I am not a thing!

1210 Words
Her soup too flinched when her phone rang displaying non other than Ace's no. She flinched vulnerably. Her body turns numb, her mind and her heart stiffened. She licked her lips, with shivering hands. She slides the call to answer. What all she heard was his deep breaths. That made her heart skip beats. To which she bited her lowe her lip, waiting for him to speak up. "Stop that!" He gritted his teeths as he says in his gruffy and dominating voice that made her shiver thousand times in a single minute. "What?" That's all she could say. Her heart beated loud at his words. "Stop biting your lips, Hazel. That's mine thing" he spoke in his authoritative voice to which she couldn't think straight and slammed her phone to the nearest wall. The humiliation was not enough to get her irritated. She quickly ran to the washroom, washing her face numerous times. She tries her best to forget his words. She covered her ears with her own hands. "Stop it!! " she screamed loudly crying hysterically. She loud sobs echoed her room. She was at her lowest point. Crying and crying, she felt her breath hitched. Suddenly she heard a loud roaring of a bike. She knew this bike, maybe or may be not. Everything turns blur. Hazel had barely made it through the front door of her house before she felt a wave of dizziness wash over her. The day's events had taken a toll, and she stumbled towards her room, her vision blurring at the edges. She reached her bed and collapsed onto it, her body finally succumbing to the exhaustion and stress. The world faded to black around her. Meanwhile, Ace couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that had been gnawing at him since he left Hazel at school. Despite his outwardly confident demeanor, a part of him regretted the way he had handled things. He found himself pacing restlessly in his room, unable to focus on anything else. When he hadn't heard from her since their last encounter, a surge of possessiveness surged through him, and he decided to check on her. Arriving at Hazel's house, Ace noticed the front door was ajar. His heart pounded in his chest as he pushed it open and called out her name. There was no response. Anxiety clawed at him as he rushed through the house, finally finding her sprawled unconscious on her bed. Seeing her like this, so vulnerable and defenseless, made his blood boil with a possessive rage. He clenched his jaw, his hands forming fists at his sides. Without wasting another second, he quickly lifted her into his arms. Her small, fragile body seemed almost weightless against his broad chest. Ace carried Hazel to the bed and gently laid her down, brushing a few strands of hair away from her face. His heart ached at the sight of her pale complexion and shallow breathing. He couldn't stand seeing her like this. "Dammit, Hazel," he muttered under his breath, pulling out his phone. His hands trembled slightly as he dialed his personal doctor. "Dr. Collins, I need you here right now. It's Hazel. Something's wrong." He didn't even wait for a response before hanging up. His gaze returned to Hazel, and he sat on the edge of the bed, watching her intently. She was shivering, even in her unconscious state, and her breaths were coming in short, labored gasps. Ace reached out and caressed her cheek, his touch surprisingly gentle. "You're not allowed to be this scared of me," he whispered, his voice breaking slightly. "Not when I'm the one who should be protecting you." The minutes ticked by agonizingly slow, each second feeling like an eternity. Ace's mind raced with thoughts of what could be wrong, his possessiveness intensifying with each passing moment. He couldn't lose her—not when he had only just begun to realize how much she meant to him. Dr. Collins arrived swiftly, a professional efficiency in his movements. He took one look at Hazel and immediately set to work, checking her vitals and administering a mild sedative to stabilize her condition. Ace hovered nearby, his eyes never leaving Hazel's face. "She seems to have had a panic attack," Dr. Collins said finally, turning to Ace. "She's physically exhausted and mentally overwhelmed. She needs rest and calm." Ace nodded, barely processing the doctor's words. His focus was entirely on Hazel. He watched as her breathing gradually evened out, and the color began to return to her cheeks. The sight of her slowly recovering filled him with a fierce protectiveness. As Dr. Collins packed up his equipment, he placed a reassuring hand on Ace's shoulder. "She'll be alright, but she needs a safe environment. Keep an eye on her." "I will," Ace replied, his voice low and determined. "Thank you, Dr. Collins." After the doctor left, Ace settled into a chair next to Hazel's bed, refusing to leave her side. He reached out and took her hand in his, holding it firmly yet tenderly. He knew he had crossed a line, and he was determined to make it right. "You don't have to be afraid of me, Hazel," he murmured, his thumb tracing soothing circles on her palm. "I know I've been an i***t, but I swear, I'll protect you. From everything. Even from myself." Hours passed, and the night grew darker. Ace stayed vigilant, his eyes never leaving Hazel. She stirred occasionally, her face contorting with remnants of the fear and anxiety she had felt. Each time, Ace was there, whispering comforting words and gently stroking her hair until she calmed. When Hazel finally opened her eyes, she was greeted by the sight of Ace sitting beside her, his expression a mixture of relief and worry. She blinked, disoriented, and tried to sit up, but Ace gently pushed her back down. "Hey, take it easy," he said softly. "You need to rest." "Ace?" she whispered, her voice weak and confused. "What... what happened?" "You had a panic attack," he explained, his tone gentle. "But you're safe now. I'm here." Hazel's eyes filled with tears, and she looked away, embarrassed. "I... I'm sorry." "Don't be," Ace said firmly, his hand still holding hers. "I should be the one apologizing. I never meant to scare you, Hazel. I was just... I don't know what I was thinking. But I swear, I'll make it up to you." Hazel looked back at him, searching his eyes for sincerity. She saw the raw emotion there, the genuine concern, and something else—something deeper. For the first time, she saw past the confident facade to the person beneath. "Okay," she said quietly. "But no more pranks. No more games." Ace nodded, his grip on her hand tightening protectively. "No more games. I promise." As Hazel drifted back to sleep, Ace stayed by her side, his heart swelling with a fierce determination. He would protect her, cherish her, and never let anything hurt her again. She was his, and he would do whatever it took to prove it. He pecked her head lightly and waited until her aunt was back. Narrating the whole situation to her, he left making sure she takes a good care of her.
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