The plan

856 Words

Bella's POV My eyes twitched at what I just heard. “Excuse me? What do you mean? You are keeping me here? Are you two trying to kidnap me?” I yelled through gritted teeth, and the two men glanced at each other before they looked back at me. “We are not holding you captive, Bella, and you know it…” I flared up. “Yes, you two are. What are your plans? Tell me, do you intend to lock me in here and have your way with me? Is that it?” I accused, and saw their brows furrowed. “Have our way with you?” One of the twins asked, sounding confused by my words. “Do you by any chance think we will touch you against your will? Do you think we are keeping you here because we want to f**k you.” He sounded hurt, but I ignored him and scoffed. “As if you guys haven’t done worse. Listen, I don’t need any

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