9: Demon Games

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Emma contentedly curled up in Bel's arms like she'd been there all her life and began to drift off. Bel gently rubbed her back, thinking of the many times he had held her when she hadn't even been aware of him yet. He wondered if she remembered those nights when something terrified her, something she had seen that she couldn't explain, when she was considered too old to be afraid of the things in the dark. Before she was aware that things she was afraid of were real. He would curl around her protectively like this, gently rubbing or patting her back until she fell asleep. Then he'd run the creatures off before returning to her side. He wondered if she remembered all the times she'd cried alone and thought no one was there to comfort her, but in truth, he was there. He would murmur to her and brush her hair away from her face. And sometimes she would answer him, and her tears would slow and stop, but she never knew why. He'd always been there. When she'd stopped telling people about the things she saw and heard. When she sought mental health help when her body betrayed her, but never had the guts to mention what she thought was her true craziness. When she'd looked the psychologist in the eyes and told him she was a monster, and Bel had laughed, and then nearly cried when he realized she meant it. He wanted to appear to her then-to show her what the true monsters were like, but she wasn't ready, and she hadn't invited him in yet. Bel ran his hand through Emma's hair and allowed his Form to shift back to human. "Don't." Emma murmured. "You don't have to do that for me. Whatever feels natural for you is fine." She yawned and snuggled into his chest. Bel felt his heart squeeze. Perhaps this girl could be the last of the Pact holders.. ------------------------------ Emma glared at the rain outside the library window. It's not that she hated rain-she loved it in fact, she just hated that it meant she was now stuck indoors with little to no clientele and whoever did come in was sure to bring wet books and soggy umbrellas. "Don't be so grumpy." Bel remarked from his place lounging on top of one of the bookshelves. "I swear if someone comes in and sees you there-" "No one can see me but you." Bel responded, waving a hand. One leg swinging freely off the edge of the shelf as Bel read a book. "Great, now it looks like I'm talking to myself." Emma complained bitterly, slamming a bunch of returns on a cart for reshelving. "You sort of are." Bel gripped her around the waist and placed his chin on her shoulder. Emma jumped. She was getting used to his sudden appearances and disappearances, but they were still startling. "Hey, why don't we lock the doors and go into the back?" Bel murmured lasciviously, rubbing his hips against her bottom. "Uh-no. Do you know how much trouble I'd be in if someone found out?" Emma replied, slamming another return on the cart after logging it back into the computer system. "Ok then, let's not lock the doors and go to the back." Bel cajoled, kissing her neck, his hip movements becoming more insistent. "Still no. How am I supposed to know when someone's in the library?" Emma answered curtly. "Me. I'll tell you. I would know." Bel replied. He nibbled her earlobe. "Yeah right-like you would." Emma snorted. "Well, I could always just do you here." Bel murmured. He slid one edge of her skirt up her thigh. "After all, you were so kind to wear this knee-length skirt today. Almost like you had me in mind when you picked it out." Bel purred. Emma blushed. Actually, she had sort of had him in mind.. Bel hummed as if plucking the thought from her head. He moved her hair aside and kissed the back of her neck. "Seriously Bel, I have word to do." Emma snapped, suppressing a shiver. "You can't be that hungry-this is all we do." She shoved him away. "It's all I dream about anymore." Emma wheeled the cart out into the library shelves. "You forget dear Emma, I waited all these years for you to acknowledge me. All twenty-eight I've been protecting you. Plus, do you know how many generations have gone by since someone's acknowledged me? Your great uncle, rest his soul, was the last one. I'm hungry." Bel trapped her against a bookshelf and kissed her deeply. She put a hand on his chest when he let her up for air. "Wait-great uncle? Which one was that?" Emma asked curiously. "Charlie." Bel purred, licking his lips while allowing his face to show delight. "He was delectable. "Charlie? Charlie, Charlie..." Emma tapped her lips. "Oh wait-is he the one that removed warts and things? Some of the family were SUPER impressed with him-thought he was touched by God or something." Emma laughed. "The others-well religious nuts, they thought he was possessed by the devil." Emma shrugged. "Well touched by A god