8: Taken By A Demon R18+

1911 Words
Bel continued to growl as he advanced on Emma. "I can, but it will require a little extra preparation for your comfort." Bel responded. He gripped her shoulders tightly. Emma felt her lower abdomen clench. "Preparation? Like.. what, exactly?" She panted, feeling his arousal pressing against her as he lowered his head towards hers. "For me, some trimming of my nails and horns so you do not get scratched." He kissed her gently, his sharp teeth slid along her neck and she moaned. "Perhaps a mouth guard to prevent accidental bites." His teeth grazed her shoulder and she shook her head. "For you, some lubricant to help you accommodate me." He slid her shirt off her shoulder and licked her collarbone. "And lots, and lots of foreplay." Emma groaned. "And how long will all that take?" She didn't want to admit it, but she was getting very excited already, and she could feel her body responding as she let her hands slide below his waist. Bel let out a hiss as she gripped him and Emma tried to keep calm as she imagined taking his thick manhood into herself. "Your s****l energies are so strong right now I'm getting high off of them just being this close to you." Bel groaned. "I cannot wait to take you, little one. You had better unhand me before I'm forced to ignore my better judgement." Emma let out an unsatisfied moan. "Hurry.." She whined in the back of her throat and Bel's pupils slitted. "At once Mistress." Bel replied, disappearing from view. The troublesome spirit used the opportunity to try to sneak attack Emma now that Bel was out of the way. Emma waved a hand at it, and it felt itself being banished to its own realm with Emma being blissfully unaware of what she had done. Emma was too distracted by her own thoughts to care, she thought she'd take a shower.. and maybe change the bed sheets.. Did she have some nice, matching underwear? Her body tingled in anticipation. Emma ended up laying down on the fresh sheets in nothing but her towel, waiting for Bel's reappearance. After several long moments, during which she primped and preened, applied lotion, made sure her nails and teeth looked nice, fixed her hair, Bel had still not arrived. So Emma boredly scrolled social media on her phone, laying on her stomach on the bed until she fell asleep. A hand running down her bare spine woke her. At some point her towel must have come undone. "I'm sorry love, did I make you wait too long?" Purred Bel's voice in her ear. She stretched slightly and hummed. He chuckled, his fingers ghosting over her buttocks and slipping between her thighs. Emma rolled slightly away and murmured a complaint. "Oh no Emma, I have not gone through all this effort for you to sleep through this." Bel murmured, nibbling her ear. Emma whined slightly and cracked open her eyes with a small grin. "You took too long and now I'm sleepy-oh my God Bel!" Emma's jaw dropped and she sat up slowly to look around her room, which was now covered in flowers and candles. "You did this?" She asked, stunned, stretching out her hand to ruffle the light layer of petals on her bed. "Mmm." Bel hummed, crawling up behind her on the bed. "But-not that I don't appreciate it-because I love it-but, why?" Emma reached out to caress a spray of white lilies wound around the bed post. Bel gently turned her face to his. "No one has looked on my True Form with acceptance in a very long time." Bel responded, kissing her gently. His sharp teeth brushed her lower lip. "And none have looked on this form and accepted it with desire. I was.. touched." He ran a rough tongue over her lips. "I wanted this to be memorable." Bel's clawed hands trailed their blunted nails down her chest and across her breasts. She moaned slightly and let her head fall back, reveling in the sensation as he gently circled his nails over her. The rough tongue found its way to her neck and the sharp teeth scraped her flesh gently. "I'm afraid I couldn't find much to blunt my teeth. So we will have to be very careful." Bel murmured against her skin. "Or you could just bite me anyway. That would be interesting." Emma moaned. She wound her fingers in Bel's hair, but felt him withdraw. She whimpered slightly and looked at him. "You would want me to do that?" Bel asked incredulously. "I mean, it would be interesting to experience, but if it turns you off, don't worry about it." Emma blushed. Bel growled. "Emma, this Form is a s*x Demon. I very much would love to bite you. Hard. Many times. I just don't wish to harm you. It's my job not to harm you, as is our agreement." Bel replied, his voice gruff. "What if I ask you to be a little rough because I like it?" Emma asked curiously and Bel's growl intensified. "Then you had better be certain, and know when to tell me to stop." Bel warned and Emma bit her lip. "Bel, I don't want you to be gentle because you're afraid of hurting me. I want you to bite me if you feel like it. Just try not to do any serious damage and trust me to tell you when to stop. Does that sound fair?" Emma looked at Bel under her lashes. Bel began to growl halfway through her statement and the growl grew until it rumbled throughout the room. "I hope you know what you're asking for." Bel responded, the words cutting through the growl