Chapter 6-2

1154 Words

DeVore came fully awake to the echo of his sleep-spoken words and the fading thuds of Tim’s running feet. “Son of a s******s-ridden b***h!” He cussed himself for a f****d-up fool as he fought free of the tangled bedding and then ran out to the empty living area. Peering through the picture window, he paid no heed to the view he usually loved. Instead, he strained to catch a glimpse of the flying green Jeep Cherokee before it vanished around the hill. The junction of his drive with the highway, as well as the highway itself, were both out of sight. He’d have no way to know which way Tim had gone. A quick survey of the house including the room he’d assigned to Tim, a room which had seen little use so far, told him the other man had taken none of his stuff. Probably not even the anti-rejec

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