perhaps, but yes, that's him. He did have some small talent for healing. I helped him develop it a little. Sadly, his skill was never more than enough to remove the odd unsightly blemish or give someone a boost in vitality. But it did wonders for our feeding sessions." Bel moaned. "This conversation is really weird. I'm kinda glad I never met the guy now, because I'm imagining sleeping with the same man my Great Uncle did." Emma frowned, pushing Bel away again so she could go back to work. Bel laughed lightly. "Who said I was a guy at that point?" He murmured next to her ear, kissing her. In the blink of an eye, he was laying on the top of the bookshelf again, leg swinging as Emma gaped at him incredulously. She shook her head and started reshelving books, knocking his foot out of the way when she reached a section his foot was swinging in front of. She sighed as she turned towards the staircase and Bel was suddenly there in front of her again. "Where do you think you're going?" He demanded roughly, gripping her arm. "To the elevator." She replied curtly, skirting him and pushing the cart to the small elevator beside the staircase. Bel grabbed her hand as she reached for the button. "No." He growled. "I have books to reshelve." She sighed. "No." The growl grew louder. "Then come with me." Emma remarked and Bel blinked. "It's too dangerous for you down there yet." Bel snarled. "I'm not going in the cage." Emma stated resolutely. Bel blinked again and his grip loosened. "Come with me. You can hold onto my shoulder the whole time if you're worried." Emma said as the elevator doors opened. Bel's grip loosened further, and she saw deliberation in his eyes. Time to sweeten the pot. "I'll even let you feed-privately, like in the lady's room-later. IF we still have no visitors, provided you let me do this." Emma said desperately. Bel's eyes flashed with open lust. "Fine." Bel growled and Emma gave an internal cheer. "But, I keep contact with you at. all. Times." Bel stated and Emma nodded. "And you don't go within ten feet of the cage." "But-" "Ten feet or no deal!" Bel growled." Emma cursed and crossed her arms. "Fine-but then you may have to help shelve some books." She snapped. "FINE! Then I expect two feedings before we go home." Bel roared. "One, and an intense make-out session." Emma countered, shoving the cart of books passed Bel before the elevator doors could close. He growled and trapped her against the elevator wall. "Agreed, but I get half payment now." Bel's snarl turned to a purr as the elevator doors closed and he brushed his lips across Emma's. Since he could feed on s****l energies, all he really had to do was awaken Emma's arousal, which he found, to his own incredible delight, was a very easy task to do. Emma moaned almost immediately and gripped his shirt. She pulled him close to her so she could more easily taste him, licking his lips to ask for admittance, which he happily allowed. Emma's tongue darted within his mouth, teasing his own and he barely stifled a grown of his own. He really did enjoy this latest Contract. So much. --------------------------- Emma glared at Bel as he complained about being hungry for at least the thirty-eighth time in the past two hours. She knew, because she'd started keeping tally after the first five or six. "What's Bel short for?" She interrupted him abruptly to distract him. "Like which Bel are you?" Emma had done some research, and some of the results had been.. disturbing.. to say the least. Bel was suddenly sitting on the counter in front of her. Considering the height of the counter, it put his groin right about chest-high to her, just within her line of sight, and she didn't miss the fact that his denims today were well fitted enough to blatantly show off his arousal. Again. Was there ever a time Bel wasn't aroused? Bel's long hair hung around Emma's face as he bent over her. "Why? Does it bother you?" He murmured next to her ear, kissing the lobe gently before taking part of it in his teeth. Emma shuddered, and for a moment she wondered which question he was responding to. "I was just curious.. about your name." Emma squeaked as Bel drew her closer to him so she could see his arousal increasing. "I told you I had many names." Bel teased. He trapped her between his thighs and she looked up at him helplessly. "Ok, ok, I'll feed you now." Emma caved. "Let me put the 'out to lunch' sign on the door and lock up." "Already done." Bel replied, trapping her against the long waist high bathroom sink counter top in the lady's restroom. "Wait-how did we-" Emma looked around, dazed. "Just a bit of my own skills at play. I also locked this door for your comfort." Bel chuckled, sliding her skirt up her thighs. "Oh, and next time Emma-don't try to beat a Demon at their own game."
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