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"Aren't you curious where we are going?" He asked, still wearing the shades in the car. The windows were left open and orange and golden sunshine poured in like molten lava, hot and clothing. "I am curious." Alexander raised an eyebrow expectantly. Aurelia blinked her emerald eyes at him, not understanding his implication. After a few seconds of silence, Alexander took off his sunglasses and sighed. "You can ask if you are curious." "Oh," Aurelia knew what to do now. He wanted her to act upon her curiosity. "Where are we going?" She asked. Alexander smirked, blue eyes swimming with mischief, "Not telling you." The little bit of expectation in Aurelia's eyes fell. She nodded to hide her slight disappointment, "Okay." The simple response surprised Alexander. He stared at her as if staring would bring out a response from her. Yet, no matter how much he stared, she never looked at him. Her eyes were glued to her hands. What was so interesting about hands? Alexander huffed and looked outside as well. Soon, Aurelia got the answer because of her curiosity. The car stopped in front of a large mall. It was a mall she had never been to. When she went out to shop with Zara, it was to another mall in a different part of the city. "Come on." Aurelia was taken aback when Alexander's face suddenly appeared in front of her, blocking the view outside the window. At some point, Alexander had rounded up and opened the door for her. Aurelia was consumed in her thoughts and failed to notice his movements. Taking notice of it, Aurelia made a mental note to pay attention to him a bit more. Rachel had said before that she had to be more accommodating towards her finances. It was Cooper before and now it was Alexander. The instructions were the same. Aurelia moved carefully on her way out of the car. She was a bit clumsy in some cases and preferred to move slower in comparison to making a fool of herself. Even then, sometimes it did not work in her favour. For example, right now. Even though Aurelia moved slowly and carefully, she still managed to twist the heel of her sandals and stumbled even before her other leg could make contact with the ground. Right when her back was about to be plastered on the car, Alexander leaped forward and wrapped his strong arm around her waist, holding her steady and, unintentionally, closer to his scorching hot body. Aurelia's arms flew out to steady herself, one was thrown around Alexander's shoulder and the other slammed against the hood of the car. When Aurelia opened her squeezed emerald green eyes, she happened to be mere centimetres away from the enchanting blue eyes. The blue eyes blinked and the trance broke. For a minute Aurelia wasn't sure if the acceleration of her heart was due to almost slamming her head open on the car hood or because of the unnaturally close proximity between them. Alexander helped Aurelia to her feet and shut the door closed. They stood a few steps apart. "Be careful," he said. Aurelia nodded, somewhat embarrassed to have lost control over her own body parts. The legs that couldn't stop shaking while being held by him, the arm that instinctively went around his shoulder and the waist that wouldn't stop tingling from his touch were bad enough. Her heart was even out of control. It was racing against her wishes. It was such a strange sensation. It was not the first time Aurelia felt this way, but it was definitely the first time it was because of a man. The distance between them was reduced to a step as they walked into the mall together. Aurelia was still clueless about Alexander's motives for bringing her to the mall, but she was not going to ask again after being teased once. Aurelia was the type of person who wouldn't speak unless needed to or asked to. It was unnecessary to be speaking when she wouldn't even get a good answer in return. Since the destination was unknown, Aurelia fell half a step behind Alexander to let him lead the way. The mall was lively in the evening. Aurelia kept her eyes on Alexander's back until he stopped right in front of a store. Her emerald green eyes raised up to see the name of the store. It was a jewellery store. Alexander looked back and gestured for her to walk in with him. A staff member was holding the glass door open for them. Aurelia slowly closed the gap between them and went inside. "Good evening sir, good evening ma'am." They were greeted. Aurelia nodded in response. Alexander gave a light hum. He seemed to be familiar with the store. He didn't have to ask for what he wanted but walked straight towards a particular corner of the store. The sales woman at that section saw him striding and gave a smile. "Good evening sir," she spotted Aurelia with him and greeted her as well. "Show us rings." Alexander pulled a chair for Aurelia and settled her on it before taking a seat. The sales assistant quickly asked for preferences. "The best one you have," Alexander pointed a thumb at Aurelia, "For her." Aurelia was taken aback. She instinctively looked down at her left hand. The dazzling diamond was still on her finger. The band was thin and almost invisible compared to the diamond. "I already have an engagement ring," she pointed out. She held out her hand in front of Alexander to show him the ring to prove a point. Alexander eyed the ring as if it was his worst enemy. A sneer formed on his gentle lips and the words came out like poison. "That's a disgusting ring. Tasteless and not suitable for the wife of Alexander Weston. Throw it away. I'll get you a new one," Alexander mumbled additionally, "I am your fiance now. Wear the ring given by me. Why do you still have that thing on your finger?"
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