Whispers of rumours

908 Words
Hazel walked back to class with a determined stride, trying to ignore the lingering effects of her encounter with Ace. She took a deep breath, hoping to regain her composure, but as she entered the classroom, the whispers began. "There she is." "Did you hear what Ace said?" "Why would he be interested in her?" Hazel stiffened at the judgmental gazes of her classmates. She could feel their eyes on her, analyzing every move she made. Her stomach churned with a mix of anxiety and frustration. She quickly licked her lips and found her seat, hoping the attention would soon shift away from her. The teacher, Mrs. Thompson, looked up from her notes and continued with the lesson, but Hazel could see the curiosity in her eyes too. Even the authority figures couldn't completely mask their intrigue at the unfolding drama. Hazel tried to focus on the lesson, but her mind kept drifting back to Ace's words. "You caught my eye. You're different from the other girls." His voice echoed in her head, making it hard to concentrate on the quadratic equations Mrs. Thompson was explaining. From across the room, Hazel could feel Ace's gaze on her. She glanced up briefly and saw him watching her, a small, enigmatic smile playing on his lips. She quickly looked away, her heart pounding. What did he want from her? Why was he doing this? The class seemed to drag on forever. Hazel scribbled notes in her notebook, not really absorbing the information. All she could think about was how to navigate the next 15 days without becoming a complete spectacle. She had always prided herself on staying under the radar, focusing on her studies and avoiding unnecessary drama. Now, thanks to Ace, she was at the center of it. As the bell finally rang, signaling the end of the period, Hazel hurriedly packed her things, eager to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the classroom. But just as she stood up, Ace approached her, his tall frame casting a shadow over her desk. "Hey, Hazel," he said, his tone casual as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Hazel looked up at him, her expression guarded. "What do you want, Ace?" Ace shrugged, slipping his hands into his pockets. "Just wanted to see how you were holding up. You seemed a bit rattled earlier." Hazel narrowed her eyes. "You think? Maybe because you humiliated me in front of the entire school." Ace's smile faltered slightly. "I told you, it was just a joke. But I get it. I'll back off." Before Hazel could respond, the room filled with the chatter of students leaving for their next classes. She felt a wave of relief as Ace stepped back, giving her space to move. She grabbed her bag and quickly made her way out of the classroom, determined to avoid any further interaction with him. The hallway was bustling with students, and Hazel tried to blend into the crowd. She needed a moment to herself, away from the prying eyes and whispered rumors. She headed for the bathroom, hoping to find a quiet corner where she could regroup. Once inside, she leaned against the sink, taking deep breaths to calm herself. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, noting the tension in her eyes and the tight set of her jaw. She needed to stay strong, not let Ace or anyone else get to her. Just then, the bathroom door opened, and Hazel turned to see her friend Mia entering. Mia's eyes widened when she saw Hazel. "Hazel, are you okay?" Mia asked, rushing over. Hazel nodded, forcing a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... dealing with everything." Mia frowned. "I heard what happened. Ace is such a jerk. I can't believe he'd do something like that." "Neither can I," Hazel admitted. "But I don't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he's gotten to me." Mia hugged her. "You're strong, Hazel. Don't let him get under your skin. We'll get through this together, okay?" Hazel felt a surge of gratitude for her friend. "Thanks, Mia. I appreciate it." The rest of the day passed in a blur. Hazel kept her head down, focusing on her work and trying to ignore the whispers and stares. Every time she caught Ace looking at her, she felt a mix of anger and confusion. What was his game? Was he truly interested in her, or was this just another one of his twisted pranks? As the final bell rang and Hazel made her way home, she resolved to confront Ace directly the next time he approached her. She needed answers, and she wasn't going to let him toy with her emotions any longer. The next 15 days might be challenging, but Hazel was determined to face them head-on, with her head held high. Soon she reached her home. Throwing her bag somewhere in the corner. Throwing up herself on the bed, she sobbed at the whispers of rumours she heard about herself. She was feeling humiliation, self doubt and low. People were thinking low about her. She sniffer wiping her tears harshly, when her phone pinged with a message. "Your tears hurt, baby" was a message send to her and her eyes widened at the name. It was non other than Ace. She shivered at the end of the message baby! Was she reading right? Why was he behind her! What did he desire!
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