Of Medallions And Majik

1234 Words
    “Oh hello dearie!” Gale Donin greets as she opens the door for me. “You’re a lot later than usual Rose, what happened?”     “Um I uh, my usual route had a road out. I got a little lost while taking a shortcut over here,” I reply, trying my best to not think of the real reason I am running so late. “Here’s your package, hope it’s not too late.”     “Oh, don’t you worry about it Rosebud, I don’t mind. I got some tea that just finished brewing, you want a cup?” She laughs taking the package from me.     Gale is like a grandmother to me, always caring for me and baking me treats despite the fact I’m just a delivery girl. She makes me feel loved and important no matter how bad my day is. Especially when she calls me by her nickname for me. I hesitate, but decided to take her up on her offer. Poppy will just have to deal with the store himself.       “Ok, but you’ll have to deal with Pops when he asks what happened to his assistant,” I sigh with a smile.       “That silly boy better not be giving you any trouble, I’ll give him a piece of my mind if he’s overworking you dear. If I want you to spend time with me, then he’ll just have to deal with it! You tell him to give me a call if he gives you trouble, I’ll take care of it alright?”     I smile at Gale’s overprotectiveness. She knows better than anyone how nice Pops is to me, but she’d still box his ears in a heartbeat if given a reason. I can only imagine what she’d do to Shepard. Probably raise hell and get him run out of town if not worse. I laugh to myself at the thought as Gale ushers me into her living room.       “Something funny crossed your mind, hmm?” She asks.       “Yeah, it’s nothing. Do you want me to grab the tea?”       “No, no, no. You sit right there and rest your legs. You poor dear, riding around in circles all afternoon trying to get this silly package for me.” She huffs, wandering off to the kitchen. I plop down onto a couch, happy to give myself a break. Gale returns a second later with a little tray of tea. Graciously, I take a cup and smile at her.       “Now, how is my little Rosebud doing?”       “Oh, you know, the usual,” I reply, taking a sip of my tea. It’s perfectly warm, sweet, and citrusy, my favorite.     “Rose, you know I want more details than that,” Gale laughs, taking a seat across from me in her huge armchair. “Now, tell me everything that’s going on in Rose Cowells life.”       I sigh, and give her a smile. She’s always so persistent.       “Are you going to make an old woman guess? Have you finally found yourself a man? Is that why you're so coy today?” She teases, winking at me before I can answer. I almost choke on my drink.     “What! No! No, nothing like that!” I assure her, a pang of guilt rising from my gut. My mind briefly wanders back to the thought of Shepard, and my cheeks flush, both in anger and attraction. Quickly changing the subject I add, “I keep busy with my work, hang out with Crystal when I can, maybe go browse for more jackets, really, just the same stuff as always.”     Gale gives me a knowing smirk but thankfully doesn’t push it any farther. “Crystal, that’s the Dumonts girl right? Goodness, I can’t imagine what it must be like for her, having to clean up for seven men.”      “It’s more like four really, and besides she actually likes being their maid. She’s always been a huge neat-freak. I think she just really enjoys cleaning, not to mention they pay her super well and she’s got a discount at all their stores.” It’s true. Even as kids Crystal was always doing something, she never could sit still. And now she’s got a huge mansion to run around in and keep in peak shape. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen her without a smile now that she works for them.         “Well, if she enjoys it and is being treated well-” Gale trails off. “I suppose there’s no problem with it.”     “Crystal is practically Doc’s adopted daughter at this point. I wouldn’t be surprised if he leaves her part of the fortune when he passes away. Actually, I think I’m supposed to meet her tomorrow, it’s her day off,” I think aloud.     “Speaking of tomorrow, I wanted to ask you to come back,” this comes as a shock to me as she says it. Wondering what she could need I ask back, “What? Is there another package-”     “No, this is something… more sensitive,” Gale sighs. Her always cheery smile falls, and she takes a quiet sip from her tea. The mood in the room suddenly changes as her more layback attitude is replaced by a more somber one. Setting my tea down I ask, “Mrs. Donin, are you ok?”     She chuckles to herself. “Oh I’m alright dearie. There is just quite a lot on my mind at the moment. You see… I need you to do something for me.”          “Yeah, totally. No problem, what is it?”       “Rose, this is something a bit more delicate than I think you understand.” Gale pauses again and sighs. I feel a bit of uneasiness wash over me, something is definitely wrong. I sit up, giving her my full attention.     “For almost four milineia my family has guarded this,” she pulls out a small golden medallion. “It’s an ancient artifact, forged long ago back when Majik truly ruled unmatched over the lands. You were taught about that in school right? The Time of Majik?”     I nod. I had learned the tales of Essence and Majik, the two main forces that make up all fantasticals, and the entire world. Most creatures today came from the Rise of Essence; Werewolves, Vampires, Humans, even things as basic as Alchemy. But Majik, only a small few still exists from that time. Mainly the Witch Covens and Fae, but there had been older groups, now gone from time.      “Well, back when the Stories of Old were first documented, a group banded together to forge this necklace, and with it much of their power. They ruled for eons, until the strength of Majik began to wane, and Essence first took hold of the land. When that happened, this medallion fell dormant, waiting for the Time of Majik to return. I am afraid that that time is once again returning.”     “That’s amazing, but what does this have to do with me?” I ask. It’s a lot to take in, could the Time of Majik really be returning?     “That is why I want you to come back tomorrow, so I can explain in full. It is getting late Rosebud, and you must be back to Poppy’s before it’s dark. All you need to know for now is that this is yours now, and it is your solemn duty to protect it. Don’t lose that amulet. I wish you had gotten here earlier so I could explain more, but as is, come back tomorrow, 1:30 on the dot. I’d meet your friend afterwards if possible.” Gale orders. “Sorry, for dropping this on you so suddenly, dear.”       “I’ll do my best, I just hope you can answer all my questions tomorrow. I have a feeling I’m gonna have a lot.”       “As do I dear, as do I.”
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