His Human Slave Girl

His Human Slave Girl


Abused girl escapes her slavery with the help of her mate who is the most dangerous alpha werewolf in the country. Will he help her discover a world she was previously unaware of or will he be the cause of further torment and abuse?

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Chapter 1 - Slave
"Here is you're food. Eat up, Slave, you know what tonight is." I heard as the food was thrown into my cell at me by one of the guards on duty watching us. Let me tell you a little bit about myself as I eat my peanut butter toast that I was given to eat today. I am 21 years old... I think. It's hard to keep track, but sometimes I will get curious and ask the new girls if they know what year or month it is; that is when we are allowed to talk to each other. I have long red hair that reaches my bottom and very fair skin. My cell is where I spend most of my time; it has steel bars that criss-cross that weave in and out of themselves with a small door on one side. The door has a small square hole at the bottom for the silver chain to go through. The chain is attached to the silver collar around my throat, and the other end attaches to a track on the ceiling. This prevents slaves from running away, we can only go where the collar and chain allow us to go. There is a towel on the side of my cell that I use to sleep, which I am grateful for. Not every slave has a towel. I got it as a reward for behaving. Every time I look at it, I can't help but smile. It took me a long time to earn my towel. I have three simple rules that I live by to make my life easier: Rule 1- Never make eye contact Rule 2- Don't make any noise to draw attention to myself Rule 3- Always obey. I am a slave to a master that owns a pleasure hotel. I've been almost everywhere in the hotel, except the top floors. Only the masters can go to the top floors. Below that is one floor of private rooms for our wealthier clients or people who stay long term. Most of our clients only stay for a couple of hours or maybe only one night. The next floor down is rooms for the guards to live in. Then below that is where the slaves stay. Then there is the lobby and gymnasium below us. The lobby has a front desk for the guests to check in and get directions for the area they are interested in and a room called the gym; it is dimly lit with only a few lights on the outer walls. Scattered throughout the room are whips, bars, hooks, gags, just about anything that masters could want or need to restrain or punish us slaves or use to have s*x with us. That's everything in the building above ground. Below the lobby holds the strip club, private rooms for private dances, a blood bank, and a room with a stage for auctions. "Alright, slaves, listen up!" one guard yells, immediately getting everyone's attention. I hurry off of my towel and immediately get into slave position. Slave position is the only acceptable position a slave like me can be in unless otherwise instructed by their master. Slave position is sitting with your feet under neither you shoulder-width apart, hands behind your neck finger's laced together with your forehead placed on the floor with your behind in the air. Newer slaves have to have their hands cuffed behind their necks until they learn to keep them there through their punishments. "I'm going to go around and give your assignments for tonight. Once I'm done, your cages will open, and you will report to the location IMMEDIATELY," the guard yelled as he entered the room with two other guards following behind him, each carrying a clipboard. They split up, and each walks down different rows of cages telling each slave girl where she will be working tonight. From the corner of my eye, I notice the girl in the cell next to me start to look up as the guard passes by her cell to give her the assignment. I want to say something to stop her, but I would just end up being punished as well. And I can't take that tonight. I already know tonight I am working at the blood bank. The hotel caters to a wide array of clientele. Human, werewolf, vampire, withes, just about every kind of creature you can think of. But not every slave is aware that some of the clients aren't human. Only about 20 of us know, and they alternate us through working the blood bank. The blood bank is where vampires can pay extra to have one of us to drink from. The slaves that are working the blood bank normally get treated a little bit better than the other slaves, meaning we get food the day of and the day after and a sweatshirt to wear the next day. The food ensures that we don't die from blood loss, and the sweatshirt is to hides the bite marks until they heal. The guards just don't want to train new people to work the blood bank. It's not because they care about us. "You, slave, are to meet your master in the strip club" a guard passes by my cell, giving my orders while kicking the door, making me flinch. Those orders are always code for the blood bank. They just can't say that out loud where other slaves might hear. ~~~~~~~~~~~ "On you're feet, Red." I hurry to my feet from the slave position as the vampire steps into the room, keeping my head bowed and eyes locked on the floor. "f**k, you're a hot little one, aren't you," he says as he steps closer to me. I can feel his eyes wander over my body. He lifts a hand and cups my breast. I don't move. He steps closer, using a finger to lift my chin up, and begins kissing my jaw then down my neck. He stops at my collar and lets out a moan, then continues kissing down my neck; one of his hands goes to my hair, pulling it causing me to tilt my head to one side. He leans in and sniffs where my vein is. By now, I'm sure his eyes are bright red. He moans and licks my neck. "You smell so good." Before I can even register what he says, his other hand inserts a finger into my bottom. I gasp, and my eyes go wide. "You like that? I bet you do, you little w***e?" He laughs a deep, evil laugh and begins slowly taking out his finger; before it's entirely out, he sinks his teeth in my neck and starts drinking. He takes his hand out of my hair and wraps it around my waist to steady me; the other hand, he raises to my breast and flicks my n****e. Feeding is a very erotic experience for vampires; most