Day 19: Where someone took his role

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Day nineteen. Where someone took his role.  March 24. 10:30 pm ✉ 19th. "Don't do that." "I'm not even doing anything." "I know. Stop doing nothing. Do something." I spoke, "Like what?" "Stay," she casually replied. Silence. "If I did stay, will you?" She laughed bitterly, "No." /end ✉     I ran another hand in my hair as I finished reading this letter. I've been working all day, trying all of my best to push all of my ideas of Yoongi in the side but alas, I failed. No matter what I do, little images of him would run in my mind. No matter where I look, I always think about what he would do if he was right here with me. Seeing this letter in my apartment just makes me remember that he's still out there.     But not on my side.     I'm acting like a clingy girlfriend and I h

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