Countdown to doomsday, I still have to go to work

635 Words
I won several games in a row and I was in a good mood. I put down the mouse, stretched my body, hummed a little tune, walked to the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator door, and a cool breeze hit me. I searched inside for a while and took out a box of my favorite ice cream. I tore open the wrapping paper and took a bite. The cool and refreshing feeling spread in my mouth instantly, making me sigh that living alone is so cool! Eat whatever you want, play whatever you want, no one controls you, and you are free. While eating ice cream, I walked back to the computer desk and prepared to play another game. However, at this time, I didn't notice that the heat wave in the outdoor air was surging like a surging tide, and a high temperature challenge was coming. The happy weekend passed quietly like the fine sand in my hand. In the new week, the working days came as scheduled, and a severe test followed. In the morning, I got up from the bed with sleepy eyes, washed up simply, and went to the garage. When I opened the car door, a sultry smell hit me in the face, as if I had entered a huge steamer. I sighed helplessly, started the car, and slowly drove out of the garage. Along the way, the sunlight outside the car window was particularly dazzling, and the asphalt road seemed to be melted. After arriving at the company parking lot, I just got off the car, and the hot air pressed towards me like an invisible wall, making me sweat all over in an instant. Sweat slid down my cheeks, and my clothes stuck tightly to my body, which made me very uncomfortable. I quickly picked up my bag and ran towards the company building as fast as I could. Along the way, my steps were hurried and my heartbeat accelerated involuntarily. When I finally rushed into the company gate and breathed the cold air of the air conditioner again, at that moment, I felt that I was alive again. It was as if I had returned to a cool oasis from the hot desert all of a sudden. The comfort was indescribable. I took a long breath, tidied up my sweat-soaked clothes and hair, and began to prepare for a day's work. This hot weather is really unbearable. On the way to work in the company, I saw people fainting from heat stroke from time to time. Once, I saw an old man staggering on the side of the road, and then slowly fell down. People around him quickly surrounded him, some called the emergency number, and some tried to use fans to fan the old man to cool him down. Another time, I saw a courier suddenly stop while delivering a package, holding on to his electric bike, looking pale and shaky. Fortunately, the shop owner next to him found him in time and helped him into the shop to rest. There are very few people working outdoors. The construction workers who are usually busy have all found a cool place to rest. The sanitation workers have also changed to work at night. The temperature is relatively lower at night, so they can complete their work more comfortably. I can't help but sigh that in such hot weather, everyone is trying to find ways to cope with it. Although life is difficult, people are still insisting on their jobs. Finally, under the gentle comfort of the air conditioner, I slowly started a new week of work. But this extremely hot weather, like a naughty little devil, wantonly teased my heartstrings, making my heart involuntarily become impetuous, as if there was a nameless fire burning faintly in my heart.
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