Chapter 3

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Hope pov The first person who became my friend was Beth, even though she was my friend I didn't like the way she treated me sometimes as she thought I was human but at that time I didn't think much about it as we were still kids. She didn't like me playing with other kids and when Olive and Faith would try to play with me she would get angry, I didn't think much about it and as she was my first friend ever as I had no friends before I didn't mind just playing with her. One day when we were ten I told her that I was a half dragon as my friend I thought she should know as my mom and dad didn't think it was a good idea to tell everyone I was a dragon shifter until they had more information. One day we went to play at the lake my mom had shown me it was one of her favorite places and it had become mine too so Beth and I would go there sometimes, after we swam and ate the food we had packed, we slept on the flat rock near by. I fell asleep and when I woke up Beth was gone, I sat there and waited as I didn't like leaving without her as I thought she might still be here somewhere but as time passed I became worried and as I was about to go and tell someone she was missing , some guards came to the clearing with a bleeding Beth and her mother came at me, it looked like she was about to strangle me but the guards stopped her. I was worried about Beth and when I tried to go to her she screamed and her mother started shouting “just let me k**l the little physco even with us here she still wants to k*%ll my daughter " I didn't understand what was going on and nobody explained it to me as they roughly dragged me to the pack house as I have now come to understand the only reason why they didn't beat me or throw me in the dangeon was because I was now the alpha's daughter. As we reached the pack house aunt Vanessa who is the female beta came out and demanded an explanation, my heart sank as Beth told everyone that I tried to kill her, she said I beat her and blew flames from my mouth and tried to burn her as I boasted that I was a dragon and she was inferior to me, even though uncle Brian and aunt Vanessa could trial these accusations they dicided to wait for my parents. My parents had traveled, they did that a lot, most of the time it was me and Blue but we had many Aunts and uncles and they looked after us. Aunt Vanessa took me and asked me what had happened, I told her my side of the story but she didn't understand why Beth would make baseless accusations as she was my friend and how she knew I was a half dragon as only a handful of people knew about it, I could tell a little part of her thought I was lying but she said she would wait for my parents and I was not allowed to leave my room on the alpha floor even for school. I spent an entire week in my suite it was nice but it felt like a prison non the less. When I first came Blue avoided me as much as possible and we barely talked it was usually when our parents asked him to be nice to me and I was his sister he was supposed to love me like any sibling should, I was always the one trying to make conversations and he would reply with one word answers and when our parents where not there he would not even bother with replying so I had given up. Our parents didn't think much of it as he never did anything to show them that he didn't like me. When Beth accused me the one person who believed her without asking questions and dicided I was guilty was Blue and for the first time since I started living here he took an interest in me and not in a good way, he started beating me or he would say mean things to me, he threatened me and said if I told he will make things worse for me as our parents where not here most of the time and they would not believe me. Blue was eleven only a year older than me so I thought I could fight back at first but he was very strong and I only made things worse, I later discovered he had already started training as he was to be the future alpha it was expected of him. My parents came a week later and they were told about the accusations Beth had made against me they dicided to have a private trial with me, Beth, her parents, the betas, Gammas and deltas and a few elders, my parents did not believe what Beth said but a trial had to be held as it would not seem fair to dismiss the issue because they believed me “we are here today because of the accusations Beth made against my daughter, to be honest with you I don't believe what Beth said , yes my daughter is half dragon but she doesn't have any dragon powers or traits and she smells like a human as you all know because even though she has dragon blood in her she is more human than dragon apart from that I know my daughter she is a kind and very nice girl who would not do anything like Beth says but I would not like to judge as all evidence points against my daughter and I will not be the one to pass judgment on this matter as it might be said I was favoring my child so today my wife and I would be just parents in this trial Beta Brian and Vanessa will be holding this trial
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