Lost In My Thoughts

1273 Words
    I get back to Pops’ just as the sun starts to set. I bring my bike inside the store using the backdoor, hoping to slip past Pops before he has time to chew me out.       “Rose!”       I groan. I know I’m in the wrong but I really don’t wanna deal with a scolding right now. I think back to what Gale told me about just telling him to call her if he was upset.       “I know, I know, I should have been back ages ago. I got stuck taking a detour, I wasn’t able to get to Gale’s house for a while and then I spent some time talking to her on her request.” I call back. Poppy walks down the stairs from the living area above. He gives me that fatherly glare. Before he gets a chance I add, “My phone died, I would’ve called you.”     “Which detour did you take?” he demands. Gotta admit, I wasn’t expecting that question. It’s been so long since he’s asked which route I took.       “Um, I took Woods, it was the fastest-”       “Rose! What did I tell you about taking Woods!” Pops bellows. I understand his anger, but it doesn’t make this sting any less. “You should know better than most what happens when you wander into those parts of town. Did you forget?”     “No I didn’t forget my parents getting slaughtered if that's what you're asking!” I snap, surprised by the sudden warmth of tears against my cheeks.        Silence.       “Rose, I’m…”       I don’t give him the chance. I dart past him, quickly rubbing the tears from my face, ashamed to show any weakness. For a second I hear him come up the stairs after me but he stops.        Good, he doesn’t need to f**k this up any more.       It’s been a long time since I thought back to that night. The worst night of my life, even on top of some of the shitty nights at the orphanage. Despite it being so long ago, almost 20 years now, the terrifying images are burnt into my mind.      It had been raining I think, I don’t remember where or why my parents and I were in the Nightfall district. That had been the old name of the Werewolf, Vampire, and other Nightwalkers area of the city before infighting basically shattered it apart with only the Werewolves taking whatever scraps were left. There were puddles on the ground, that’s why I saw them first. I saw the eyes reflect in the water behind me as I ran to jump in one. Then there was searing pain and I was on the ground. I don’t really remember what happened next, but there was blood, lots of it. So much red. Then Screams. Howls. Growls. And then I was alone.      I shake myself out of my flashback, I can’t fall into the trap of reliving that because then I won’t be able to stop. All that matters is that was the night my life changed. That was the first time I met Poppy. Some part of me resents him for not adopting me right away, but that was before the Delivery Store, back when he was still working in the lumber yards. Not a good place to raise a kid, even if he had somehow been able to afford it. He didn’t have a real home, so neither could I. By the time he could take me in, I was already 16 and making my own life delivering mail. The rest is history, here I am, seven years later and only three years ago I finally convinced him to let me pay him rent.     I shake myself again, annoyed with myself. I don’t have time to look back, there’s only ahead. I go into my room, locking the door behind me. Sighing, I slide out of my jacket and top, letting them drop to the floor. I can pick them up tomorrow. As I empty my jean pockets, my hand rubs against the locket.       So smooth, even despite all the etching, is that from it being magical?       I pull it out, surprised as a slip of paper falls out with it. I reach down and pick up the paper, wondering what it reads. My brow furrows as I realize who it’s from.     “Sweetheart,” I read aloud, scoffing. “That damned asshole, did he slip this in my pocket while he... who cares?”     I’m about to toss it out, when that stupid voice in my head urges me to read it. I roll my eyes and unfold the paper. Inside is a smaller card, I move it to the side and read the letter.       Sweetheart, I hope you had as much fun as I’m sure I did. Don’t got much time to write this, after all, don’t wanna keep you waiting ;). Anyways thought you might like this little token to always remember me by, although I’m  pretty sure you won’t ever forget me,         XOXO, Shepard Blake       “Asshole.” I mutter, crumbing the paper up and tossing it into the trash. I look back to the smaller card. A freaking business card for the Wildflower. Of course. I’m about to throw it out as well, when something catches my eye on the back of it. “Huh?”          ...And if you’re reading this, I’m assuming you really don’t wanna forget me. Well “Red” if you ever need your “Wolf” just give a yell~       “His phone number?”       That was definitely not expected. I sigh, annoyed with his arrogant, cocky attitude. I hold it out above the trash can, but I just can’t let it go. I let out an annoyed groan.     “Fine, fine, Blake, I’ll play your little game you utter jerk. I’ll keep your god damned token for now but I will get rid of it if I don’t use it in the next week or if you don’t deliver,”     I shove the card in my wallet, grumbling all the while. The coolness of the metal medallion brings back my curiosity. I sit down on the bed, and gaze at it.      It’s small, only the size of a large coin. Thick in the middle, but thinner around the edges. I run my thumb across its surface again. Smooth, although it doesn’t look like it should be. Thousands of tiny etches are made over every surface. There are vines and flowers, stars, and phases of the moon all packed into the metal, winding round and round like a spiral coming to rest at a sun in the middle. As I stare I notice even smaller etches, runes of some sort, in languages I don’t recognize.      The nighttime light washes over it from through my window, and the necklace glows a soft purple hue, the runes shining a bright brilliant blue. I gasp, amazed by its beauty but quickly hide it under my pillow     “Majik,” I whisper. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen it before. The Witches are so overprotective of it, only those in the highest orders are allowed to practice or even see it. Common day magic is more familiar, but never comes in this color. Purple must be the color of the old magic- Majik.        If Gale gave this to me there must be a good reason. Could… could I have some ties to Majik?       The thought seems crazy, I’m just a normal human, born of Essence but not with the natural abilities to wield it. I can learn the simple forms of magic, but not much past a simple cleaning spell, and even that could take me years. In school, I didn’t even show up as having any magical potential.       Then why me?       So many questions whirl around in my head. A smile forms on my lips. Looks like tomorrow is gonna be another crazy day.
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