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Lohith woke up the next day feeling so empty, his mate decided to runaway from him, he didn't feel the need to go after her if she didn't want to be with him. It was one month already and his ritual was due today, he decided not to go, he wanted the curse to run faster anyways, what's the use right. A knock on the door interrupted his peace; "Get lost!" Lohith yelled "Get your ass out Lohi." julian said as he walked in with Lohan and William. "What are you all doing here?" "The alphas you asked to see are at the throne room." Lohansaid Lohith cared less, he wanted to be alone today. "Do whatever you want with them, I'm in no mood to kill anyone." he said "Go shake their boots william, after which, you get their asses out." julian ordered, he continued after William has left the room. "Your ritual is today." "I don't need it." "Well, you have to do it regardless. You had an agreement with her, her life will be threatened if you don't show up." julian said "I don't care about the witch, i'm not going." Lohith gritted his teeth. "That witch has been saving your ass for years, she risked her life to protect yours and you say you don't care?!" Lohan flared up "How dare you raise your voice at me?!" Lohith growled as he grabbed Lohan by the shirt. "Ease up Lohith! He speaks the truth, and don't forget she's his mate. He has been going through this same pain you're feeling right now for the longest." julian said, "Let him go." he added Lohith slowly released lohan, he returned to the sofa and continued drinking his liquor; "I'm not going over there, i'll have it done in my castle." he finally said. Lohan walked out of the room, he was hurt and offended by his brother's careless words about his mate, lohan tried to conceal his anger and frustration. But then, he was the only one that understood lohith's pain, his was better, he still had little access to her, but reagan wanted nothing to do with him and it hurt him deeply. "You should be a lot more gentle with lohan, he's suffering." julian said "Not as much as i am." "I know you intentionally picked sheila to oversee this because of him, but....." "He at least is still able to summon her, talk with her and even bed her. Mine hates me." "Julian chuckled, "You smell her all over him too." "He's so stupid to think i don't know." "No one knows your powers are active again, have you found the girl yet?" "No traces of her, i think she used a fake identity." "But this is confusing, didn't the prophecy say only your mate could help? Then who was the girl?" julian asked as he paced. "If i knew, i wouldn't be in this mess, would i? I've been searching for her for weeks now." Lohith drained the glass and refilled it. Julian poured himself a glass as well; "And there's the connection with you and reagan, you should summon the wizard, it might be possible you have two mates." he chuckled "How dare you make fun of me, you're tired of living, ain't you?" Lohith frowned. ●● In the human world, Lincoln Nebraska. ●● Reagan and Gianna went to a bar to have a few drinks and talk about themselves, at first reagan couldn't drink because of her pregnancy. But as the night grew and the conversation went deep, reagan craved for something more than the casual drink she was having. "I feel like going clubbing tonight." Reagan said "Really?" "Yeah." "I know just the right place, you're going to love it." gianna said Shortly after, the girls booked a cab and headed to the underground clubhouse for supernaturals only. The place was crowded with different specie, vampires, witches, demons...... Reagan felt she was going to have a lot of fun tonight. She blended with the crowd and began to party hard, she totally forgot about the prime, her pregnancy and her goals for revenge just to enjoy the moment of living freely. Thirty minutes into the party, gianna excused herself to the restroom, leaving reagan to dance alone. An extra thirty minutes later, reagan was exhausted and gianna hadn't returned, she decided to go look for her. She thought the silly girl may have passed out in the restroom, as she staggered on, she bumped into a man and lost her balance, but he quickly caught her. When reagan looked up to see who her helper was, she was so shocked to see lohith standing right in front of her. He held her and pulled her out of the club to the alley; "Let go!" reagan yelled and yanked her hand free. "How did you find me?" "Fortunately, i can sense your essence, it's like a GPS tracker." Lohith said, his hands were in his pockets. Reagan looked at him from his head to his toes, he was wearing a black suit with a white shirt, he almost looked human. Reagan felt nauseous and then puked, lohith groaned in disapproval. "You shouldn't be drinking in your state, and what the hell are you wearing?" he asked as he removed his jacket to cover her up. "What do you want?" reagan asked "You're coming back with me wife, you shouldn't be out here, it's dangerous." he said "No, your kingdom is dangerous for me, being your queen is suffocating." she replied Lohith opened his mouth to respond, but he saw a reflection and sensed danger, he shielded reagan with his body and the flying bullets pierced his chest. Reagan instinctively held him before he landed on the floor; "Lohith! Lohith hang on!" reagan called out to him as she tried to stop the bleeding, she used the jacket to compress the wound. "Please, please." she said as tears dropped from her eyes.
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