Chapter Six

836 Words
I'm constantly in pain.  Not a grueling and gut wrenching pain. Not in pain from wounds. But theres dull ache that resides behind my heart. So deep in my chest.  I can't let anybody know. I can't tell them. They will all want to leave. I know Marcus. I know Robert and Aspen and Evaline. They won't feel safe. And they will force us to leave. Move away. Again.  I'm too selfish to move and risk my chances with Hanna. Of what could become.  I'm too selfish.  ^ Marcus has called me into the office. Before the rest of us had moved into the estate, Carmella told me no one used this room. Of course Marcus would claim it for his own. He likes his leadership tools. He likes being official.  Jerak and Robert were also here. Hungover, per usual. And I was in pain.  Suck it up, quit bitching.  I swallowed and tried as hard to pay attention as the drunkards to my left were. Marcus pushes up his sleeves and reaches under the old mahogany desk. Starts stacking wads of money onto the desk. I immediately sit up in my chair and lean in. The others followed in suit.  With a sigh, he begins. "Carmella owes ten grand." Holy. s**t.  "What kind of landowner charges ten grand?" Jerak demands and runs his fingers over the stacks.  Marcus shakes his head and crosses his arms. "She's extremely vague on details. I only know that this, " he waves his hand over the wads of cash, "is due very soon. Directions as to where we will leave the money will be acquired the night the money is due." "How ominous," I muse sardonically and rest my arms against the chair.  "Exactly what I was thinking," Marcus adds seriously.  "Yeah," Robert counters hesitantly. "I'm not so sure about this one."  My confusion bubbles to the surface. "What does Carmella think about this?" Ten grand? I mean, I know this pack has a hefty inheritance, but that seems a little ridiculous. Rent for the house and the land was probably expensive...but why this expensive?  "She gave me the notice," Marcus reaches into his back pocket and pulls out an envelope. Opens it and pulls out a folded piece of paper. Opens that to. "To Carmella Rohan, the collection of ten thousand dollars will be set and due on the 23 of February without exception or second notice. Your fee covers the following: use of the estate, use of twenty acres surrounding the estate. Failure to provide the ten thousand dollar fee will result in immediate removal from the premises."  Robert growls and snatches the paper from Marcus' hands. "Let me see that."  He reads over the lines. "Immediate removal my ass."  "So, we are handling this now?" I question.  "I think that's the wisest decision, yes. Carmella thinks I volunteered because it's my duty as Alpha but this just doesn't seem right to me."  "How has Carmella handled this for so long?" Jerak pipes in and slouches in his chair. The excitement from being in the presence of so much money has been replaced with apprehension.  Marcus takes his seat. "She was always instructed to bag the money and leave it in a certain spot in the woods."  I snort. "Again. Ominous."  "And she would find notices at the end of every month left on her door step. No return address and always typed."  "These people really know what they're doing, huh." Robert rolls his eyes and sets the notice back on the desk. "What about protecting ourselves from what's beyond our boundaries? A patrol would be a good idea."  Marcus lets what Jerak has said sink in for a moment. I know he will do whatever he needs to do in order to eliminate any threats against his pack (or mate).  Finally, "Yes. A patrol sounds best. At least until the debts are due."  "Which is in two days."  A sigh. "Oh, right."  Patrol? This might be my chance to see Hanna again. This time with a good excuse. "I'll take first patrol. Tonight?" Marcus looks up at me, a little surprised by my immediate offer. I react quickly though, to cover my unusual enthusiasm.  I point to Robert and Jerak. "Well, you still have a choice between these two hungover dip shits and yourself. But I know it's easier for me to take nights without it looking suspicious on your part. Evaline will be curious about it if you're the one leaving."  Damn, good thinking.  Marcus relents. "Sounds fine. Tonight." He then opens a drawer on his side of the desk, pulling out a map and sweeping the money aside. "Lets go over boundaries."  I know I'm supposed to stay on Carmella's side of the plentiful acres. I know I'm being selfish and keeping things from everyone- vital information about who exactly we're sharing this piece of property with. But at this point, my wolf will do anything to see Hanna.  Even trespass into hunter territory.
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