3040 Words

CHAPTER FOUR Caleb changed into shorts and a T-shirt. When he returned to the patio, china, crystal glasses, and a glass-blown vase filled with yellow and pink roses from the garden were on the table. Very feminine. Very much his grandmother. “You’ve gone all out.” “I enjoy having company.” With a beaming grin, Grams patted the seat next to her. “Sit and eat.” As Caleb sat, he stared at Becca. What was she doing here? He wanted to speak to Grams alone, to discuss Becca and his concerns about the so-called dog consultant and if she was exploiting his grandmother’s generosity. Sneaky scam artist or sweet dog lover? Becca seemed to be a contradiction, and that confused him. On their way to the kennel, he’d sensed a connection. Something he hadn’t felt in a couple of years. Not since Ca

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