get it together." sheila said, she slowly approached him, she was trying to sedate him. "Don't come any closer." Lohith growled, his eyes changed into the dangerous red as he snarled at sheila, the wizard knocked him out with a substance and he fell on his bed. "What's wrong with him? I thought he'll be happy to have found his mate." sheila asked "He feels betrayed by her, besides, the attraction is one sided for now." "Why?" "She locked her emotions out of her human side, i can't say why but she wouldn't be able to feel anything for him now." the wizard said, looking at the prime as he slept. "Does he know this?" "No, but we all know he would soon. Let him sleep, he needs to be prepared for the ceremony, i'll tell you what you need to do during the ceremony." The wizard said and they both disappeared. >>>>>>>"Why did you go there? I told you to watch yourself with the prime." Lohana said, Reagan dropped her head. "What was your response?" "I agreed to marry him." Reagan said as she looked at her sister, Layla understood why she agreed, but she still felt reagan was making a mistake. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Layla asked And reagan nodded, "Yes, i can." She smiled at the princess, lohana remembered what her brother said, she hoped he was right. "Welcome to the family, Queen Reagan." she smiled.
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