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CHAPTER FOURTEEN On Saturday afternoon, Caleb drove through the entrance of a trailer park in Twin Falls. He wasn’t sure what to expect, but so far it seemed stereotypical. Single-wides, double-wides, and RVs filled the various lots. Cars and trucks were parked haphazardly on the narrow streets. Cats lounged in the sun while dogs barked at his vehicle. “Turn left at the Statue of Liberty. You can’t miss it,” Becca said. “I’m looking forward to meeting your parents.” She wrung her hands. “They can’t wait to meet you.” A six-foot replica of the Statue of Liberty stood like a sentry at an intersection. Nearby, two men with handlebar mustaches and tattooed arms eyed his sports car. An older woman sat in a rocking chair with a Chihuahua on her lap. Becca pointed out the windshield. “My pa

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