feedings at the blood bank are like this. Usually, feedings are followed by or during s*x. "Yummy. You are delicious." The vampire says as he withdraws his fangs. I am feeling a little lightheaded from the blood loss, but thankfully he hasn't taken too much. "Turn around and face the wall." I quickly do what he says. "Good slave. Now bend over and lay your hands flat against the wall." I do as he says again, refusing to make a sound but mentally preparing myself for what is about to happen. "Now, this is a view I could get used to," he says while leaning against my ear, so I feel his hot breath on my neck. Even though I am not as tightly bound as other slaves, in fact, I'm not even considered bound because all I have is my collar that never comes off, I still have full use of my arms and legs, but I know that a human-like me stands no chance against a vampire. And all the guards and my master all are vampires. In fact, master is next on my list of feedings, he is my last one for the night. He likes me when I am drained of both energy and blood. Master says he likes for the slaves to know that he is the one in charge of deciding whether we live or die, whether he drains us of the last of our blood or not. I hope tonight master has mercy for me. I hope master lets me live and lets me stay here; the other options are dying or being sold in tomorrow's auction. He never sold me before, but he always tells me he could sell me and make a lot of money. I don't want to be sold to another master. I've heard horror stories about other masters, and I don't think I would survive. Plus, I like it here. Master lets me have a towel so I don't sleep on the cold floor, and I get to wear a sweatshirt every couple of weeks. I only get punished when I don't obey. Master is good to me. I was so focused on worrying about pleasing my master I didn't even notice when this vampire was done with me. He zips up his jeans, and I resume slave position, waiting for Master to come, silently begging for mercy. I resume my slave position as the vampire leaves me alone in the room. I know Master could walk into the room at any second, and I have to be ready for him even if I have to wait hours. Master is a very busy man, but he visits the blood bank whenever fits into his busy schedule, which is another reason he makes sure that he is the last person to see us at the end of the night, so we don't waste hours waiting for him when there are other paying customers. He says that's just a sure-fire way to lose money. I don't really know what that means, but Master seems to care a lot about it. He hates losing money. Lots of things can cause him to lose money, mainly slaves misbehaving; that's why Master is so strict and punishes us, so we don't misbehave. It's nice of Master to take the time to teach us the proper way to behave. After only a few minutes of waiting, I hear the door open, followed by footsteps. "Mmmm, my pet. You smell so good. I can still smell your blood. I guess the last guy was a sloppy eater." Master gives a slight chuckle to himself then continues. "Stand up, Slave." I hurry to my feet with my head bowed, and eyes still fixed on the ground like a good slave. Good slaves don't get punished. I want to be a good slave. A moment passes of the master just looking at me. I then feel a cold hand reach my elbow then gently glide up to my neck. He pauses, then wraps his hand around my chin, lifting it. He then turns my head one way, then the other, then back again like he is looking for something. "You're getting old, my pet. What a shame. You were a good money maker too." He lets out a small sigh. "Looks like I'm going to have to sell you off before I start losing too much money on you-" "No, Master, I like it here," I say before my brain has even registered my mouth moving. I gasp, and my eyes go wide before I slap my hand over my mouth as I look at master to gauge his reaction. He just smiles. I messed up—big time. A slave is supposed to be seen, not heard. I get on the ground, knowing what comes next. I know the punishment for speaking out of turn. "Well, at least you still know that you will be punished for misbehaving. You know the drill, ten lashes for speaking to me without being told and 10 for looking me in the eye like you're my equal. You know the drill." Master says with a sick smile on his face. I heard his footsteps walking away, stopping, then his footsteps getting closer to me before stopping again. I remain in slave position waiting for what is to come next. "Move your hair to the side. I don't want it to provide any extra padding for you. I can't afford for you to lose you're training. That's one of the few reasons I haven't sold you already." I do as he says and move my hair out of the way pulling it over my shoulder and tucking it under my arm before wrapping that hand back around my neck, interlacing my fingers, preparing myself for what's about to come any second now. I hear the crack of the whip then feel the pain erupt across my back. I involuntarily let out a small whimper. "One. Thank you, Master. I will be a better slave for you, Master." I say, knowing that this is just the start of a long night. I hear the whip again, followed by the shooting pain across my back. "Two. Thank you, Master. I will be a better slave for you, Master." It continues like this for a while. Master then crowns on top of me, licking my now bleeding back. "Mmmm, good, my pet. You got me all hot now." He places his hands on both my hips pulling them upwards. I stay with my forehead against the ground as best I can, still trying to control my cries from the whipping while the sudden movement only seems to make everything burn worse. Master places a hand on my back between the shoulders, pushing down with the other hand on my hips, still pulling up. Stuck in this position, Master begins to thrust in and out of me while moaning. I only just feel Master's fangs start to graze my skin before I pass out from the pain. I barely register Master pulling the sweatshirt over my head before slipping into darkness yet again. "It's such a shame, my pet. You really were good for some fun while it lasted. But just like all humans, you're weak, and nobody is going to want you soon."

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