Chapter Seven

829 Words
I am amazed at how quickly I tracked her scent and located her exact position in the forest. Yes, I know, I shouldn't be here.  But a wolf who craves their mate is single minded to the point of reckless. Oh, hell. I was too reckless.  I couldn't turn around, not now. She was just a hundred feet away. So close. Her sweet scent filled my nostrils and overwhelmed my senses.  Her dark hair hung loose in a braid, a few wisps framed her perfect face. She wore leggings that hugged her slender thighs and hips.  She was speaking directly into a walkie- talkie. Her words were clipped and her tone was stern. She was all business when it came to her team of hunters.  Guilt seeped into me. Damn, I really shouldn't be keeping this from the pack. But what other choice do I have? I needed to protect my mate.  I need to protect my pack.  We were close to the falls where Hanna and I had first crossed paths. I could faintly hear the echo of heavy water against rock. It can't be even close to safe to be this far into hunter territory. The sane part of my burst through my train of thought; What was wrong with me?  Hanna made it extremely clear that I was not welcome near her or her team. I knew my boundaries and I knew the risks. Why was I so eager to turn my back on my common sense?  Because of Hanna.  Yeah, I'm f****d.  As the wind picks up, Hanna slowly closes her eyes and relaxes into the night air. She looks so at peace. A striking contrast to my experience with her.  Snap.  A twig breaks. Footsteps sound to Hanna's left. I'm immediately alerted and poised for action but my mate is the opposite. She's expecting someone.  A man emerges from the shadows. Not a man, a boy. He can't be more the fifteen...sixteen?  A lot younger than me.  Not that much younger than Hanna.  Her eyes meet his and a fond smile graces her lips. "Trace, hey."  His eyes light up but he settles on a casual smirk. "Hey, yourself."  Could his boner for Hanna be anymore obvious? I am exaggerating of course. I can't help it, the little fucker.  "What did the captain say?"  The boy shoves his hands in his pockets and tries to attempt a casual, cool stance. I stress the word...attempt.  "I'm your relief."  My left ass cheek, you're her relief. Hanna sighs and checks her watch. Rubs her forehead when she realizes the time. "No, it's okay. I've got this one."  Trace drops the smirk and swaps it for a concerned pout.  Gag me.  "You need rest, Han. You don't have to act so strong all the time."  I almost blow my cover in a burst of laughter. I did not know Hanna, but I could tell that her strength wasn't an act. I could also tell she preferred others to take note of that.  Her eyebrows furrow as she scoffs. "I'm not acting like anything, T."  Trace gives her a look and she turns her back on him, rolling her eyes. I can't help but feel pride in my fierce mate. She could recognize bullshit.  She had me worried there for a second.  "I, uh, would prefer to see this shift through."  I liked her tone. It said back off.  Trace bit his lip and looked at his shoes. "Is this about the collection?"  Hanna stiffened.   He continued, "Because I know how badly you've wanted this. But, you don't have to work your self to the bone because-"  Hanna whirls around and, even though her back is to me, I can imagine the deadly look she is giving him. I could practically smell the boy's fear as well as surprise.  "Do not bring The Collection into this, Trace. You know nothing about my work with the team."  You know nothing about me, I could practically hear the unsaid sentence radiating in the air. Though, she never pushed Trace to that point.  Trace held his hands up in a defensive manor, but I could tell by his face that he was scoffing at this entire encounter. He wasn't taking her seriously.  "Okay, Han. You're the boss."  I growled low in my throat. This mother fuc- "Just...leave. Okay? I'm sorry, but I want to do this on my own."  The awkward man-boy nods defeatedly. "Understood. See you later, gorgeous."  I clenched my jaw and dug my nails into the dirt forest floor. Thankfully, I didn't have to see the little buggers face for much longer. He disappeared into the shadows, where he had come from.  Thank God. Jesus almighty, I could kill that kid! Relief is evident on Hanna's face. Does this little s**t bother her often? If so... Snap.  Another twig broken.  Except this time, it was under my foot. Hanna turns toward my direction... and reaches for her gun.
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