Day 20: Where she's sleep deprived

3416 Words

Day twenty. Where she's sleep deprived.  March 25 03:34 am     Caleb's hand rested on my back while the other one grabs the phone in my hand. I heard him mumble some words before pressing the end call button. Everything is getting blurry. All of my barriers are so damn close in breaking that I don't even know how to react to what my brother told me.      "Tami, breathe," Caleb softly instructed as he ran his hand down my spine.     I shook my head, "I-It's..."     "I know, I know," he pressed his forehead with mine as he breathes slowly, "But you need to calm down. You can't freak out, you might have some sort of panic attack."     "Get off me! It's my Mom!"     He sighed before placing both of his hand in my waist, pulling me closer to his body. I keep on pushing him away from me

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