2869 Words

CHAPTER FIVE Becca understood Caleb’s concern. She’d been worried, too, until she realized Gertie was faking her memory loss. Becca glanced at the house, biting back a smile. “I imagine your grandmother’s in a mad rush to get to the pantry for the ingredients for a Black Forest cake.” His eyes darkened to an emerald green. Make that the color of steamed broccoli. His mouth pinched at the corners. “What?” “Remember how you talked about your grandmother using ploys to get her way?” His gaze narrowed. “Yes.” “Gertie played both of us by pretending to be a forgetful granny.” “She wouldn’t.” “She just did.” It was all Becca could do not to bust out in a belly laugh. “You’d better work on your poker face or prepare for more of her antics since it worked.” “Huh?” “You not only stayed for

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