sharply. Emma gasped slightly and nodded. The thrill it was giving her was increasing her arousal. As if he could sense it, Bel pushed her down onto the bed. He hovered over her, slipping his fingers between her thighs as his mouth played with her lips and neck. He pinched the skin of her shoulder between his teeth and Emma gasped, arching slightly. He kissed his way downwards to hover between her thighs and his teeth brushed her clit. She thought she would lose control right then and there. She quickly reached out and grabbed for his hair, then slid her hands up Bel's horns. He let out a growl of approval as she held on while he moved against her, licking and teasing her until he finally plunged his tongue into her. The tingling started immediately and she moved against him, hips jerking in time with his ministrations. Bel growled and pinned her thighs in place. Emma cried out, desperate for more stimulation so she could get her release. Bel pulled away from her again with a snarl and she heard a bottle top pop before Bel's gentle fingers were back with her, coating her inside and out with a slick substance that caused a low heat to start to spread between he thighs. "Bel-what is that?!" Emma exclaimed, sitting up slightly as the heat intensified. She groaned. "I told you we'd need some lubricant to be safe. I just brought some with a little extra kick." Bel said wickedly. Emma groaned again and Bel suddenly flipped her over onto her stomach, drawing her hips into the air. She heard another bottle top and there was a pause, so she glanced over her shoulder to see Bel coating his manhood as well. As she had expected, he was not quite human, or at least not like any human she'd ever seen. He looked like something that belonged on a large animal, like a bull. She shuddered in anticipation. Women birthed children everyday, this was nothing. Bel parted her thighs further and with a tremble, Emma felt Bel press his arousal between her legs. "Emma, do you still wish to do this?" Bel murmured, placing a hand on the back of her neck to caress her gently. "Yes." She gasped and felt him press against her further. The slickness of the lubricant allowed him to slide into her easily and she moaned at the agonizingly slow pace he had set. She struggled, trying to join them together more quickly, her body pulsing and aching for release, but Bel held her still, swearing. "I'm trying to let your body adjust Emma!" He growled, but Emma groaned. She wanted to tell him she didn't need time to adjust anymore, her body NEEDED him so bad it hurt. So much that she had to have him NOW. She continued to writhe and Bel snarled, pulling her upright against him, simultaneously doing two things to her. First, it drove him further within her quickly, which made her cry out, and second, Bel snarled and sank his teeth into the place where her shoulder and neck met to subdue her, which made Emma scream. The pain and pleasure sent her body into a wave of release and she rocked her hips against Bel, while he held her body still against him, growling. When she'd calmed down a little, Bel parted her thighs further and let her experience even more of him. Emma arched backwards against Bel, he had removed his teeth from her shoulder, but there was a light trickle of blood he was busily licking away as his fingers flitted between her thighs to stimulate her to greater heights. She reached behind her to find Bel's hair. She wanted to kiss him, to see him, to touch him and he responded to that need, urgently kissing her, his tongue plunging within her mouth to tangle with her own. "Please Bel, I want to touch you more." She panted and Bel snarled, releasing her to allow her to collapse onto the bed in a heap. She rolled over as he hovered over her and she reached up to run her fingers through his hair and over his horns again. He'd blunted the ends for her. He moaned slightly and began kissing her again. She felt his thigh move between hers, nudging her legs apart to make space for him. Emma let her fingers wander over his back until they met the sturdy muscular protrusion of the first set of wings. They grew seamlessly from his shoulder blades, the flesh lightly feathered even on his back. He growled slightly and bit her lower lip as she ran her fingers under the feathers, curious to see if there would be flesh there or something else. She giggled slightly and let her hand glide along a wing. It arched with her touch, stretching out to meet her palm as Bel drove himself within her once more with a moan. She cried out and threw her legs around his hips, only to encounter the fluffy tail. Surprising her, it wrapped around her leg loosely, and she gasped. Bel didn't give her too much time to concentrate on that though, as he plunged his fingers between them, rubbing insistent circles on her clit until her whole body was tense as a spring and as Bel roared his release, she found hers too, shaking and shivering so hard she was certain her body would never stop. Bel laid their bodies gently on the bed, allowing Emma to ride out the rest of her release before withdrawing from her. He pulled her against his body and held her to him as her breathing and heartrate calmed.
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