Time has come

943 Words

Ten Years later Alpha Darin’s POV “Alphas, your father wishes to see you two," Titus, the head guard, announced, prompting Darwin and me to get up on our feet. We left the study and went into his room. Upon reaching his room, we found him lying on his bed with his personal healer and his old friend and beta by his side. “Father, you called for us,” I spoke as I made my way to him. I sat on the bed at his left-hand side while Darwin sat at the other side. “Father, your sons are here. Do you need us to do anything?” Darwin asked, worry and concern filling his voice. Father, whose eyes were closed, slowly opened them and looked at me for a moment before he glanced at Darwin. “Both of you, give me your hands,” he requested, and we did as he wanted. I took hold of his left hand while Darwi

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