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Aurelia was at a loss. She did not know what to say. She did not have anyone to give her instructions on what to say. She wanted to turn back and ask Rachel whether she was supposed to agree or disagree. It proved to be inconvenient in such a setting. The spotlight was on her and he was holding her hand, staring right into her eyes and holding them captive. He spoke into the mic for everyone to hear, "You shouldn't settle for anything less." The evening took an unexpected turn, to say the least. Victor finally broke out of the shock and rushed down the stage. Everywhere outside, the spotlight was dark. He rushed through the darkness towards Aurelia. An inexplicable excitement bubbled in his chest. His voice was unrecognisable when he opened his mouth. After clearing his throat, he spoke as soon as he got closer to Aurelia, "Mr Weston, we didn't know you took a liking to our Aurelia. If we had known -" "Do you agree?" Alexander asked Aurelia, ignoring Victor. Victor pursed his lips but right now his excitement was in abundance. He did not feel the slightest bit of humiliation about being cut off. "Agree!" Rachel's voice hissed behind her. Aurelia's mouth moved in a whispered, "Yes." Alexander nodded and stood up, still holding her hand. His eyes lingered on the diamond ring on her fingers for a few seconds before moving away in dissatisfaction. He did not say anything about it. "Then let's continue with the engagement party. Miss Listan is still engaged, only her fiance has changed. It shouldn't make much of a difference, right?" Alexander said lightheartedly into the mic. All the bright lights came back on again. Aurelia felt a sharp pinch on her waist. She looked back just to find Rachel hinting at her. Aurelia understood right away. Her legs moved and in the next second she was standing next to Alexander. They looked like a pair. That's what she heard someone whisper. Wide emerald eyes took a quick glance at the guest and, as expected, found them to be gawking at her and Alexander. It should be mostly Alexander. After all, nobody expected him to show up, let alone ask Aurelia to be his fiance in such a situation. As far as Aurelia knew, her father did not even have the opportunity to send an invite to him. How did he get in? Right when Aurelia's thoughts started to move in a certain direction, she put a stop to it. It was better not to think. Rachel told her to agree. Her father was happy and everyone else did not dare make jokes about her family anymore. If anything, Alexander was a saving grace. Aurelia just needed to know that much. She stood next to him with half gratitude and half obedient. Other than that, she was still just a puppet. It did not make a difference whether the man next to her was Cooper or Alexander. She did not know either of them. Her job was to stand next to him. The party went along as it should. A lot of time was wasted beforehand, so it was bound to end earlier than people wanted it to. Everyone wanted a piece of information and a chance to interact with a hard-to-encounter business icon. Aurelia found herself peeking at him multiple times. She thought he was too busy entertaining others to pay attention. Little did she know, the next time she peeked at him, instead of seeing his side profile, she happened to encounter those enchanting blue eyes. Seeing him smile knowingly, she looked away. "It's okay, you can look." Aurelia was clueless about a lot of things. She had no idea how to interact with some people. Her post as a fianceè in his life was uncertain. She did not understand how they happened to go from strangers to being engaged in the matter of an evening. However, the most basic knowledge and Rachel's instructions told him to talk to him. Earlier, Rachel told her to make sure they interacted. Aurelia searched her head for something to say. Hence, she blurted out the first thing she could come up with. "Mr Weston, do you like dragons?" "I was obsessed with them until the age of five. Why?" "Protecting treasures is a trait of dragons," Aurelia stated. "It is for humans as well. We don't want to loose what we cherish. What we consider a treasure varies for every individual." "Oh." Aurelia had done her part of talking. That should be enough interaction, right? Aurelia stood next to Alexander in silence for a while, then she followed him to take a seat at the table that her family occupied. Still, people did not stop coming over to talk to Alexander. Aurelia habitually turned a deaf ear to their talk. She noticed that Alexander did not talk to anyone for more than a minute. It was either him turning them away or they would take the hint from his tone and leave on their own. The party gradually came to an end and the guests started to leave. Until the end, it was still difficult for everyone to understand what actually happened. The engagement party for Listan and Dishaw families changed into Listan and Weston families. Except the entire Weston family was not present. Only Alexander. The reporters would have to work overtime to come up with the most explosive headlines and equally jaw-dropping articles. However, at the moment, Aurelia's family were the most surprised. As soon as they found the chance, they surrounded Alexander. "Mr Weston, thank you for saving us from embarrassment tonight. But -" "We should sit down and talk properly," Alexander cut him off for the second time one evening. Victor could only nod. Alexander gave Aurelia a small smile and led Victor away to talk. Before leaving, Victor informed them to go back home as it was getting late. Aurelia's habitual quietness was not at all out of place as they drove back in the car. Zara and Rachel had nothing to say. They were consumed in their thoughts. As soon as they reached home, Zara threw her clutch on the sofa and screamed. Aurelia flinched. Her shoulders moved up to cover her neck and her feet stumbled back. "How?! What?! What the fuc*k?!" Zara screamed at the top of her lungs. She didn't care that the aggressive movements of her flying hands ruined the updo of her hair. Rachel was no better. Her way of expressing it was simply a bit less aggressive. Instead of screaming, she stared at the ground with absolute hate. Then, Rachel looked at Aurelia. Aurelia moved herself to the side to avoid getting caught in Zara's outburst. She still couldn't hide from Rachel's dagger-like eyes. "When did you meet Alexander Weston? Why didn't we know about this so-called admiration?!" Rachel snapped. Aurelia kept her eyes on the floor and answered, "I met him earlier in the day at the mall. I was waiting for Zara outside a store when we bumped into each other. He helped him with the bags that fell down." Zara laughed sarcastically, "Bumped into each other? You take us for fools?! He practically confessed his love for you in front of hundreds of guests and you say you met him this afternoon?!" Aurelia nodded, "Yes, it's true. You can ask him. I haven't seen him before." Rachel eyed her. "We will know for sure. Lies will be exposed sooner or later." While Aurelia was subjected to their interrogation, Victor was sweating under his clothes in front of Alexander. It was not easy to encounter someone from the Weston group on a normal day and here he was having a face-to-face talk with Alexander himself. It was truly a pie falling from the sky for free. Victor thought his luck was in the negative when Cooper and his family did not show up for the engagement party. It already took a lot out of him to beg them for this cooperation, but they backed out like that at the last minute. It was humiliating, to say the least.
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