Chapter 5

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Hope's pov (the present) Olive and I went our separate ways in the hallway at school we had a few classes together, I waved her goodbye as we went our separate directions we only had three classes together after break. I went to my class hoping there would be no incidents, a lot of people waited till I was alone to bully me, I did try to stand up for myself when that happened but being bullied by your brother and future alpha didn't put odds exactly in my favor. Just like clock work a few minutes after I separated from olive, Beth and her three minions where blocking my way “if it isn't the outcast " she sneared “ I don't have time for this" I said as I tried to make my way around them, keyword tried, one of her minions pulled me by the back of my summer dress and I hit the lockers “ oh look at that little dragon is not so strong is she, maybe you should find your own kind huh and stop being an embarrassment to our alpha and Luna, how they adopted someone so weak is beyond me " she taunted “what are you doing with the reject " said Blue, I don't know where he came from but he was now putting his hand on Beth's shoulders after kissing her cheek “ come on babe let's go" he pulled her as he left "bye reject" said Beth as her minions echoed after her. I rubbed my now painful shoulder as I left for class, my first subject was history, I got in just a few minutes before our teacher, Faith was in this class so I sat beside her just as the teacher came in. The lesson flew by and after that I kind of wished it was break time already, the rest of the classes after history I was alone and people made a lot of jokes at my expense. I was not ashamed of myself or who I am but people have a way of making you feel insignificant and no matter how much I hide it, it is painful. I held my head high and pretended I was ok but in side I was hurt, ashamed and embarrassed it also didn't help that all my classes after history Beth was also in every one of them. I walked out quickly as the bell for lunch rang as I didn't want Beth to catch up with me, if I came out last most of the time she would be waiting for me with her friends and would push me on desks or walls, there are four of them and I wouldn't win if I try to fight them, even if I tell Olive and Faith it wouldn't help that much as I had a few classes with both of them and if I tell my parents they would ask Blue to look out for me which on it's own was a terrible idea so I kept quiet. We always ate outside on the lawn under a big tree, I'm not sure what the name of the tree is but we would sit on a fleece as we ate or do homework or just lie around, a few people also ate outside on the lawn mostly in small groups spaced out around the lawn. I was busy planning out what I wanted to make for my parents, Mary had said I could choose the dessert for dinner and I wanted to make cheese cake as it was my mum's favorite and since my dad liked strawberries I thought that would be the perfect dessert to welcome them from their trip. I got to skip training today and I was happy, I was not as strong or as fast as others so I was still in junior class and other kids my age mocked me as it was a class of twelve and thirteen year olds. After finishing my homework I went to the kitchen to make dessert and I got a few omegas to help me, I loved cooking so I hummed and did a little dance as I cooked and listened to music from my phone using earphones, it was also a way to avoid conversation with omegas my age, they didn't bully me but I wasn't taking any chances We were in the pack hall having a party to welcome my parents back, they didn't like to make a farce but a lot of people came to welcome them each time they came back and considering how big our pack was they had no choice but to accept the parties. When they had arrived I had hugged them and cried a lot as I had missed them, Blue had told them I had whined about how much I had missed them as he faked our closeness, I hadn't bothered to say anything as this wasn't the first time he had done it “ I'm just happy to be back home with my babies and supper supper happy my girl's birthday is in a few days" mum said happily, I was turning sixteen in eight days, Faith was four months older than me, she had turned sixteen earlier this year and mated to Orion which was weird to me as we saw him as our brother growing up but they said I wouldn't find it weird if I'm mated to someone I know. Olive, Orion and Blue are seventeen while Vicky the futer beta and Issac(Zeke) the future Gamma are twenty. Zeke and Vicky didn't know that Blue bullied me as they are older and didn't hang around in our circles even though they got on well with Blue and Orion. “I can't believe my little angel is turning sixteen already "chimed in dad “so Blue no mate yet" he said his attention now on Blue “ thankfully not yet " “a mate is a gift Blue look at everyone around your circle everyone who is mated is happy only you and Vicky are yet to be mated, we can't count Hope yet as dragons mate at eighteen" Olive was mated to Zeke even though they didn't hang around each other that much as Zeke spent most of his time at college but tried to be with Olive as much as possible, they had mated last year when Zeke was home for spring break and we didn't see Olive that much until spring break was over, it sounded little convenient for the kids to be mated with each other but our parents were happy with it. “If I was you I wouldn't be too quick to say it's a gift dad, do you ever think of the kind of pups Faith and Orion are going to give birth to when they finally want to have kids? Orion is half vimpire while faith is half witch I mean..... " mum cut him off “ what's wrong with you Blue not only is Orion your friend he is your future delta how can you be so careless with your words" you could hear the disappointment in her words "I'm sorry" he scratched the back of his head as he said it, the party was a success and soon everyone was bidding each other good night as they left.
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